On The Fence About Manifestation? Let’s Look At The Benefits

12 min readFeb 23, 2024


If you’ve recently been introduced to the concept of manifestation, you might be interested in it but unsure of whether or not it actually works — and if you’re unsure of whether or not it actually works, you’re probably also wondering whether or not you should even waste your time with it.

I speak from experience when I say manifestation does work. There are hundreds of thousands of manifestation success stories just floating around the internet, waiting to be watched or read. And there is tons of scientific evidence to support the fact that manifestation does work.

But I’m not interested in convincing you to believe in manifestation. The purpose of this article is just to assure you that — even if you don’t fully believe in it — it’s, at the very least, not at all a waste of time.

There are a number of benefits that come along with starting your manifestation journey! Keep reading to find out what they are.

About the Benefits of Manifestation

Manifestation can be described as the act of utilizing positive thinking to attract positive outcomes. It can be described as a self-help practice that entails changing your mindset and energy to align with your desires. Manifestation can also be described as taking something from the 4D (Your imagination) and turning it into your 3D (Your current reality).

If you’re unfamiliar with terms like 3D and 4D, you may want to check out this article. If you’re already familiar with these terms, then you may already know that manifestation is all about receiving your desires — whether by changing your energy to attract the things you want or by simply embodying the state of the person who already has those things, depending on whether you follow LOA or LOASS.

But let’s say you’ve heard all about manifestation, and you think it’s too good to be true. You don’t believe anyone can manifest their desires just by thinking as if they already have them, change their circumstances just by saying affirmations, or create their dream life just by thinking positively.

I’d once again like to repeat that this article isn’t about changing your mind or forcing you to believe in something you don’t believe in. I can’t not point out the fact that manifestation does work, but that is the extent of my pushback on the matter. However, for those of you who would still like to try out manifestation but are worried about wasting your time for no good reason — or if you aren’t sure whether it’s worth it if it’ll produce ‘no’ results — I’m here to point out the many benefits of manifestation. Aside from receiving your desires, of course.

It’s not a waste of time by any means. There are tons of healthy habits and positive life changes that come along with practicing manifestation. In this article, we’ll be taking a look at just a few of them. So, keep reading if you’d like to find out the benefits of practicing manifestation!

Table of Contents

A New Hobby and Lifestyle

Me Time and Self-Care Routine

Increased Creativity



Positive Thinking

Improved Mental Wellbeing

Planning and organization

Increased Productivity

The Benefits of Manifestation

A New Hobby and Lifestyle

Some people consider manifestation to be a hobby of theirs. In their free time, they decide they want something, and then they manifest it, then rinse and repeat. How they choose to manifest also contributes to their hobby. Some people prefer having saturation sessions, others enjoy spending time visualizing their desires, and others prefer journaling, meditating, or creating actionable plans for how they can achieve their goals.

When you’re a busy adult with a full-time job, a family, and trying to juggle a social life, it can be difficult to dedicate time to deciding on a hobby, let alone actually having one. But manifestation is something you can do anywhere, at any time, which makes it a great choice of hobby for literally any and everyone.

Some people prefer to think of manifestation more as a lifestyle. When you commit yourself to manifesting your desires at all times, throughout the days, weeks, months, and years, it becomes a way of life — and a great one, at that.

Whether you’ve been searching for a new hobby or a new way of life, manifestation is a great option for you either way.

Me Time and Self-Care Routine

Manifestation is all about you and your desires. If you struggle with being selfish in your day-to-day life, constantly performing for other people, putting other people first, and thinking about what everyone else wants before what you want, then manifestation is a very harmless form of selfishness. It’s all about you and what you want, and rightfully so. Sure, you can manifest for other people, but you can also stick to manifesting your own desires.

Manifestation often entails taking the time to truly think about yourself, your life, and the things you want. As previously mentioned and soon to be discussed, things like journaling, planning, visualizing, and meditating often go hand-in-hand with manifestation. These are all great practices to incorporate into your self-care routine and ‘me’ time — even if you don’t have a whole lot of it.

Affirmations, for example, are another big part of manifestation. You can always choose to repeat your affirmations for as long as you’d like to, whether that’s for hours at a time, at random points throughout the day, or it can be done during the five minutes of free time you may have in your busy day. Either way, affirming is something you do for *you — *something to uplift yourself, change your self-deprecating thoughts, and change your circumstances.

