Tiny Warship 07 — Defender Battleship

Francisco Duarte
2 min readFeb 13, 2023


As you might have noticed, I’m currently insisting on the Federated Suns fleet. This is because I intend to complete two full fleets before moving on with other factions, so I can build them with the kid and play some games until all builds are done. Thus, here is the Defender battleship.

This was the first warship developed by the Federated Suns. Quite large and heavy, it would soldier on for centuries, before finally meeting its end during the Succession Wars. Quite fast, even when compared to later designs, the Defender also sported a fortified bow. Despite these qualities, the armament would quickly become outdated, meaning that the type was considered to lack firepower during much of its service life.

In what pertains to the Federated Suns fleet, this ship will be the Hero Ship for the faction. This is because by the time period I have set for these fleets the Defender was already rare and slowly being deactivated. I have another vessel in mind for the slot of standard heavy warship for the faction, so keep an eye on this place.

This model is quite easy to make, like most in this series, taking a mere 37 parts — quite a small number for a large capital ship. I will admit, though, that this design doesn’t manage to fully emulate the original artwork. I tried to do so, but the end result was far too flimsy for my taste. It looked smaller than the Davion II destroyer, a ship canonically much lighter.

So, I remade the whole thing, cranking the shape a bit to make it more sturdy, in line with the weight it is supposed to have. Let me know your thoughts on that.

If you like my work, check the lists I’ve prepared with all the older builds. You can also leave me a small tip at Ko-fi, to help me keep the lights on and invest in future projects. See you all soon!



Francisco Duarte

I’m a sci-fi and fantasy author who wrote for several game IPs and penned “Heather: a kaiju novel.” You can buy me a coffee: ko-fi.com/metastablemachine