Building and launching my first product in 7 days — day 1 summary

Vasek Mlejnsky
2 min readAug 23, 2017


It was slow and painful to watch.
First I should clarify what I'm building. The website is called Rentiary for now. On Rentiary you can rent stuff from people around your neighbourhood. Anything from video games 🎮 to kitchen supplies 🍽.

Now back to development. So far it feels that the biggest obstacle is CSS and HTML together with not being really sure about the website design. So that's the first thing I'm changing.
Before today's stream I'll be sketching simple website design/layout. I might change the website I have so far to match the design off-stream. Since it basically would be doing yesterday's job again.

Coming from languages like C++ this is how I felt yesterday. It's hard.

I'd like to talk about my tech stack for a while. Specifically about a framework called Bulma. Bulma is a CSS framework that helps you to layout your website. This is the biggest bottleneck for me. I spend most of my time crawling through their website and looking for the way how to do something simple like have two divs next to each other (that was big win for me yesterday). I definitely need to study that framework more in depth before today's stream.

Website after first day. Notice how the map and cards are next to each other. Big win.🔥

I'm getting little bit scare about optimizing it for mobile and tablets. Not really sure how to do it properly yet. I'll come back to it later.

So far I'm really enjoying it though! It's something new and fresh and it's kind of hard for me. On the other I'm still not sure whether feeling pressure of someone watching me coding is helping me or not 😃.
Plan for day two is an implementation of Firebase (login and database) and adding some functionality to map 👊.

P.S.: Big thank you to people on the stream who helped me with some layout problems. 🙏

For the most recent updates follow me on Twitter and watch continuously updated reddit post here (/r/watchpeoplecode)!
Unfortunately old post on /r/learnprogramming got deleted because of url shortener. I had to re-post it.

Also you can 👀 me code everyday for 7 days on Twitch at 10PM CEST. It's usually 2–3 hours session.

Read the second day summary!
Read the third day summary!
Read the fourth day summary!
Read the fifth & sixth day summary!



Vasek Mlejnsky

From time to time I create something useful by randomly producing the right permutation of code.