My Husband Treats Me Like I Don’t Matter (What to Do When Your Husband Doesn’t Treat You Right)

Nolan Ezra, Ph.D.
6 min readApr 4, 2024


Photo by Aleksandra Sapozhnikova on Unsplash

Are you feeling invisible in your own marriage? It’s a heartbreaking reality that many women face every day. You may be asking yourself, “Why does my husband treat me like I don’t matter?” The pain of feeling disregarded, unappreciated, or even mistreated by your spouse can be overwhelming. But you’re not alone in this struggle. I often hear from women who are grappling with similar emotions, wondering what steps they can take to improve their situation.

Recently, I received an email from a woman named Darby. She had been married for over a decade and had always prided herself on being a supportive and understanding partner. However, as time went on, she noticed a shift in her husband’s behavior. Small gestures of affection dwindled, conversations turned superficial, and she felt increasingly isolated within her own marriage.

Darby recounted how her husband seemed more interested in his work and hobbies than in spending quality time with her. Even when they were together, his attention was often divided, his phone buzzing with notifications that took precedence over their conversations. It felt like she was competing for his attention, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t shake off the feeling of being overlooked and unimportant.

One particularly poignant moment Darby shared was when she achieved a significant milestone in her career. Instead of celebrating her success, her husband’s response was lukewarm at best, a brief acknowledgment before returning to his own interests. This lack of recognition left her feeling deflated and questioning her own worth in the relationship.

Despite her attempts to express her feelings to her husband, Darby felt unheard and dismissed. Whenever she broached the topic of their diminishing connection, he would either brush it off as her being too sensitive or promise to make an effort without any tangible changes. This cycle of disappointment and unfulfilled promises took a toll on Darby’s self-esteem and left her wondering if her husband still cared about her happiness.

As Darby poured out her frustrations in the email, she ended with a heartfelt question, “Am I asking for too much by wanting to feel valued and appreciated in my own marriage?”

Darby’s story is a familiar one to many women who find themselves in marriages where they feel undervalued and unimportant. Perhaps you, too, can relate to Darby’s feelings of frustration, sadness, and a growing sense of resentment toward her husband’s behavior. If you’re nodding your head in recognition, know that you’re not alone, and there are steps you can take to address this issue and reclaim your sense of worth and importance in your marriage.

1. Starting with Self-Reflection: Understanding Your Feelings

Before taking any action in your marriage, it’s essential to dive deep into your own emotions. Take a moment to sit quietly and reflect on how your husband’s actions make you feel. Are there specific behaviors that trigger feelings of being overlooked or unimportant? Maybe it’s the way he dismisses your opinions during conversations or forgets important dates and events. By identifying these triggers, you gain valuable insight into the dynamics at play within your relationship. Self-reflection isn’t about assigning blame but rather understanding your own emotional landscape.

Once you’ve identified your feelings, take it a step further and explore any patterns in your own behavior that may contribute to the situation. Do you find yourself withdrawing or avoiding conflict? Are there times when you downplay your needs to avoid confrontation? Understanding how your responses influence the dynamics can empower you to make positive changes. Self-reflection is the first step towards reclaiming your sense of self-worth and agency within your marriage.

2. Effective Communication: Expressing Your Needs Assertively

Communication forms the bedrock of any healthy relationship, and expressing your needs assertively is key to addressing issues in your marriage. When discussing sensitive topics with your husband, focus on using “I” statements to convey your emotions and experiences. For instance, instead of saying, “You never listen to me,” try expressing, “I feel unheard when my opinions are dismissed.” This approach shifts the conversation from blame to personal experiences, fostering a more empathetic dialogue.

It’s also important to choose the right time and place for these conversations. Avoid addressing serious issues in the heat of the moment or during stressful times. Create a safe and calm space where both of you can express yourselves without interruptions. Effective communication isn’t just about talking; it’s also about active listening. Encourage your husband to share his perspective and validate his feelings as well. This mutual exchange lays the foundation for understanding and problem-solving within your relationship.

3. Mutual Respect in Communication: Fostering Open Dialogue

Respect is a fundamental pillar of any successful relationship, and fostering mutual respect in communication is essential. Approach conversations with your husband from a place of mutual understanding and empathy. Acknowledge his perspective and validate his feelings, even if you disagree. Creating a non-judgmental space where both of you feel heard and respected paves the way for productive discussions.

Practice active listening during conversations. Pay attention to both verbal and non-verbal cues, and avoid interrupting or dismissing your husband’s thoughts. Likewise, encourage him to listen attentively to your perspective without judgment or defensiveness. Mutual respect in communication isn’t about always agreeing; it’s about honoring each other’s viewpoints and finding common ground. By fostering open dialogue based on respect, you lay a strong foundation for resolving conflicts and strengthening your connection.

4. Embracing Shared Activities: Cultivating Connection

Engaging in activities or experiences together can help strengthen your connection as a couple. Explore new hobbies or interests that you both enjoy, whether it’s cooking classes, hiking, or attending cultural events. Shared experiences create opportunities for bonding and meaningful conversations outside of everyday responsibilities.

Plan regular date nights or special outings where you can reconnect and focus on each other without distractions. Quality time together fosters intimacy and reinforces your emotional connection. By prioritizing shared activities, you invest in the health and vitality of your relationship.

5. Know Your Worth: Valuing Yourself in the Relationship

Above all, remember your intrinsic worth and value as an individual. Your worth isn’t defined by how your husband treats you or anyone else’s perception of you. Remind yourself of your strengths, accomplishments, and unique qualities that make you who you are.

Set standards for how you deserve to be treated in all aspects of your life, including your marriage. Don’t settle for less than you deserve and advocate for yourself with confidence and self-assurance. When you know your worth, you create a foundation for healthy boundaries, self-respect, and fulfilling relationships.

Feeling like your husband doesn’t treat you right can be a deeply painful experience, but it’s not a situation without hope or solutions. By acknowledging your feelings and nurturing your self-worth, you can take proactive steps toward creating a healthier and more fulfilling dynamic in your marriage. You deserve to be valued, respected, and treated with kindness, and it’s never too late to advocate for yourself and your well-being.

If you’ve found the insights and advice in this article helpful, and you’re looking for more guidance, then it’s time to take the next step. Click here to access a resource that offers additional strategies and practical tips for improving your marriage and reclaiming your sense of worth and importance. Take control of your relationship journey today.

Click here to access a comprehensive guide that dives deeper into the strategies discussed in this article. This guide provides step-by-step instructions, real-life examples, and additional resources to support you on your journey toward building a healthier and more respectful relationship with your husband.

Don’t let the pain of feeling undervalued in your marriage linger any longer. Take the first step towards reclaiming your sense of worth and improving your relationship. Click right here to discover practical strategies and insights on how to navigate the challenges of feeling unappreciated by your husband. You deserve to feel valued and respected in your marriage, and it’s time to take action towards a more fulfilling and harmonious relationship.



Nolan Ezra, Ph.D.

Marriage and Family Therapist. I am passionate about helping couples navigate the challenges they face and strengthen their relationships.