Common Manifestation Terms You Should Know When Manifesting Your Desires

26 min readFeb 23, 2024


You may have heard about manifestation, gained an interest in it, and found yourself falling down the rabbit hole of Twitter threads, Pinterest posts, TikTok tutorials, and YouTube videos surrounding the topic before you could even think about it. And somewhere along your journey, you may have realized that you don’t know what on Earth people are talking about in these posts most of the time. What’s a 3D? What do you mean I should be saturating? What does it mean to persist?

If you’ve been asking yourself these questions, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the most common manifestation terms you should know!

What Is Manifestation?

Firstly, if you’re just now finding out about manifestation, you may be asking yourself what it actually is. There’s no one way to answer this question, nor is there a right or wrong way.

Manifestation can be described as a self-help practice (within the self-growth and self-development realm) that entails changing your mindset and energy to align with your desires and attract the things you want.

It can be described as a method of changing your beliefs and embodying the state of the person who already has it in order to bring the things you want into your life. To put it simply, it is simply taking something from imagination and turning it into reality.

Is Manifestation Real? Does It work?

There are a lot of naysayers who don’t believe in manifestation and claim it’s a silly thing to believe in or that it doesn’t result in anything. I’m not particularly inclined to attempt changing their minds, but they are factually incorrect. If you’re struggling to believe that manifestation is a thing that produces results — or that it’s a thing at all — I highly recommend taking some time to listen to other people’s success stories. Hearing about the lives other people have managed to create for themselves and the things they’ve been able to transform from desires to wishes fulfilled is what helped me understand that manifestation is real. However, if that doesn’t seem like a very appealing route to you, you could always check out some videos, books, or academic essays on physics, the science behind manifestation, and why it works instead.


Today, we’ll be taking a look at just a few of the most common terms you’ll come across within manifestation spaces. These terms include:













Common Manifestation Terms You Should Know


Starting with an extremely common term, let’s talk about the 3D. When I was first introduced to manifestation, I was super confused about what people were referring to when they mentioned the 3D, but there’s actually a very simple explanation for it.

The 3D is just your current physical reality. The 3D is what you outwardly experience, but it’s directly impacted by what’s happening in the 4D.


The 4D is essentially your thoughts and imagination. Your inner world. The 4D is considered to be a realm in which your thoughts and emotions can create your 3D reality, and it’s thought to be the real reality.

Why Does The 3D and 4D Matter?

Before we move on to the other terms, let’s discuss the 3D and 4D a bit more.

You’ll notice when interacting with people in manifestation spaces that it’s often emphasized to pay attention only to the 4D and pay no mind to the 3D. But why?

To put it in the simplest terms, the 4D is your world. Your imagination. This is where everything you desire already is. Think of your 4D as your dream life — the one you’re trying to have in the 3D. In your 4D, maybe you’re rich and successful with your dream career, a big group of friends that you adore, a significant other who loves you, and everything else that you’ve ever wanted in life.

The 3D is said to be a neutral place. The ‘real’ world is not out to get you. It’s not inherently good or bad. The 3D is what you make it. The 3D tends to reflect what you believe in the 4D.

For example, if you spend all your free time thinking about how crappy your life is, imagining every horrible case scenario that could possibly happen to you, daydreaming about all the bad things that you assume and expect will occur in your life, feeding energy only to the worst thoughts…Your 3D will likely reflect that. If you believe bad things will happen, bad things will happen.

On the flip side, when you spend your time and energy thinking, imagining, and believing that good things will happen, good things tend to happen.

Some people don’t believe in this line of thinking as they don’t believe they — or their minds — have any power or control over what happens to them or around them. A lot of people have a victim mentality, and as a result, believe that they aren’t responsible — even in the least bit — for their circumstances. I would once again urge those people to read a book about quantum physics for a better understanding of the mind and how it works. That will give you a better understanding of why your thoughts — scientifically speaking — matter.

Now, let’s proceed!


To affirm is to simply tell yourself the new story.

By Google’s definition, affirming is to:

  1. State as a fact; assert strongly and publicly.
  2. Offer (someone) emotional support or encouragement.

When you hear people saying, “Affirm, Affirm, Affirm!” and you’re scratching your head wondering what in the world they mean by that, just know that they’re telling you to continue telling yourself the story that you desire to hear. They are telling you to repeat your affirmations.

