Fire Starter

Ozzy Etomi
2 min readJun 7, 2016


June 6th

This girl. You like looking for trouble.

They will call you a fire starter.

Shit Stirrer.

Some will think you brave.

“It takes courage to stand for what you believe in”.

Anti culture. Anti Tradition. Anti Religious.


Don’t you think you’re emasculating?

How do men handle you?

Because women are luggage,

Stuffed to the brim with societal expectations.

The day you emptied yourself,

You suddenly became too heavy.

You shrug and reply,

“With arms and a spinal cord made of steel?”

What are you trying to achieve?

The next time they call you a fire starter,

Ask them if it is your fault,

That you were the child who ate the flames

Burning in your mother’s belly.

Thank you for taking the time out to read this article. If you like what you read, please click the little green heart at the bottom of the screen :)

This is day 7 of my 30 day writing project. Please click on my stories if you would like to check out some of my other entries.

The Women Before Me

On Making Friends And Alienating People

Just One Of Those Days

To The She-women Feminist Haters Club

No, I am Not Taking My Husband’s Name

My 30 Day Writing Project

Some other stories by me:

Quitting Isn’t Giving Up

Nigerian Senate Fails on Women’s Rights Bill

On Gender Roles & Female Entitlement

Why Married Women Need Friends



Ozzy Etomi

I write about gender, culture, feminism and shared human experiences. Working on my first book. My personal website is