Tiny Warship 08 — New Syrtis Carrier

Francisco Duarte
3 min readFeb 21, 2023


This wasn’t the post that I intended to make, but my next ‘Mech post wasn’t as good as I wanted it to be, so I decided to remake it and post something else in the meanwhile. So, I’m one step further into completing the Davion fleet for the Succession Wars era, this time by posting its heavy ship option.

Developed after the Davion Civil War, the New Syrtis was a large vessel meant to capitalize on the newly-developed aerospace fighter technology. Most Warships only carry a tokem amount of aerospace assets, sometimes only one or two squadrons. While such numbers can deter small enemy formations, they cannot withstand a proper assault by similar craft nor attack warships. Thus, the New Syrtis was meant to carry enough fighters to carry out offensive and defensive operations in depth, becoming one of the first ever dedicated space carriers.

This may seem a no-brainer, but space combat in Battletech does not work like naval combat in 20th Century Earth. Warships are more like support vessels for smaller dropship-class units. They are normally meant to stay back offering long-range fire-support or in supply duty for the fuel-starved dropships.

These smaller vessels are the ones advancing to the direct engagement zones, deploying fighters and directly attacking other ships. This is because dropships are not only cheaper, but also more nimble. However, the Federated Suns didn’t work that way, prefering close-in engagements. This meant that a large carrier warship made sense in their doctrine.

Like prior models in this series, this is a wargaming-friendly small build (only 24 parts plus the base). In lore it is a large vessel, although still smaller than the earlier Defender-class. Hope you like it!

With this model done, we are just a couple models away from the posting of the first complete fleets for FTL: Warfleets. So keep an eye on this place.

Sorry about the slow pace of my posts, but life has been difficult for me. My partner is ill and thus monthly income has dropped significantly. Because of this I often find myself helping her in her daily life while eyeing other projects so we can keep a roof over our heads and food on our table. It hasn’t been easy, but I don’t intend to forget about you all because of that. I know you enjoy these models and they bring a little amount of joy to your lives. If you would like to help me keeping the lights on and invest in future projects you can make a small donation through Ko-fi. I would appreciate that!



Francisco Duarte

I’m a sci-fi and fantasy author who wrote for several game IPs and penned “Heather: a kaiju novel.” You can buy me a coffee: ko-fi.com/metastablemachine