And just what are affirmations?


Affirmations are a reminder. Affirmations are you affirming to yourself that the things you desire are already yours.

For example, let’s say you have three main desires. First and foremost, you want to be financially abundant. Second order of business, you want to be attractive. Last, you want your crush to like you back.

Let’s take a look at some affirmations that suit these desires.

1. I am financially abundant!
2. This is my best financial year yet!
3. My bank account is overflowing with money!
4. Money is always flowing into my life!
5. Every cent I spend comes back to me multiplied x ten!
6. I’m always attracting money. Money is so attracted to me!
7. I’m so happy now that I’m rich!
8. I get paid just for being alive!
9. I always have more money than I know what to do with!
10. Why do I always have so much money?

11. I’m literally so gorgeous!
12. My body is literally so perfect!
13. My skin is glowing today!
14. I’m so attractive!
15. Everyone is always telling me how attractive I am!
16. Why am I so perfect?
17. I’m so pretty!
18. Every day, I wake up looking even prettier!
19. My visual is insane! I am so stunning!
20. I love my appearance!

21. My crush has a crush on me, too!
22. I’m so happy now that my crush and I are dating!
23. My crush likes me just as much as I like them!
24. My crush has feelings for me!
25. I’m so grateful that my crush likes me back!
26. My crush has an even bigger crush on me!
27. My crush finally confessed their feelings for me!
28. My crush is so lucky I like them!
29. I’m so happy now that I’m going out on a date with my crush!
30. I’m so happy now that I’m in a relationship with my crush!

Once again, I repeat, to affirm is to simply tell yourself the new story. Your affirmations are just the new story. The new story is what you desire. What you desire is now yours. Why? Because you want it to be.

If you want to go on a beach trip during the summer, your affirmations should be something similar to, “I’m so happy I’m going on a beach trip this summer!” If you want to pass an exam, your affirmations should be something similar to, “I’ve passed my exam!” If you want your S/O to propose to you, your affirmations should be something similar to, “My S/O finally proposed!”

Affirmations are simple. They’re just you repeating what you desire until you — and your subconscious — understand that it is yours.

You don’t need overly complicated, fifty-word-long affirmations. They can be short, simple sentences that you can memorize and repeat over and over again and that feel natural to you. However, if you’d like to be more detailed with your affirmations, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that either, as long as your affirmations are well-suited to and resonate with you.

You can have as many or as few affirmations as you’d prefer. Some people like to have a whole list of affirmations to read through every day. Some prefer to stick with just 3–5, which they memorize and repeat as needed. There’s no wrong way to do it, but there are several different ways to go about repeating your affirmations.

You can repeat them aloud or in your head at any time. Staring into your own eyes in the mirror and repeating them is a powerful way to connect with your inner being and truly tap into your power. Although it may feel awkward at first, it will soon become a normal (and possibly favorite) part of your routine!

You can also just listen to affirmation tapes if you don’t feel like memorizing them and repeating them aloud. There are thousands of affirmation videos on YouTube, and you can take the time to go through a few and find the ones that resonate with you. Then, you can put the videos on in the background as you do whatever else! However, if you prefer more personalized affirmations that are one hundred percent relevant to you, you can always take the time to make your own affirmation tape.

A popular method for those who prefer to repeat just a few affirmations is using the ‘Parrot’ app. This is an app that allows you to record your affirmations in your own voice. You just have to record them once; then, you can play them on repeat for as long as you’d like. You can record as little or as many affirmations as you’d like, and you can listen to them while you sleep, do chores, drive, or anything else. I highly recommend this app because it’s simple and easy to use, and hearing your affirmations in your own voice is much more effective than hearing them in someone else’s. Check out 11 Of The Best Apps for Manifestation here.

Finally, I’d like to say that you can play around with your affirmations by adding things like boosters and that there are some words you want to avoid when affirming.

Words like ‘Literally’ add emphasis to your affirmations — IE. I am literally so gorgeous; I am literally so popular; I am literally so successful; I am literally so loved — while words like ‘Already’ can act as additional confirmation — IE. I already aced my test, I already have my dream body, and I’m already so abundant.

