Cheapening Out In These 6 Areas Will Hurt Your 2023.

And cost you dearly.

3 min readJan 9, 2023

Cheap is easy. Cheap is fast. Cheap will cost you.

Karolina Grabowska:

READ: 10 Good Girl Behaviours Patriarchy Taught Us.

  • Don’t be cheap with consistency: I am a writer. Chances are- you are a writer too or a reader or you know,- you are something. Ideally, you are aspiring to something else, too. Cheapening out in consistency looks like: Excuses and Haphazard work. These will not get you far and will hurt you in a world that demands excellence. Show up or don’t bother.
  • Study:

Study to show yourself approved. 2Tim: 2:15.

If the scripture is too heavy for you then take this- study to fill up your tank so you don’t just pour fluff on people. Empty calories do not fill people up. Empty calories is not healthy filling. When you show up in 2023, let people be attracted to substance. You will be thanked generously for it.

  • Don’t be cheap with your integrity.

Listen to Warren Buffet: “Somebody once said that in looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if you don’t have the first, the other two will kill you…”

In 2023, I am in a hurry to keep solidifying my reputation for fairness, integrity and hardwork. Passive aggression, lies, betrayals, half-truths, white lies… have no place with me. I want to grow to do business deals on a handshake or verbal agreements and that is that.

Again, don’t just take my word for it. Take Buffet’s after all, he is worth $109+ billion.

Edu Carvalho:

READ: 10 Harsh Truths That Give You Control Of Your Life

  • Don’t cheapen out on nice shoes. I learned this after changing my cheap footwears so many times, it did not shock me when I tallied up their costs and found out that just one expensive but much better shoe, would have saved me the misery. Don’t cheap out on shoes or mattresses.
  • Workout and invest in good workout gear- to suit your needs. Writers need the outdoors. I love strolling my neighbourhood. I get the benefit of appearing social to my neighbours, the benefit of seeing new constructions, the benefit of playing my audiobook, the benefit of good mental health and good health. All it takes is max 2 hours daily. Do you. Don’t rob yourself. You cannot outsmart or outcheap your health. You will only hurt you.
  • Finally, it takes effort and you may not always feel like it but, treat people kindly. Rude is quick so why bother to slowly and respectfully firm up your boundaries, right? Wrong. You get so used to treating people ‘anyhow’ and justifying it until you are alone and miserable. Neighbours avoid you. Friends place you on a diet. Family can’t deal. Stop being too fast and too busy to be thoughtful towards others. Put in the effort.

Thank you for reading. Did you know, I was in a love triangle and loved it?!

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Non-quitter. Writer. Speaker. Too tired for bullshit. Say Hi