minerstat mining tutorial #21: 24h logs and diagnostic

Published in
3 min readNov 30, 2018

We have introduced 24h logs and diagnostic pages for the purpose of easier controlling and monitoring of your mining machines. Both features give you a better outlook on your mining operation and help you identify the possible issues with machines itself or with your mining setup.

📘 24h logs

24h logs page is - like the name tells you - a log of events that happen in the last 24 hours. It is the same log you can find on the worker’s stats page but extended to all of your workers.

The events are ordered by the date with the latest events on the top. Events are shown for each worker independently - meaning that if 100 workers switched to new coin, all 100 events will be listed.

For better and easier analysis, events can be filtered by different filters.

  • Triggers: Show the events that were the result of a trigger you have set under your triggers section. E.g., Temperature trigger - Change fans: Temperature reached 70°C and the fans were set to 70%.
  • Alerts: Show the events that were the result of an alert you have set under your alerts section. E.g., High temperature: Temperature reached 90°C.
  • Profit switch: Show from and to which coin the worker switched. E.g., Profit switch: ETH -> ETC
  • Manual actions: Show the manual actions that were taken by the owner of the account. E.g., Mining client changed (GPU): Now mining with PHOENIX.
  • Scheduler: Show the start and end events of the scheduler. E.g., Start: Scheduler has started.

When you open the page all events are listed and you can filter out the ones you don’t want to see.

💉 Diagnostic

Diagnostic, on the other hand, shows the current problems your mining operation faces.

The issues are not listed in any particular order, but you again have an option to filter them to see the ones you want to inspect.

  • Account issues: Issues connected to your account. E.g., unconfirmed e-mail or missing 2FA.
  • Worker/Mining issues: Issues connected to mining or worker. E.g., offline workers, idle workers, unidentified hardware, undetected GPUs, possible driver issues, etc.
  • High temperature: Workers with GPU(s) that have a high temperature.
  • Temperature data missing: Workers with missing info on hardware temperature.
  • Fans data missing: Workers with missing info on a fan speed.
  • Speed data missing: Workers with missing info about speed.

You can also filter the issues by their importance.

  • Critical: The issues that are preventing you from mining. E.g., offline workers, idle workers, unidentified hardware, critical temperature level, possible driver issues, undetected tags, no pool, etc.
  • Important: The issues that are not critical, but it is good to look into them. E.g., no temperature data.
  • Other: Other issues. E.g., no fans data, no speed data, or no information about the coin.

Finally, you can filter the issues by duplicated IPs and duplicated IPs within groups. This filtering will mostly benefit large ASIC farms.

  • Duplicated IPs: It will show you all duplicated local IPs in your account.
  • Duplicated IPs within a group: It will show you a list of your groups (excluding type and system) and you will be able to see duplicated IPs within that group. This is useful if you are using different locations that are denoted with groups and local IPs are present in each of the group but shouldn’t be present multiple times in one group.

With a larger number of workers, these tools will come really handy to you as you can’t see all the problems directly from the workers' list.

Happy mining!

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