‘I know for a fact’ and ‘Because I said so’ are also good confirmation phrases to help boost your affirmations. ‘I know for a fact that I got the job,’ ‘I know for a fact that I got a raise,’ ‘I got the job because I said so,’ ‘I got that raise because I said so.’

I personally like to be sassy, if not a little bratty, with my inner voice. And if you’re someone who struggles with self-doubt or a mind that tries to tell you that you actually don’t have insert the thing you’ve been affirming you have, these are great phrases to subtly tell that nagging, negative, disbelieving voice in the back of your mind to shut the hell up. You do have your desires. Why? Because you know it for a fact and because you said so. No further explanation needed.

On the flip side, try to avoid phrases such as never, don’t, going to, will, hope, wish, etc. These can have a subtle negative connotation, and you want to keep things as positive as possible.

Instead of saying, ‘I never have bad dreams,’ say, ‘I always have good dreams.’ Instead of saying, ‘I don’t have any debt,’ say something like, ‘I have so much money that I paid off all my debts.’

And the goal is to live in the end — which we’ll touch on in another article, but for now, just know that it means to live in the state of the wish fulfilled. This means you should know that you’re not ‘in the process’ of ‘trying to’ manifest. Trying is not doing. Trying is trying, and doing is doing. You don’t want to be trying. You want to be doing. You don’t want to be living your desired life in the future — the future never comes. You want to be living your desired life in the present; The present is always here. You are not ‘going to’ get rich. You are rich. You ‘will’ not get a car. You’re getting a car. Today. You have gotten a car. Yesterday. You do not ‘hope’ or ‘wish’ that your crush will like you back. Your crush likes you back. You just found out that your crush likes you back.

Words that imply something will happen in the future — rather than that it’s happened now — are a no-no. Words that imply it’s happening in the present tense or even that it’s already happened (past tense) are the way to go. These words keep you living in the end rather than constantly wishing for a future that’ll never come because you are always living in the present.

And one last personal no-no is ‘you are’ affirmations. Some people like them, and that’s totally fine. However, in my opinion, they’re much less effective than ‘I am’ affirmations. Instead of looking at yourself in the mirror and saying things like, ‘You are loved,’ ‘You are so precious,’ and ‘You are so smart,’ say ‘I am loved,’ ‘I am so precious,’ ‘I am so smart.’ This closes the distance between you and the person you’re talking about (also you) and makes it easier for your subconscious to be impressed.


Detaching is most commonly talked about in the LOA, which we’ll discuss next.

To detach from something simply means to disengage.

Think about a blanket, a teddy bear, a movie, a celebrity, a song, a food, or anything else that you were obsessed with when you were a child. If someone took your teddy bear, you would throw a fit. If you couldn’t find your blanket, you would throw a fit. If someone changed the channel when you were watching your movie or the station when you were listening to your song, you’d throw a fit because you were extremely attached to these things.

Now, fast forward to the current day. When was the last time you even saw that teddy bear? Maybe you gave away that blanket. You probably can’t even remember the last time you saw that movie or heard that song. You probably forgot all about the celebrity you used to be such a big fan of. If you came across these things tomorrow, you’d probably be very happy or excited to see them, but you’re not stressing over them today.

That’s because you’re detached from these things now. And in LOA, the idea of detaching is similar. Instead of obsessing over an outcome — Will I get it? When is it going to come? Where is it? — you want to detach from it and surrender to whatever outcome occurs. It’s thought that when you detach, your manifestations come to you much easier and in the way they’re meant to.


LOA stands for Law Of Attraction. When you’re first getting into manifestation, it’s likely that this is the method you’ll hear the most about. The Law Of Attraction states that a person attracts what they think and what they believe. To put it simply, in LOA, it’s believed that the energy you put out is the energy you receive. Positive attracts positive, negative attracts negative. This is why, in LOA, a heavy emphasis is placed on changing your mindset and working to become a more positive thinker in order to attract more positive outcomes. It’s all about changing your vibration and energetic frequency to match the energy of that which you desire.

If you want to have kind-hearted, trustworthy, respectful, successful friends, you’re most likely not going to get them by being a cruel, sneaky, disrespectful, ‘going nowhere’ kind of person, are you? If you want to find extroverted, party-animal, sex-obsessed friends, are you really expecting to find them if your main hangout spot is a library full of individuals with purity rings on?

