Building Product In A Week — Time Pressure, Spaghetti Code & Angular (Day 4)

Vasek Mlejnsky
3 min readAug 26, 2017


Even though I'm trying to move fast I'm still missing my schedule (this summary alone is being written something like 12 hours later than it should be).

The plan was to have implemented signing up/in/out using Firebase, full account logic (i.e. front end for signing up and out, user's account page and messaging between users) and option to list an item for rent by the day 4.

Day 4 is coming to the end and I'm still missing non-trivial part of user's account page. Don't even get me started on messaging between users and listing items to rent…

I have a fully working signing up, in and out though!

I made a gif.

And not so fully working user's account page.

No gif here. I don't want you to see how much broken it is.

Inevitably I hugely underestimated the amount of work needed to be done. There're so many small things that I didn't foresee. Especially in front end and UX. Things like hitting enter after filling up forms to sign in or having a back button so that user doesn't need to close whole modal a open it again.

I've never realised how little things work right out of a box when building a website.

All these small things sound fast to implement but they're also really fast to stack up in a super lowkey way. Now, add a noob web developer and what you'll end up with is good old spaghetti code.

Today I spent full 2 hours just rewriting an old code to make it a little bit more readable. It's kinda ok now but far cry from something I'm ready to ship.

Today's refactoring hell lead to one more thing. I started looking into AngularJS. From what I understood it could solve a lot of my current spaghetti problems. Using Angular I could modularise whole project into smaller HTML templates. That's actually something I've been trying to do today. I'm sure Angular has much more advantages I'm not just aware about yet.

Anyway, I'm taking an Angular introductory tutorial right after publishing this post. See you at day 5 😎.

This post is a part of 7 day challenge me going from web dev noob to a fully launched product.
Read the first day summary!
Read the second day summary!
Read the third day summary!
Read the fifth & sixth day summary!

I’m continuously updating a reddit post about this project.
Make sure to follow me on Twitter!



Vasek Mlejnsky

From time to time I create something useful by randomly producing the right permutation of code.