Full support for Braiins OS

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5 min readFeb 5, 2019

When one of the oldest and largest Bitcoin mining pools - Slush Pool - announced that their parent company Braiins is releasing a new mining OS for Bitcoin ASIC machines everyone with at least one ASIC wanted to try it out. So did we. And now that all the testing and development is done, we are announcing our full support for Braiins OS.

About Braiins OS

Braiins OS is an open-source, Linux based system for ASIC machines. It gives you an ability to customize your mining and to make power and performance improvements. AsicBoost firmware upgrade for Antminers S9 is turned on by default so energy saving mode is on as soon as you start.

To tweak performance there is a per chain frequency and voltage control available and the data coming from the ASIC API is displayed in different graphs and tables for easier monitoring.

Braiins OS can be installed in bulk update on all machines at once.

About ASIC Hub

ASIC Hub is our main software for remote monitoring and managing of your ASIC machines. At the time of this writing, it supports ASIC models from various manufacturers: Antminer, Baikal, Spondoolies, Dayun, Innosilicon, Spondoolies, Whatsminer, Blackminer, and HyperBit. The software is installed directly on ASIC and reports the API data created by ASIC to your minerstat dashboard where the data is displayed in different forms and can be managed and used in many different ways (see all features). We also offer an ASIC Hub (Non-SSH) version for those ASICs that don’t support SSH connection.

ASIC Hub is -the same as Braiins OS - open source. You can find all development information on official GitHub along with installations codes and links to tutorials.

ASIC Hub works with any official firmware, but now also supports Braiins OS.

Why use ASIC Hub on top of Braiins OS

While Braiins OS offers you remote managing and advanced monitoring to some point, the company also strives to redefine the quality of the software running in any cryptocurrency related devices. Braiins OS is considered an extension of the mining software stack as needed by the pool. They started off with the mining devices but the domain can be easily extended. Just like minerstat, they are trying to bring the hardware and software closer to the user.

Here are some situations that illustrate why minerstat’s ASIC Hub and Braiins OS are a perfect combination:

  • Alerts: Setting up alerts in your minerstat dashboard will allow you to get notified about any important events. For ASICs, this includes hardware errors, high temperature, when the ASIC goes offline, when it comes back online, and when the hashrate or efficiency fall. You can further adjust the settings to your needs, tell the system exactly when to notify you and get the notifications to e-mail, Telegram, or your smartphone.
  • Triggers: A one step further to alerts are triggers. Triggers are automatic actions that are triggered after the event occurs. You can have both — alerts and triggers — activated at once and you will see both events on your minerstat dashboard. The triggers that are the most useful for ASIC owners are, for example: reboot the machine when efficiency falls or reboot the machine when hashrate drops. You can even set a time trigger, and reboot your machines at 2 AM every day.
  • 24h logs and Diagnostic: Another tool that really helps our ASIC farm owners are 24h logs and Diagnostic pages. The first will tell you all the events that happened in the last 24 hours, including your manual actions, trigger event, alerts you got for all of your machines. You can explore each machine individually by clicking one button on that page. Diagnostic, on the other hand, will tell you all the issues you have at this very moment. On which machines are the fans or temperatures missing, on which machines the efficiency is too low, on which machines there are duplicated IPs entered, and so on. Both pages allow you to filter the results, so you can only examine one issue at the time.
  • Profit switch: Yes, we also offer a profit switch for ASICs. Even if you are mining on one algorithm, you can set up profit switch between different coin and different multi-algo pools. To not make too frequent switches, we allow full customization of profit switch - you can set up the minimum mining time, the minimum threshold on when to switch, the reward method, and even escape the spikes with reward drop trigger. Since Braiins OS takes a lot less time (less than 2 min) to start mining after reboot than official firmware (~10 min), it is much more suitable for profit switch.
  • Team and customers: You can give access to your team members with different rights and create customers that act as independent accounts under your supervision. For each customer, you can create a public profile and if the branding is important for you, we also allow white label solution that allows you to select colors, logo, font, and present the public profile in your brand colors without a single line of code.
  • Control room: If you are the owner of a big farm and it is important for you to have your ASICs organized, you can do that in the control room. Control room allows you to save your workers to fit your actual establishment. From there you can create a heat map and quickly navigate to worker’s configuration for the workers that are problematic.
  • Balance monitoring: Add your pools and wallets and monitor the actual balance on them directly from your minerstat dashboard.
  • Statistics: Last, but not least, is statistics. You can examine each worker separately and explore its hashrate, temperature, efficiency, and profitability through the period of 14 days (or 60 days if you are using minerstat+ add-on). You can also explore global statistics that will show you daily earnings and coins and comparison to previous days.

Start monitoring your ASIC farm on minerstat by registering a new account.




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