LOA says that you must, at the absolute very least, partially align with what you desire.

In the LOA, you are encouraged to get rid of as much negativity in your life as possible to make room for more positivity. Doing things like meditating, journaling, and expressing your gratitude daily — for even the simplest things — are just a few ways one can attract more positive energy while lessening negative energy. Speaking of which, if you want to know more about the benefits of manifesting, you can read this article.

Finally, LOA also places more emphasis on outside forces, such as God, The Universe, Spirit Guides, ETC.


LOASS stands for Law Of Assumption. LOASS, like LOA, also encourages positive thinking, but in a different way. In LOA, it is believed that you manifest your desires by aligning with them, and usually, you align with them by changing your frequency and becoming a more positive being in order to attract them. In LOASS, it’s not about attracting the things you desire, but rather, assuming that your desires belong to you. It’s already yours, just because.

LOASS states that whatever you assume becomes your reality. If you assume it’s raining tomorrow, then it will simply rain tomorrow. If you assume you’re finding a thousand dollars tomorrow, then you will simply find a thousand dollars tomorrow. Just as long as you embody the feeling of someone who already has it, it’s yours; you’re getting it, and it’s done. End of discussion.

LOASS, unlike LOA, is not about raising your vibration and matching energies with the things you desire. Less emphasis is placed on believing in things like your affirmations, too. LOA encourages you to truly believe that you are everything your affirmations say you are. If you affirm, ‘I am gorgeous,’ or ‘I am a money magnet,’ you should be trying your best to believe that and match energies with it. In LOASS, you can have those same affirmations, but the belief is that you don’t need to believe them or ‘align’ with them. You just need to repeat them over and over again until they impress your subconscious and become your new story. You just need to repeat them so many times that you’re incapable of thinking otherwise.

Unlike the Law Of Attraction, The Law Of Assumption places emphasis on ‘self.’ In LOASS, it is widely believed that everything comes from you. You have all the power, and you are the one who brings change into your life. You are God. You are the creator of everything. While LOA states that people have their own free will, LOASS states that you are in control of everyone and everything in your life because everyone and everything is merely an extension of you and your imagination.

In LOA, detaching is a big part of manifesting as you’re encouraged to let your guides, God, the Universe, or whatever you believe in do their job, which is to bring your desires to you when and how they see fit. The belief is that the higher powers know better than you, and your job is simply to tell them what you want and then trust them to bring it to you in the best way possible. In LOASS, it’s not about detaching from what you’re manifesting. It’s about living in the end — where you’ve already got your manifestation.

So, Which Is Better, and Which One Is For Me?

Before we move on to the other terms, we should probably discuss the elephant in the room. With LOA and LOASS having so many conflicting beliefs, you might be wondering which is the better law and which one you should be going by.

I have a few unpopular opinions, but I’m not afraid to express them.

  1. Neither is better than the other.
  2. You don’t have to pick if you don’t want to.
  3. They are more similar to each other than either side wants to admit.

Both LOA and LOASS have dedicated communities. Each thinks they’re better than the other, that their law is the real law, the other one is completely nonsensical, and that their belief system is superior. Both are incorrect.

First and foremost, the more you read, the more you realize they’re extremely similar with just a few key differences. Same principles, different deliveries. Same destination, slightly different paths to get there.

Let’s take a look at a few of their key differences.


  • More about positivity, growth, mindset
  • More religious or spiritual aspects
  • More of the power is placed outside of one’s self


  • More practical
  • More science-based than spiritual
  • More of the power is placed within one’s self

Just by reading my extremely brief summary of the two laws — and trust me, there are many more differences that could be discussed, and we hardly even touched on all the similarities, but that could have become a 10k word eBook on its own, so I narrowed it down as much as possible — you’ve probably already noticed that you resonate with one more than the other. That’s fine.

The correct law to follow is the one that speaks to you. Do more research on both of them and decide which of them aligns with you. I wouldn’t write one off too soon, either. Even if you prefer one over the other, the other likely has some elements that’ll resonate with you, too. However, I’m not knocking anyone who knows which one they believe in and sticks strictly with it. (I’m only knocking those that bad-mouth the other law incessantly. Get a grip and get over yourself.) If one law just doesn’t resonate with you at all, there’s no problem with that. It’s all about what you connect with and what connects with you.