When you’re manifesting something, there are tons of other things you can do that are not time-consuming or even mentally or physically demanding but that can produce great results and give you some much-needed quality time with yourself. This is part of the reason why I love manifesting so much. It gives me time to be with me and give me the tender care and undivided attention that I always give to everyone else.

Increased Creativity

Manifestation can increase your creative flow of energy and encourage you to think outside the box, see things from another perspective, and allow your imagination to run wild.

This is something most of us are forced to stop doing when we become adults — a lot of us have to spend the majority of our time thinking logically, being practical, and letting go of those ‘nonsensical,’ ‘silly,’ or ‘foolish’ thoughts that we were once allowed to express as children. As we get older, we’re made to feel ridiculous for dreaming, having too much hope, or imagining circumstances that seem ‘unlikely.’

When you start your manifestation journey, all that pent-up creativity and long-forgotten-about hope start bursting out at the seams again. And it’s fun. It’s fun to allow yourself to envision the things you want — and even more fun when you actually start to see them appearing in your life when you once thought it’d never be possible.

Three of the most common manifestation techniques are scripting, journaling, and visualization.

Scripting involves writing your desires or your desired life as if you already have it or have already lived it. If you’re unsure of what you want your life to look like, this is a great practice that can help you figure it out. If you already know what you want, it’s super fun to write — or type — what your life would be like with these desires and envision yourself living this dream life of yours. You can write your scripts out like a short story, a screenplay, a diary entry from the person who already has what you desire, or in any way that seems fun to you. Either way, your creative juices will be flowing while you’re scripting.

Similarly, journaling makes for a great creative outlet. You can practice scripting your dream life as well as venting about your current circumstances. You can get all the negative thoughts and feelings out on the page so you can stop retaining them inside your body, mind, and spirit. You can clutter the pages with your every thought and then go back and organize them later.

For those of you who’ve always enjoyed making art, you can make doodles that represent your thoughts, and you can draw, color, or paint in your journal. You can buy stickers or other materials for scrapbooking and express yourself that way as well. And one of the best things about your journal is that it can be as messy or as organized as you’d like it to be — it’s yours, so it’s up to you.

If you’re not comfortable having a physical journal where you write out your scripts or thoughts, you can always find one online or in the app store. I recommended a few journaling apps in my The Best Apps for Manifestation article, but if you already have an app or site in mind, I recommend you use it!

If scripting and journaling don’t particularly appeal to you, there’s always visualization. For some, visualization can be hard, which is why I provided this in-depth guide on how to visualize with the help of your senses and by asking questions. However, for those of you who spend much of your time daydreaming and imagining, visualization might come easy, and it’ll certainly be fun!

A lot of us were forced to stop daydreaming as we got older because we were taught that it was a bad thing. On the flip side, a lot of us tend to spend the majority of our time using our imaginations, but not in a good way.

We often end up thinking about all the dreadful ‘what ifs’ and imagining all the worst-case scenarios and every bad thing that could happen in the future. Instead of doing that, we could be spending more time allowing ourselves to imagine the better things in life.

The good what-ifs, the best-case scenarios, and how well a situation could turn out. How our less-than-favorable circumstances could change in an instant, and how our luck could change in the blink of an eye.

You could visualize your desires in great detail and allow yourself to imagine having them. Create your dream world and enjoy living in it for a healthy amount of time each day. And most importantly, allow yourself to believe that you could actually have everything you have in your 4D in the 3D as well — because you can.

Doing things like this can give you a creative outlet, which can satisfy your inner child and reconnect you with them.


Not much needs to be said about meditation. It’s widely known for being an incredibly beneficial practice. Meditation can reduce anxiety and stress and help you experience and process your emotions. It’s possible to achieve inner peace with meditation. It’s also scientifically proven to improve sleep, and it can enhance self-awareness as well as increase your attention span.

The list of benefits goes on and on, but the most important thing is that meditation is a practice that allows you to sit with yourself and just be for as little as a few minutes a day. This is very important for your mental health, but it’s often overlooked. I can’t stress enough how crucial it is to take some time for yourself every day, even if it’s just for five minutes.


Practicing gratitude is often a huge part of manifestation. It’s quite literally its own manifestation method — as seen in this article — and it’s super important, especially if you’re a spiritual person or follow LOA.

