Building and launching my first product in 7 days — day 2 summary

Vasek Mlejnsky
3 min readAug 24, 2017


First the bad news. I used a URL shortener in the original reddit post on /r/learnprogramming which lead to deleting the post and I was forced to re-post. I'm still kind of mad about it because the original post was already getting a little bit traction (~25 upvotes, ~550 views). I was unable to recreate that traction with the re-post (~2 upvotes, ~120 views).
Whatever though, not stopping now 👊.

Yesterday I completely redesigned (well, actually I finally managed to have some design) the website and rewrote the front end part. I used a simple pen and paper for the very rough first draft and then recreated it in Sketch.

Behold my drawing skills 💯

I ditched a map and now I'm showing just a simple list of items. I think the website looks way more appealing now.

Left: original design I made the first day. Right: new design. Prettier, still don't really like the name though.

I decided to keep whole website static for now. Since I feel like playing with some routing framework would slow me down. I'll probably change that in near future, I need to study some routing and backend first though.
This decision led to using modals instead of web pages.

Item detail modal and sign up modal

Overall I feel more confident when working with HTML and CSS and Bulma framework. Which is good!

I'm getting to the part where it's going to be more programming per se because now it's time to implement Firebase 🔥. Particularly user sign up, log in and listing new items in database.

Slowly but surely I'm realising there are some functionalities that need to be implemented that I forgot about though. That's making me nervous whether I can make it in 7 days. For example users should be able to communicate between each other so they can arrange renting details. And that leads to creating some kind of a simple messaging platform. And that sounds scary…

This post is a part of 7 day challenge where I'm going from web dev noob to a fully launched product.
Read the first day summary!
Read the third day summary!
Read the fourth day summary!
Read the fifth & sixth day summary!

For the most recent updates follow me on Twitter and watch continuously updated reddit post here (/r/learnprogramming)or here (/r/watchpeoplecode)!

Also you can 👀 watch me code everyday for 7 days on Twitch at 10PM CEST. It’s usually 2–3 hours session.



Vasek Mlejnsky

From time to time I create something useful by randomly producing the right permutation of code.