If you’re like me, there will be some aspects of each of them that completely resonate with you, and there will be some aspects of each of them that you don’t vibe with. In that case, you might find yourself taking certain aspects from each of them and applying them to your life and your situation as you see fit. This, in my opinion, is absolutely fine.

This is not The Outsiders, and it’s not the Socs VS the Greasers, people. You do not have to choose a side if you don’t want to, I promise. It’s literally just about getting the things you desire. Not which law is ‘better.’

Now, let’s continue.


Persisting means to ‘continue firmly or obstinately in an opinion or a course of action in spite of difficulty, opposition, or failure.’

In simpler terms, it means to just keep going, no matter what. Just keep swimming, as Dory would say.

Think of the tortoise and the hare. The hare was much faster than the tortoise and had every reason to believe he’d beat the tortoise in the race. The odds were in his favor, and they were stacked against the tortoise, whose circumstances weren’t favorable by any means. Yet, in the end, it was the tortoise who ended up winning the race. Why? Because he continued to persist. Even if he was much slower than the hare, he was still wise enough to keep going.

The tortoise could have assumed that he’d lose and given up early into the race, in which case, the hare would have eventually made it to the finish line and won. But instead, the tortoise decided to do the smart thing, which was ignoring his circumstances and persisting with determination while believing in himself and his ability to do what nobody thought he could.

The 3D is not your enemy. It is a neutral reflection of your beliefs. However, a lot of people feel ‘bullied’ by their 3D. They fear the 3D as it often shows them unfavorable circumstances and makes them think they can’t have the things they desire. Think of the 3D as the hare. Overly cocky and foolishly under the impression that it can easily defeat you. Think of yourself as the tortoise. You’ll come out victorious in the end because you know to keep persisting.

Example of persisting: If your biggest goal and dream is to have your own place to live, believe wholeheartedly that you already have it and that it has already happened for you. If the 3D shows you are not hearing back after submitting applications for apartments, getting rejected for mortgage loans, or not having enough money to move out, simply shake your head and say, ‘That’s not right,’ or ‘That’s not true. I’ve already manifested my own place.’

Although it’s important to remember that the 3D is not your enemy, I do sometimes like to think of the 3D as a mean magician who enjoys creating illusions for the sake of making you feel disoriented and masking the real truth. Think of those funhouses they have at carnivals with all the mirrors that make you look so different, depending on which one you look at. Some make you look super thin, while some make you look as round as an oompa loompa. Others make you look completely distorted, with your limbs twisted like pretzels. But in the end, your body never changed from its usual form despite the illusions, and when you walk out of the funhouse and take a look in a regular mirror, you’ll see that.

Do you start crying and panicking every time you enter one of those funhouses because you think your body has actually transformed into the image those mirrors portray? Or do you laugh at the silly and inaccurate display before calmly leaving the funhouse and moving on to the next carnival station?

Think of visiting a haunted house in October. They’re scary, yes, but do you think you’ll be trapped in it forever? Do you start freaking out because you think this is your life now? Do you think you’re doomed to live in this terrifying place for the rest of your life? Or do you know that you’ll be out of it in just a couple of minutes, away from the illusion of ghosts and monsters?

Don’t freak out because the 3D isn’t showing you what you want to see. Know that the 3D is neutral and that you already have what you want. And if it helps, think of the 3D as a mean trickster whose tricks will always be exposed for being phony.

Imagine this trickster is the one taking you on an unpleasant trip through a haunted house. He only has the time it takes to walk you through the house to convince you that his illusions are real, but of course, you know they aren’t, and the trip through the house won’t last forever. You know this isn’t reality. You know you’ll get to move past his illusions once you leave.

In conclusion, the truth — your desire — will always be revealed.

Just continue to persist.


Remember how we talked about affirming and affirmations earlier? Saturating is very closely related to them. When I started on my manifestation journey, something that confused me to no end was the word ‘saturating,’ and when people would rage about how great saturating was or how much time they’d spent saturating that day, I felt like a child left behind because I absolutely couldn’t understand what they meant by that. But it’s so simple.

