Homeworld Build 10 — Turanic Heavy Gun Cruiser

Francisco Duarte
3 min readSep 1, 2023


As stated before, I haven’t given up on my side projects, although the current circumstances in my life force me to invest less time than I would like to in these. Nevertheless, sometimes I like to post different things and this week I would like to return to warship builds for a change, and in doing so I would also like to return to the incredible Homeworld setting with the last ship for the Turanic faction — the Heavy Gun Cruiser.

Now, this is not a canon ship. It took inspiration from the Galaxy: FX mod for Homeworld: Remastered. This is because in the vanilla games the Turanic faction only sports the Attack Carrier and the Ion Array Frigate, along with the different corvette and interceptor designs. However, due to me taking inspiration from One Page Rules FTL: Warfleets game system to build these fleets, I needed a medium ship for this fleet.

I explored a lot, but in the end I couldn’t find anything that I could use for the role. Thus, I had to try something else. Like I did before, I went to the fans to try to find an answer.

I’d assume this vessel was conceived as a heavy escort for the Attack Carriers that make the core of the marauding Turanic fleets. While these giant ships and their accompanying Ion Frigates can cause heavy damage to any unwary transport and even isolated warships, organized enemy fleets can force them to turn back without gaining nothing for their effort.

Thus, when larger opposition is expected, the Turanic raiders bring forth these rare vessels to lay waste to enemy fleets. Covered in guns, the Heavy Gun Cruisers can put forth an impressive barrage. The main array is destructive enough, but there are also powerful broadside turrets and massive forward guns. The only weak point would be the back, but these ships would always enjoy corvette escort to defend their blind spots.

This is a rather simple build, using only 75 parts plus the base, which is a big decrease when compared to massive model that is the Turanic Carrier. With it, we now have the light, the medium and the heavy ships for the this faction. I can now make a fleet document and share how I envision it. That should happen in the near future for both the Turanics and the Kadeshi.

In the meanwhile I need to complete the other factions to eventually give them the same tratment.

If you enjoy my work, please leave me a tip in my Ko-fi account. It helps keep the lights on and invest in other projects, including original ones.

You can check my other gaming-related work here and here. As always, comments are welcome and help me get better at this and know what you people like to see from me. Now go out there play games and enjoy your lives.



Francisco Duarte

I’m a sci-fi and fantasy author who wrote for several game IPs and penned “Heather: a kaiju novel.” You can buy me a coffee: ko-fi.com/metastablemachine