My Husband Doesn’t Understand My Feelings (What to Do When Your Husband Doesn’t Understand Your Feelings)

Nolan Ezra, Ph.D.
5 min readApr 3, 2024
Photo by Clayton Webb on Unsplash

Are you feeling unheard and unseen in your marriage? Do you find yourself constantly struggling to make your husband understand your emotions? You’re not alone. Many individuals in relationships experience this disconnect, where their partners seem to miss the mark when it comes to understanding their feelings. It can be frustrating and isolating, leading to a range of emotions from sadness to anger. But before you feel completely defeated, let’s delve into some practical strategies to bridge this communication gap and foster a deeper emotional connection with your husband.

Recently, I received an email from a woman named Betania. She poured out her heart in the message, explaining how she felt like her emotions were a puzzle her husband just couldn’t solve. Betania recounted an incident where she had a particularly challenging day at work, and all she needed was a listening ear and some comfort from her husband. However, when she tried to explain her feelings, he seemed disinterested and quickly changed the subject to something trivial. This left Betania feeling not just unheard but also unimportant in her own home. She wondered if her husband would ever understand the depth of her emotions and what she needed from him. The email ended with a poignant question: “How do I make him see that my feelings matter?”

If you find yourself in a similar situation, it’s essential to know that you’re not overreacting or asking for too much. Your feelings are valid, and it’s crucial to address this issue for the sake of your emotional well-being and the health of your relationship.

So, what can you do when your husband doesn’t understand your feelings? Let’s delve into some practical steps to improve communication and foster a deeper understanding between you and your partner.

1. Identify and Label Your Emotions

The first step in addressing the challenge of your husband not understanding your feelings is to identify and label your emotions accurately. This may sound simple, but it’s a crucial foundation for effective communication. Take some time to reflect on what you’re feeling and why you’re feeling that way. Are you experiencing sadness, frustration, anxiety, or perhaps a mix of emotions? Sometimes, our feelings can be complex, and it’s essential to tease out each emotion to communicate them effectively.

Once you’ve identified your emotions, try to label them with specific words. Instead of saying, “I feel bad,” dig deeper to understand if you’re feeling disappointed, hurt, or overwhelmed. This clarity not only helps you articulate your feelings but also provides insight into what you need from your husband. For example, if you’re feeling neglected, it’s different from feeling disappointed about a specific event. By labeling your emotions, you pave the way for more meaningful conversations with your partner, enhancing mutual understanding and empathy.

2. Express Your Feelings Using “I” Statements

Now that you’ve identified and labeled your emotions, the next step is to express them to your husband using “I” statements. “I” statements are a powerful communication tool because they focus on your feelings and experiences without attributing blame or accusing your partner. For instance, instead of saying, “You always ignore me,” try saying, “I feel hurt when I don’t receive a response to my messages.” This subtle shift in language shifts the conversation from a defensive stance to a more open and empathetic one.

When using “I” statements, be specific about your emotions and the situations that trigger them. Avoid generalizations or sweeping statements that can lead to misunderstandings. Clearly communicate what you need from your husband, whether it’s validation, support, or simply a listening ear. By expressing your feelings assertively yet respectfully, you create a space for constructive dialogue and mutual understanding in your relationship.

3. Choose the Right Time and Place for Communication

Effective communication requires the right timing and setting. When discussing sensitive topics like emotions, it’s crucial to choose a time and place where both you and your husband can focus and engage fully. Avoid bringing up important issues when either of you is tired, stressed, or preoccupied with other responsibilities. Instead, look for a calm and private moment where you can have an uninterrupted conversation.

Creating the right atmosphere for communication can significantly impact the outcome of your discussion. Consider factors such as mood, distractions, and external pressures that may affect the quality of your conversation. By selecting the right time and place, you demonstrate respect for each other’s feelings and increase the likelihood of productive communication and understanding.

4. Practice Active Listening

Communication is not just about expressing your own feelings; it’s also about listening actively to your partner’s thoughts and emotions. Encourage your husband to practice active listening by giving you his full attention without interruptions or distractions. This means making eye contact, nodding to show understanding, and avoiding the urge to formulate a response while you’re speaking.

Similarly, practice active listening when your husband shares his feelings with you. Show empathy and understanding by acknowledging his emotions and refraining from judgment or defensiveness. Reflect back what you’ve heard to ensure clarity and demonstrate that you value his perspective. Active listening fosters a deeper connection and promotes mutual respect and empathy in your communication.

5. Use Nonverbal Cues and Body Language

Communication isn’t just about what you say; it also includes nonverbal cues and body language. Pay attention to your husband’s facial expressions, tone of voice, and body posture during conversations about feelings. These nonverbal signals can provide valuable insights into his emotions and level of engagement.

Likewise, be mindful of your own nonverbal cues when expressing your feelings. Maintain open body language, such as facing your husband directly and avoiding crossed arms or defensive gestures. Use gentle and reassuring touches to convey empathy and support. By aligning your nonverbal communication with your verbal expression of emotions, you enhance the clarity and sincerity of your message, fostering a deeper understanding between you and your husband.

Navigating the challenge of your husband not understanding your feelings requires patience, empathy, and effective communication strategies. Remember that every relationship is unique, so tailor these strategies to fit your specific dynamics and needs. With dedication and perseverance, you can create a more fulfilling and emotionally connected partnership.

If you’ve found the insights and advice in this article helpful, and you’re looking for more guidance, then it’s time to take the next step. Click here to access a wealth of resources and tools designed to strengthen emotional understanding and communication in your marriage.

Click here to access a comprehensive guide that dives deeper into the strategies discussed in this article. This guide includes actionable steps, real-life examples, and additional resources to support you on your journey towards better emotional connection and understanding with your husband. It’s a valuable resource for couples seeking to enrich their relationship dynamics.

Don’t let the frustration of feeling misunderstood in your marriage linger any longer. Take proactive steps today to improve emotional understanding and connection with your spouse. Click right here to discover practical strategies and insights that can help bridge the gap in your relationship and foster a deeper sense of emotional intimacy.



Nolan Ezra, Ph.D.

Marriage and Family Therapist. I am passionate about helping couples navigate the challenges they face and strengthen their relationships.