Interview Questions and Answers For Practice

Prashant Gorule
7 min readFeb 7, 2017


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Attending the interview is a nightmare for some people. Your brain starts experiencing negative vibes from all around the corner. Being in the negative zone before going for the interview is not the good sign.

You have to train yourself to look confident. The interviewer should see you as the potential candidate for their company.

When you are studying in the college, you might not get the opportunity to face such situations. Your brain starts thinking about the consequence. You feel anxious and worried. It can be seen on your face.

In the process of the training yourself for an interview, you need to practice certain questions and their answers. The top companies are looking for the people who are trained enough to complete given task at the shortest duration. Understands their skill and able to work in the corporate environment. Your preparation will decide how effective you will be in the HR Interview.

Let’s see some questions and their appropriate answers.

1] “Tell Me About Yourself”

This is the most common beginning question of all time. The interviewer wants to know how good you are in the communication skill. Your confidence level will be manifest in the tone of your voice.

Interview Round with Human Resources (HR)

How to answer: You can start with your skill and continue with the information about your family, to give a brief idea about your life. Be comfortable and confident. Talk about your passion and your future plans.

Companies always concern about the future plan of the candidate. They are looking for the people who can stay for longer period of time. so your thought should be resembling with their vision. Never use sentences which will portray that you are not a visionary person. You intend to be an average person like others. Also, make your skill presentation interesting to convey that you love what you do and you are enthusiastic about it.

2] “Describe Your Current (or Most Recent) Position”

There are two types of people you will find in the organisation. The one are leaders and the others are followers or some called individual experts. So by asking this question, the interviewer wants to know in which group you belong to.

When you are telling about your current position in existing organization, explain it with pride. Tell them what you have learned from your experience. Keep energy level high while talking. It will create a good atmosphere around you. Keep it simple and clear.

3] “Why are you looking for a new opportunity now?”

The question might take the interview in a different direction if not answered correctly. You might land in the conversation where you will feel grounded.

Tell your interviewer that you are consistently upgrading your skill and becoming more advanced. You are looking for the better opportunities to use that skill to grow in the industry. You believe you have the ability to earn more than a current pay cheque. That’s why you are looking for new job.

If you manage to do that, the interviewer will align to your belief and he may give you highest score for your honesty.

4] “What are your strengths?”

To answer this question you must be prepared with the best answer. Every HR person asks this question to the candidate.

The answer to this question should be unique. You first need to write down your core strengths on the piece of a paper before going for the actual interview. Most of your written thoughts will look ordinary to you, but don’t worry about that.

Find what different habit, skill or structure that you are following to become successful in your career.

Your strength might be your passion, your learning skill, your well organize routine or the ability to lead people. Find out what makes you different from the others in the community.

If you don’t find any appropriate answers then stick to the most common answer. You can tell them you are learning the skill for many years now. You can generate the result faster than others because you have the practice of completing the task in the shortest time period. Show them past work. Tell them what challenges you have faced while working on the project. How you have solved the problem.

5] “What is your greatest weakness?”

While answering to this question you have to be alert. Don’t present yourself as the weakest candidate for the job.

Your answer should be easy to digest. The person should feel whatever you are suggesting is the real challenge in your job. It should not sound like you have no respect for your career. Or you is not enjoying your skill. It should not sound like you are doing this only for money.

The wrong answer will immediately kill the confidence of the interviewer. To avoid that keep the answer simple and short.

6] “Why do you want to work here?”
You can answer this question in a creative way. Some people uses humor to entertain the interviewer. If you have that funny nature then you can give a try. Be yourself and tell the truth.

Let them know that you want to explore the new dimension of the corporate world. Each new experience will add new knowledge. In the journey, the challenges that you encounter will be different than existing companies which will make you effective in dealing with the certain situations.

7] “Where do you see yourself in five years?”
Generally, this question is to understand what you believe you will become in the future. The answer should be related to the long-term vision of your professional life. If you don’t have one then create something around your interest. This should exhibit your future career plan. The interviewer wants to see how you have planned your future. They will judge your potentiality from your answer.

8] “Why should we hire you?”
To answer this question first you have to believe that you have something unique in you that will never be copied by anyone. Every person is born with some unique quality. You just need to find what makes you different than others. It might be your work structure, your persuasion, your hard work, a goal setting habit, problem-solving skill, leadership quality, communication skill etc. Find out what is hidden in you that makes you different from others.

9] “Do you have any questions for me?”
At the end of the interview, the interviewer will ask this question. So always say yes to this question. Ask them to tell more about their business and brands they hold. It shows your curiosity to know more about their company. People would like to manifest their success story to you. The person will get connected with you emotionally and he will remember your presence.

Keep your positive attitude high. You know what you are and what you can achieve with your skill. So there is no need to worry about the interview. Just be confident and answer all the questions in the clear voice.

Most useful android apps you should use to practice the interview

Interview Question and Answers: The app offers a wide range of interview questions. Practice with different kind of questions that frequently asked by companies.

Interview Questions: The Javatpoint company has developed this app. Many top skills are covered in the list including HR, Java, SQL, PL/SQL, Android, C, C++, HTML, Net, SQT, Oracle, Hadoop, Android etc. You can use the app in online as well as offline mode. Also, it is available for free download.

101 HR Interview Questions: The app is designed after realizing the candidate requirements. Most common questions are listed in the app with the effective answers. The questions are categorized based on the fields. It is easy to use and available for free download.

Best Interview Questions: The app will help you to crack the interview easily. The UI/UX of the app has a simple design that will give you a great experience. It has a wide range of questions and answers to prepare for the interview.

Job Interview Question-Answer: The best free video app with interactive videos that will help you to practice for the interview.

It has many features like:
- Watch as you are asked tough interview questions.
- Record your interview answers
- See professional interview coach answer the question

Let us know what other questions that you have faced in your interview round.

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