Saturating is just continuously reminding yourself that you already have what you desire. Saturating is taking in the new story as much as possible, sitting with it, basking in it, living in it. Saturating is you taking the time to really embody the version of yourself who already has what you desire as much as you possibly can. You can do this by affirming, visualizing, or just thinking about your desires — again, as if you already have them. Because you do.

When I think of saturating, I think of saturation sessions. You can do ten-minute-long sessions, thirty-minute-long sessions, hour-long sessions, eight-hour-long sessions, or whatever suits you. During this session, all you have to do is connect with your desired self and your desired reality.

If your deepest desire is to have your own home and you decide to do an hour-long saturation session, then you’ll spend an hour thinking about your home, thinking about the person you’d be if you had your home (which you do!), thinking about your daily routine as a homeowner, etc. Visualizing your home — where it is, the way it looks, the things you do in it, the things you don’t allow in it. Repeating your affirmations — I am so happy now that I’ve moved into my own home. I love my new home. I’m so glad I finally moved into my own home — over and over again as you think about it and visualize it. You can script about it, journal about it, doodle elements of your dream home while you visualize it. You can browse online furniture stores while envisioning yourself moving into your new home, all while affirming that it’s yours now. Whatever works for you.

Master Manifesters Who Struggle To Visualize, Read This for an in-depth guide on how to visualize. Plus, here are 24 Manifestation Methods for New Master Manifesters to Consider in case you want to try one out during your next saturation session.

Saturation sessions are basically just you taking the time out of your busy day to focus on yourself and the things you desire. Allowing yourself to dedicate time and your full attention to interacting with the desires and the world that you want, which is something that I think a lot of us sometimes forget to do when we have such a busy schedule.

You can lay down, close your eyes, and let your imagination run amuck if you’d like to during your saturation session. You can stare at the wall for ten hours, only thinking about your desire that whole time while repeating your affirmations over and over again. Personally, I prefer and recommend taking the time to do nothing but sit with your imagination while saturating, but if that doesn’t sound appealing to you or if you’re exceptionally busy, that’s no problem either. You can saturate while deep-cleaning your house, working out at the gym, or running errands. Again, whatever works for you. Just make sure you allow yourself to dive deep inside your imagination and truly envision the things you want — And remember to think as if they’re already yours.


One final thing I’d like to note about saturation sessions is that there are some things you can do if you’re an ‘in-betweener.’ Maybe you have the free time to sit and focus on saturating without doing anything else, but you don’t like to sit still and stare at nothingness the whole time, might fall asleep if you do it with your eyes closed, and prefer to have something to do with your hands — but nothing that’ll distract you from saturating.

You’re just like me, my friend.

I like to use the ‘counter’ app, which is simple enough. You just tap the screen every time you repeat your affirmation, or if you like to loop a scene in your head over and over again, you can tap the screen after each time the scene plays out. The counter app is minimally distracting but does a great job of keeping me focused and engaged during my sessions. Plus, I like to challenge myself by refusing to stop my saturation session until I reach a certain number.

Again, you can check out 11 Of The Best Apps for Manifestation here, but if you don’t feel like downloading the app, you could always grab a pen and paper and tally your repetition up instead. This makes for a great visualization of how much ‘work’ you’ve done toward your saturation goal.


SC stands for ‘Self-Concept,’ and your self-concept is the way you view yourself, both outwardly and internally. Your self-concept isn’t just one concept but rather several concepts that you have about yourself in various areas of your life.

For example, you have a self-concept regarding your appearance, your relationships, and your abilities, just to name a few. You might think of yourself as a sexy, curvy woman, as a cute, nerdy boy, or as a plain and average-looking person. You might think of yourself as a great best friend, a horrible romantic partner, or a respectful child. You might think you’re a poor student, or that you’re excellent at your job, or that you’re great at playing sports, an awesome babysitter, a great gamer, a terrible cook…The list goes on.

Self-concept just refers to the way you view yourself. And it’s important to work on your self-concept because the higher it is, the easier it is for you to tap into your manifestation powers.

For example, if you see yourself as someone who is not good at manifesting and always takes a long time to manifest the things you want, it will be much more difficult for you to see your desired results. If you tell yourself enough times that you’re a master manifester who always manifests instantly, with ease, your subconscious will soon pick up on this new story, you will soon begin to truly believe it, and you will soon see that it’s true. You are a master manifester, and you do always manifest instantly, with ease.