Even if you aren’t a spiritual person and don’t show gratitude to any spiritual beings — even if you don’t follow LOA and don’t believe in raising your vibration and attracting the energy you put out — practicing gratitude is still extremely important. Let’s face it: We all take the things we have for granted from time to time. Waking up every morning is something to be grateful for. Your friends, family, food, clothes, house, favorite books, movies, TV shows, artists, nature, and wins — both big and small — are all things you can be grateful for. But how often do you express your gratitude for these things?

Sometimes, we forget to show our appreciation to and for the things we have, especially when they’re things we’re used to. Taking a few minutes out of every day to think about or write down the things you’re grateful for is a great way to improve your mood, see the beauty in life, and bring a little more positivity into your daily routine.

Positive Thinking

Manifesting encourages positive behavioral changes as well as positive thinking.

When you manifest using the Law of Attraction, you’re often encouraged to do things that can raise your vibration so the energy you put out is overall positive, and therefore, you align with and attract positive outcomes. When you manifest using the Law of Assumption, you’re often encouraged to live in ‘the end’ — in the state of the wish fulfilled. AKA, you’re encouraged to embody the person who already has what you want, and you can do this by affirming, saturating, and persisting.

Again, if these phrases are new to you, I recommend checking out this article for a better understanding, but if you already know what they mean, then you already know how they encourage positive thinking.

Regardless of which law you follow, you’re always encouraged to think highly of yourself, see the value in yourself, believe in yourself, and show up for yourself. You’re encouraged to think of the best possible outcomes, realize that your circumstances can change for the better in an instant, and take the time to envision yourself living your best life. You’re encouraged to repeat and soak in your affirmations — which are always positive.

Doing these things can completely change your mind frame, the way you think about things, and the way you view life for the better.

Improved Mental Well-being

When you practice manifestation, it’s likely you’ll experience improved mental health and well-being all the way around. Practices that accompany manifestation, such as meditation and journaling, can lead to increased mental clarity. A clear mind can lead to enhanced self-awareness, increased focus, better sleep, stronger emotional intelligence and resilience, and increased feelings of happiness and self-fulfillment. All of this can lead to reduced stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression, as well as a higher sense of self-purpose.

Things like practicing gratitude and positive thinking, saying your affirmations, planning, and organizing can lead to an increase in overall positivity in your life. Knowing what your goals are and being determined to accomplish them can lead to an increase in motivation, productivity, and self-discipline, which may lead to enhanced problem-solving and decision-making skills.

As you accomplish your goals and start to see your desires becoming things that you actually have, you’ll start to feel an increase in self-confidence. Your newfound happiness and the removal of stress from your life could also lead to improved relationships with those closest to you.

Planning and Organization

Speaking of planning and organization, these are two wonderful benefits of manifestation. These two things often accompany manifestation because when we start truly thinking about what we want out of life, we’re often inspired to start planning how to make it happen! I know that visualizing makes me particularly ambitious because when I make vision boards that depict the kind of life I want to be living in the near future, I’m always super motivated to come up with an action plan to make it happen.

You can manifest without working hard alongside it if you want — if you want to manifest living life in easy mode and not having to lift a finger to get what you want, you can one hundred percent do that! But for a workaholic like me, I love making plans for how to go about getting what I want alongside manifesting just having it delivered right to my metaphorical doorstep.

Journaling helps me stay organized as well — whether that’s because I’m writing down to-do lists and action plans or merely because it helps me declutter my mind, sort through everything inside it, and organize the excess of information in a way that’s much easier for me to digest.

Increased Productivity

Finally, manifestation can lead to an increase in productivity for a large number of reasons.

When you’re able to live a more balanced lifestyle that allows you a creative outlet, some me-time, positive thinking, and a renewed sense of hope and belief in the positive outcomes that life can bring you, you tend to become much more motivated, inspired, and energized — and therefore, more productive.

The planning and organization that can come along with manifestation, of course, can lead to an increase in productivity, too.

Final Thoughts

You don’t have to start manifesting to do the things mentioned in this article, but it’s definitely worth noting that these things often accompany manifestation.

Therefore, practicing manifestation, more often than not, results in positive lifestyle changes and the development of practical, healthy habits that will benefit you and your mental health both immediately and in the long run. So, it’s not a waste of time in the least bit. I’d recommend giving it a try, and I’m willing to bet you’ll be shocked by the results you see once you do.

As always, thanks for reading, and please tell me about your favorite healthy habits that you may have picked up because of manifestation in the comments below!




A freelance content writer who has a passion for telling stories. Using Medium as my portfolio! LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tia-t-01a229224/