My Husband Thinks I Don’t Appreciate Him (How to Make Your Husband Feel Loved and Appreciated)

Nolan Ezra, Ph.D.
5 min readApr 2, 2024
Photo by Levi Meir Clancy on Unsplash

Do you ever feel like your husband doesn’t fully understand how much you value him? Maybe you’ve noticed a disconnect in your relationship, and you’re wondering how to bridge that gap. I often hear from couples who struggle with this issue, and I want to share some practical tips and insights on how you can make your husband feel loved and appreciated.

Recently, I received an email from a woman named Ariella who was feeling frustrated and disconnected from her husband. She poured her heart out, saying, “I love my husband deeply, but lately, I don’t think he realizes just how much I appreciate everything he does for our family. I feel like I’m constantly trying to show him my gratitude, but it doesn’t seem to sink in. I make his favorite meals, I leave little notes of appreciation, and I always listen to him when he needs to talk. But it’s like he’s in a different world, and I’m struggling to reach him. How can I make him feel more valued and cherished? Is there something more I could be doing?”

Ariella’s situation is relatable to many couples. It’s easy to fall into routines where gestures of appreciation become routine rather than heartfelt. So, if you find yourself nodding along, let’s explore some strategies together.

1. Express Gratitude Daily

Incorporating gratitude into your daily interactions can significantly impact how your husband feels appreciated. Instead of assuming he knows you’re thankful, make it a point to vocalize your appreciation. When he helps with household chores, cooks a meal, or simply listens to you after a long day, express genuine gratitude. Say “thank you” with sincerity, look him in the eyes, and let him know that his efforts don’t go unnoticed. By making gratitude a habit, you reinforce the idea that his contributions matter and are valued in your eyes.

Additionally, consider writing little notes of appreciation and leaving them where he’ll find them, like in his lunchbox or on his desk. These small gestures can have a big impact, reminding him throughout the day that you appreciate everything he does. The key is consistency — make expressing gratitude a part of your daily routine, and watch how it strengthens your bond and makes him feel loved.

2. Focus on Positive Reinforcement

It’s natural to notice when things aren’t done the way we expect them to be, but focusing solely on what’s lacking can create a negative atmosphere. Instead, shift your focus to positive reinforcement. When your husband does something well, whether it’s handling a challenging situation calmly or showing thoughtfulness in a gesture, acknowledge it with specific praise. For example, instead of just saying, “You did a good job,” say something like, “I really appreciate how you handled that situation with patience and understanding. It made a difference.” By highlighting his strengths and successes, you boost his confidence and reinforce positive behaviors.

Moreover, avoid using criticism or comparisons that can make him feel unappreciated or inadequate. If there are areas for improvement, approach them with empathy and encouragement rather than criticism. Show him that you believe in his abilities and that you’re on the same team, working towards mutual growth and happiness. Positive reinforcement builds a supportive and uplifting environment that fosters a deeper sense of appreciation and connection.

3. Show Physical Affection

Physical touch is a powerful way to convey love and appreciation in your marriage. Make an effort to initiate physical affection regularly, whether it’s a warm hug, a gentle touch on the arm, or a loving kiss. These simple gestures can communicate volumes about your feelings for your husband. Physical intimacy fosters emotional intimacy, creating a deeper connection between partners. It’s not just about the act itself but about the emotional closeness and bond it signifies. So, don’t underestimate the power of a loving touch to make your husband feel valued and cherished.

Furthermore, be mindful of non-verbal cues that convey affection and appreciation. A smile, eye contact, and a reassuring pat on the back can all communicate warmth and gratitude without words. Incorporate these gestures into your daily interactions to reinforce your love and appreciation for your husband in a tangible way.

4. Celebrate His Achievements

Your husband’s accomplishments, whether big or small, deserve to be celebrated. Take the time to acknowledge and celebrate his successes, whether it’s a work-related achievement, a personal milestone, or even a hobby he’s passionate about. Show genuine pride in his accomplishments and let him know that you believe in his capabilities. Celebrating his achievements together not only boosts his confidence but also reinforces his sense of worth and value in your eyes.

Furthermore, find creative ways to celebrate these milestones. Plan a special dinner to commemorate a career success, organize a surprise gathering with friends and family to celebrate a personal achievement, or simply write him a heartfelt letter expressing your admiration and pride. These gestures of celebration go a long way in making your husband feel appreciated and cherished for his efforts and accomplishments.

6. Plan Special Moments

Taking the initiative to plan special moments or surprises for your husband can make him feel loved and appreciated in a unique way. Think about his interests, hobbies, and preferences, and plan activities or surprises that cater to those. It could be a romantic date night at his favorite restaurant, a weekend getaway to a place he’s always wanted to visit, or a thoughtful gift that reflects his passions.

Moreover, pay attention to the little things that bring him joy and incorporate them into your plans. Maybe he loves watching sports, so surprise him with tickets to a game, or perhaps he enjoys outdoor activities, so plan a hiking trip or a picnic in the park. These thoughtful gestures show that you know and appreciate him as an individual, making him feel special and loved in a way that’s uniquely tailored to him.

Remember, making your husband feel loved and appreciated is an ongoing process that requires effort and intentionality. By implementing these strategies consistently, you can create a relationship where both partners feel valued, respected, and cherished.

If you’ve found the insights and advice in this article helpful, and you’re looking for more guidance, then it’s time to take the next step. Click here to discover additional tips and strategies on how to strengthen your relationship and make your husband feel loved and appreciated.

Click here to access a comprehensive guide that dives deeper into the strategies discussed in this article. This guide provides step-by-step instructions, real-life examples, and actionable tips to help you implement these strategies effectively. Whether you’re seeking to express gratitude more effectively or enhance intimacy, this guide has you covered with practical tools and insights.

Don’t let uncertainty and frustration continue to overshadow your relationship. Take proactive steps today to make your husband feel loved and appreciated. Click right here to discover actionable strategies and insights that will strengthen your bond and create a deeper connection in your marriage. Your relationship deserves the effort, and your husband deserves to feel truly valued.



Nolan Ezra, Ph.D.

Marriage and Family Therapist. I am passionate about helping couples navigate the challenges they face and strengthen their relationships.