If you see yourself as ugly, awkward, undesirable, unlovable, unsuccessful, etc, you open yourself up to others seeing you that way as well, and you attract people and circumstances that make you feel that way. You don’t have to think of yourself that way, and you don’t need to live in that story. Instead, you can choose to see yourself as beautiful, graceful, desirable, easy to love, and innately successful.

Of course, shifting your mindset is easier said than done (Unless you enjoy affirming and saturating and do it as often as possible, in which case, doing it is just as easy as saying you’re going to), but working on your self-concept is super important because when you think of yourself highly, it becomes much easier to understand that you deserve — and already have — your desires and are capable of achieving your goals, getting the things you want, and living the life you want, too.


SP simply stands for ‘Specific Person.’ If someone — such as a crush, a potential partner, an ex, a friend, a family member, or even a classmate or colleague — is the object of your desires or the main subject of your manifestations, they can be considered a special person. But most commonly, SP refers to a crush or a romantic partner that you’re manifesting.


Subliminals are basically the same thing as affirmations. The only difference is that subliminals play the affirmations at a volume and frequency that only your subconscious can hear and understand. Subliminals are great for people who would prefer to listen to calming music whenever they have the chance instead of listening to the same words repeated over and over again. You can find subliminals on YouTube that mix affirmations with waterfall, rain, wind, or meditation sounds and listen to them as much as your heart desires. You won’t hear the words of affirmation mixed in with these sounds, but your subconscious will, and that’s what actually matters.

Another benefit of not consciously hearing the words of affirmation is the lack of arguing you allow yourself to do with them. When you’re repeating affirmations like, ‘I’m so rich,’ ‘I’m so pretty,’ or ‘I’m so famous’ aloud, sometimes the negative and ‘logical’ voices in your head won’t allow you to believe them. You might find a small voice in the back of your head arguing, ‘No, I’m not,’ even as you’re trying your best to believe your affirmations wholeheartedly. When you listen to subliminals, you don’t have that problem as much. Your conscious isn’t picking up on the words, so it isn’t arguing with them either. The idea is that the subconscious is much more receptive and easier to impress than the conscious is.

If you tell your conscious to do something or think a certain way, most of the time, it isn’t going to blindly obey you. Usually, it will argue and put up a fight. Your subconscious, however, is always ready to say, ‘Yes!’ Tell your subconscious that you are gorgeous, and it will agree. Tell your subconscious that you are rich, and it will agree. Tell your subconscious that you are the luckiest person in the world, and it will blindly agree. Your subconscious is a yes man, which makes impressing it easy — as long as your conscious isn’t standing by, just waiting to point any ‘false’ information out.

So, subliminals are great, especially for those who struggle a bit more with believing their affirmations. However, keep in mind that you should be careful. You want to ensure you’re feeding your subconscious only the best information, so be selective with which subliminals you decide to listen to. Unfortunately, there are some people out there who might not have the best intentions. They could make subliminals with negative affirmations, post them on YouTube, and wait for vulnerable people to find them and listen to them regularly. I’d argue there aren’t many people out there who’d spend their time doing a thing like that, but you never know.

To make sure the subliminals you’re listening to are safe, make sure to do some research. Listen to subliminals from well-trusted channels with lots of positive comments from people with proven results. You can find a lot of discussions regarding subliminals and all the best and most trusted subliminal makers and channels on Reddit.

But the safest and most effective way to listen to a subliminal is to make your own. It’s the one way you can know for one thousand percent sure that you’re only allowing your subconscious to hear the things you want it to hear! You can also find tutorials about how to make them on Reddit and YouTube.

Final Thoughts

Manifestation can seem intimidating at first. For some, it’s a whole new world, a whole new way of thinking, and a whole new belief system. Some may struggle to believe that manifestation is real, while others may one hundred percent believe in it but still struggle with believing that they are capable of it. And it doesn’t help when you feel overwhelmed, lost, and caught up by even the most minor details, such as what certain terms even mean. I hope this article has provided at least a little clarity for you if that’s the case. Feel free to ask any questions you may have in the comments below! Thanks for reading!




A freelance content writer who has a passion for telling stories. Using Medium as my portfolio! LinkedIn here: