Tiny Homeworld Build 02 — Turanic Fleet

Francisco Duarte
4 min readFeb 12, 2024


So, as in the previous series, the Turanic become the second Homeworld fleet to have a complete fleet. Not that it would be too hard given that only a few official ships exist, leading me to again add a fan-made model to complete the roster. Like the prior Kadeshi fleet, this uses a board-game inspired deformed scale, that becoems smaller as the ships get bigger in order to make sizes and parts usage manageable, but makes small ships a bit too large compared to the larger ones.

I do agree that some people may not prefer this scale, but it produces results. Moreover, it may allow use to get through all factions as we approach the launch of Homeworld 3.

Now, going though the models themselves, I will point towards the post about fighter builds that I made a while ago. Even at this scale, fighters become so small that sometimes it’s better just to imply their presence and use colors to differenciate between factions. Hence why the Interceptor uses the already known model.

The Missile Frigate is also a known model. I used it before for a BattleTech dropship but curiously enough it was originally meant as a Turanic corvette when I started making models for FTL: Warfleets, before it was updated into Grimdark Future: Warfleets.

It is a very simple model that uses only three parts per ship and like the fighters I aggregate three models per base. I would use a 4x4 base instead of the one I used in the original instructions, however.

The light ship is an official one. During the campaigns of the original Homeworld but also the Cataclysm (Emergence) expansion the Raiders were known to use Ion Array Frigates. These seem to be ancient designs that were pressed into service the pirates to occupy the same niche of the Ion Cannon Frigates of other fleets. However, the Turanic technology uses a large array of panels to amplify the beam and make it into a worthy weapon. Nevertheless, this ship was rather fragile, so a cloacking device was added to it to make more survivable.

The model uses thirteen parts as it is rather complex, but it shouldn’t be hard to put together. A base and a transparent part for the engine plume are also added.

Like in the prior series, I added the Heavy Gun Cruiser to the Turanic lineup. This is not an official unit and it came up in conversation that it may be a bit too advanced-looking for the Turanics. However, after having added it to the prior series I think I would me amiss if I didn’t put it here too.

This model is quite easy to put together, using 23 parts. The original vesses boasts a powerful frontal gun array and broadsides, something I’ll try to emulate once I start making fleet listings.

Finally we have the iconic Attack Carrier. These massive ships were the core of Turanic raiding fleets. They were not only their advanced bases but also their homes, with the raiders living in every corner of their vast hulls.

Accordingly, the model takes 39 parts, being a bit more complex than the others while still being relatively small and easy to carry and manipulate. It took me several iterations to make it right and again I wouldn’t have been able to do it without the aid of ThatBroDad — check his Flikr page as I know you’ll find a lot of cool stuff there.

So now we have two fleets ready to go. As before, I would be amiss if I didn’t make some fleet listings for you to use them in your games. Given that Warfleets and Intercept Orbit are the games I know better I will make them for those systems (imagine how long it too me to find the 18 factions to equiparate the rather massive Warfleets roster), but if you have ideas to do the same for other systems let me know.

Such posts will come by sometime in the near future, so keep an eye on this place.

If you enjoy stuff like this would like to help me keep the lights on you can pay me a coffee or check the RPG work I’ve been publishing during the last years. You can also check my own original game systems and ideas.

Now go out there play games and enjoy your lives!



Francisco Duarte

I’m a sci-fi and fantasy author who wrote for several game IPs and penned “Heather: a kaiju novel.” You can buy me a coffee: ko-fi.com/metastablemachine