Beware the Poison of Dogma.

It shrouds the purity of your essence, shackles your spirit and keeps you in a virtual prison.

Purusha Radha
7 min readNov 3, 2023

Life certainly has its challenges but certain challenges can be more than mere trials. Some can be outright poisons to your life and spiritual journey.

There is one poison that underlies all the others:


A woman’s face emerges from the blue clouds, from dogma into personal freedom

What is dogma?

Dogma is a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true and which you’re required to follow to be a member in good standing of that group.

Dogma allows no space for its followers to think for themselves.

It’s very often intended to control you with its own strategies for domination. It doesn’t produce sovereignty.

In fact, dogma abhors sovereignty.

Most people, even those on a dedicated spiritual journey, give themselves over to various dogmas.

In all arenas of our lives, we surrender to them: religious, medical, political, educational, societal and scientific dogmas.

We’ve been programmed in many dogmas since birth.

So used to them by now, we don’t stop to look at how we give our power to this form of control every day—and with little or no question:

  • the medical establishment
  • government and global controllers
  • mainstream media
  • the traditional education system
  • organized religions
  • expectations of love, relationships and sex
  • established rules of family and child rearing
  • the stresses of the need for survival and the economic system
  • presuppositions about other races and cultures; terrorism and wars as the means to ‘solve’ our conflicts
  • the concept of inevitable sickness, decay and death.

We lapse into dogma either out of ignorance or laziness.

Sometimes it’s just easier to give in and follow the path other people have laid out for us. You often get rewarded for that. As long as you fall in line (and in some cases, literally) they won’t bother you.

But true spiritual devotées strive to be sharp to all this. And they usually choose the path less traveled. You really want to do that because as I said in another article:

When everyone’s going in one direction, it’s pretty much a sign you should go the other way.

Most people aren’t conscious so why would you take their lead?

Dogmatic people find a sort of comfort in group think. They’ve tacitly accepted the dogma as true and become very rigid with it. The dogmas are now rules the personality has to follow… or else.

Dogmas often evolve and morph into belief systems of extreme control. Fear is used as a tactic to keep you in the fold. You must fear for your very survival if you don’t comply.

You have to be mentally sharp to see it but most who follow dogma never do.

Their blindness is why they got caught up in dogma in the first place.

Life just isn’t all black or all white as dogma wants you to believe. There’s always lots of grey in it.

Extremes exist in life, this is true, but it doesn’t mean they’re healthy. The middle way is where you find freedom.

Siddhartha Gautauma Buddha is credited for saying:

The string that produces a tuneful sound is not too tight and not too loose.

Ritual practice and repetitiveness are signs it’s dogma.

Dogmas often involve ritual practice that’s repeated over and over again. The very thought of repetitiveness evokes boredom and soullessness.

Daily structure is good and supports our productivity but it’s not the same thing as repetitiveness.

Look. I grew up a staunch Catholic to the point where I attended Catholic grade school, high school and college. I carried flower petals for the Blessed Mother during our Month of May devotions to Mary. And I even got the Religion Award at my high school baccalaureate ceremony. In fact, I seriously contemplated becoming a nun.

I say this so you know I’ve lived the religious Catholic life and I have true perspective. What I’m about to say to some may sound like blasphemy but it must be said.

As mystical a certain aspect of the Mass might be, it’s a repetitive ritual dogmatic practice. It has people stretching their minds to believe the priest is performing a tangible miracle on that altar. The fact that he was dubbed a priest makes him a magical being—more magical than you.

In the Mass, the Church continually reinforces what it wants people to believe — that they have no power — only Jesus and God Himself have all the power. (Most Christian religions enforce this belief too.)

The dogma of the Catholic Mass is supposedly based on scripture which is neither accurate in its translation nor honest in comprehensiveness. The Church purposely left all kinds of books out of the bible. What are they trying to control here?

The ritual of the Mass doesn’t allow for any kind of individual expression or flow whatsoever. It is all prescribed. There’s no personal empowerment allowed, rather the reinforcement that you’re a sinner who needs forgiveness.

Catholic formal prayers and the religion’s rules and precepts, as they call them, are all controlling dogma.

We could say the same for Hinduism and Judaism and almost all other organized religions. I point out Catholicism because it’s what I came from.

Engaging in ritual repetitiveness is a sure sign you’re in dogma.

A Great Master once declared this most simple of warnings:

Run from repetitiveness! Run!

What kind of God requires such ritual over and over and over again? A lesser God. You can read more on the concept of lesser Gods in this article:

Formal or rote prayer is a great example of repetitiveness and a signal it’s a dogmatic practice.

The Master Osho once said:

Let prayer happen, don’t prepare for it. A prepared prayer is a false prayer, and repeated prayer is just a mechanical thing. You can repeat the Christian prayer, you have crammed it, it is been forced upon you. You can repeat it in the night and fall asleep but it will not make you aware because it has not been done as a response…

What is the point of repeating every day the same as yesterday? What are you doing when you are repeating the same prayer again and again? Ditto is better. Why bother God every day with the same repetition? Say something if you have something to say. If you don’t have something to say, just say, “I don’t have anything to say today.”

Or just be silent — what is the need of saying? But be true, at least between you and the whole, let there be truth; that’s what prayer is. Open your heart.

Indeed. Open your heart. Dogma isn’t heart. It’s headtripping ego.

So you see, organizations aren’t the only ones creating dogmas for us to follow. We also do it to ourselves.

Repetition in some things is necessary but it’s not exactly the same as repetitiveness.

Repetitiveness is incessantly repeating the same actions and they’re not giving you genuine joy. Your repetitiveness has now become a soulless dogma in itself. And you’ll get nowhere with it.

A long haired woman wearing a white tunic in contemplation with a massive gold-tinged white lotus blossom at her back

We have to be able to discern truth and authenticity.

We think that if a person’s in a place of higher authority, what they say must be fact. So people, including the media who are supposed to be unbiased, dub the Pope, for example, a saint.

He was voted into that position by a number of other men. It’s political.

We tend to assume that a director of a major government agency has our best interests at heart. Very many of them have agendas that don’t involve our well-being.

Never assume. It leads you to the doorway of another person’s dogmas. Some of these people secretly rub their hands as they welcome you through the door and lead you down pathways of destructive control.

A pharmaceutical company CEO who won’t even take his company’s own Covid vaccine, a vaccine forced on the people as medical dogma, benefits from your participation.

There’s only one reason why any set of dogmatic beliefs are ever crafted and pushed on people. Control.

Dogma suffocates.

When you accept a wall around yourself that’s mostly filled with bulls — t, you become a living corpse. You become poisoned by the strategies others have for you and that you’ve accepted all too willingly.

You create holes in your auric field because deep down you know you’re dishonoring yourself. Holes in your aura let dark entities and densities in. And as a result, your physical, mental and emotional health get attacked.

You give yourself no space for your own strategy which hopefully is to become a sovereign Christ.

If you live your life through the eyes and dictates of others, then you’ll never fulfill your own true potential.

You’ll never really and truly LIVE.

You should have nothing holding you in place other than your own flow as a sovereign being. In that flow you affirm life and your own innate wisdom.

It’s the only way you’ll free yourself from imprisoning dogmas of this third dimensional world.

Choose flow, flexibility and listening to your heart. It will take you from unconsciousness to consciousness.

And you will become.

How do you know if it’s controlling dogma?

It’s relatively easy to know if you’re participating in a dogma. In fact, you’ve probably already seen all kinds of red flags go up. You’ve simply ignored them.

Maybe you looked around and saw a lot of other people eating it up. Don’t let yourself by influenced by anyone or anything other than your soul.

Your soul knows.

Maybe you need to be the one influencing the crowd. Perhaps if you stood up and walked out, they might start truly thinking for themselves for a change.

If you saw the warning signs and did nothing, do something now. It’s not going to magically get better all on its own.

And if you still aren’t sure if something’s a dogma intended to control you or not, just pause and breathe deeply. Place your hand to your heart and breathe in. Focus there and feel for the truth. And then trust.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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