From ‘Stargate Knowing’ to Stargate Travel: Are You Ready for the Journey, Starseed?

Purusha Radha
8 min readNov 23, 2023


You have the potential to travel through Stargates, right now, right from where you are. The concept of Stargate shouldn’t be restricted to fantasy, sci-fi or to the SG TV series and movies.

Stargate travel isn’t the kind of travel almost everyone has had in the dream state. It’s actual conscious, awake, lucid minded time travel.

An etheric Merkabah vehicle of Light travels through a blue and gold Stargate.

If you’re a Starseed, you already have what’s called Stargate Knowing, but it needs to be developed. The SG TV series and movies are encoded with this knowing. Watching them can help but not anywhere near fully ignite your embedded memory codes.

Even if you’ve never watched these shows, that shouldn’t stop you from bringing your full Stargate Knowing to the surface. It’s really up to you to fan the existing spark within you into a full-fledged flame.

‘Stargate’ has meaning on many different levels.

In addition to a celestial travel portal, a Stargate is also a window of opportunity presented to you. When you seize that opportunity you step through a metaphorical Stargate.

Call any window of opportunity a Stargate. It’s how a Master would describe it.

A Stargate is also a time matrix…

• a wormhole,
• corridor of safe passage,
• brightly colored sphere of light energy,
• a crystalline kinetic velocity generator,
• an exit point and an entry point,
• your link to all times, all spaces and all dimensions.

There are many types of celestial travel Stargates.

  • There are Stargates in close proximity to or on Earth. And of course, there are countless others all throughout the multiverses.

Pleiadian and other benevolent ETs from dimensions far beyond 3D utilize these Stargates. It’s how they get from the seventh dimension to the third.

Many of the Stargates on Earth are veiled or camouflaged by art installations or architectural marvels. Believe it or not, there are many Stargates in 3D in the strangest of places. One is the windowed dome of the shopping mall Galeries Lafayette Haussmann in Paris.

Still others are natural sites that appear to the naked eye as bowl-like indentations in the Earth. Certain lakes and mountains serve as Stargate ports.

The Hayu Marca in Peru, called the Gate of the Gods, is one doorway on Earth our soul might take for travel.

  • Stargates may be opened for you by your galactic brothers and sisters to form corridors of safe passage. They’re invitations beckoning you to safely come and learn more.

You may also be escorted to sacred geometries in space. There the sacred geometrical entity will present to you a unique teaching. These things happen because of your desire. Teachers, guides and teachings can only be given to you if you invite them.

  • Finally, there are the Stargates of Light that you yourself will project to travel through.
A Merkabah vehicle travels through a blue and gold Stargate.

How do you project a Stargate for time and space travel?

The way to project a Stargate is slightly more involved than the following simple description. But essentially you mentally visualize and then project a Stargate. The image of the Stargate will come to you first. It’s not that you’ll dream one up.

The Stargate can be whatever color or expression of Light that spontaneously comes to you. You can project it into the space in front of you or simply feel it all around you.

With your pure intention and sovereign protected state of being, you open a portal of Divine Light.

Extraterrestrial crafts open portals like this all the time to travel close to Earth. You too can open portals to travel anywhere. You just have to be extremely responsible with it.

The adage, As above, so below, is in play here.

With your intention, consciousness and energy, you create a kind of torsion field in time-space to travel through.

You’ll summon your Merkabah vehicle,¹ even in self-projection, to take you through. Then you mentally fly or travel through the torsion field. (Please refer to footnote¹ below for the definition of Merkabah.)

The torsion field has been shown to couple to consciousness. It is a higher dimensional field, describing additional degrees of freedom absent in Western science today. Torsion fields obey Yang-Mills gauge equations, can alter the rate of time and produce stable energy forms without the need for matter. — Claude Swanson, Ph. D. in The Torsion Field and the Aura

It sounds like advanced science and it is but it’s also very accessible to the earnest Starseed.

Essentially, you yourself are a Stargate.

You can also project the energy of Stargate through the nexus of your being — your core.

The core of any living being is the focus point of concentrated power. That’s where the energy coalesces and intensifies.

That nexus point is known by the galactics as the still Zero Point Quark Quad Truth.

Like a furnace, your core, especially if physically well developed, gathers and builds energy for propulsion. It can propel your consciousness through the Stargate you’ve opened.

Another way to project a Stargate is to cast a cone of light from your third eye and heart seals² to pierce the atmosphere in front of you. Then you can initiate a rotating Stargate to pass through in your Merkabah vehicle.¹

So you see, there are a number of ways to accomplish going through the Stargate. And these are only a few.

In time and with practice, you’ll simply think Stargate and you’ll be near instantly on your way.

Where to Go When You Go Through a Stargate

You can mentally project yourself through a Stargate to visit your home worlds in the future. Visiting your former place in Atlantis might appeal to you. It doesn’t matter — past or future — it’s all the same timeline.

Sometimes you’ll know where you want to go but why limit yourself? How could you possibly know the Infinity that’s waiting for you to experience?

So call on your Merkabah vehicle and Oversoul which work together and have a perfect omniscient purview you just don’t have at this time. Together they’ll guide you to your most perfect experience.

Each Divinely guided experience you have represents a node point in your evolution. These node points are milestones — virtual stepping stones to the greatness you can’t yet see in yourself.

With Stargates, you don’t always have to go anywhere. If you’d simply like to talk to and hear from your galactic guides, brothers and sisters, you can open a Stargate portal just for that. It’s sort of like having a telephone conversation except that it feels much more palpable.

By embracing your Stargate birthright, you’ll learn things books and teachers can never offer you.

You’ll be treated to more advanced knowledges. Of course, your experiences will match with your vibration and character coordinates.

Character coordinates of Love, service-to-others, kindness and compassion take you to the grandest places.

Stargate travel practice can lead you to other supra-natural powers (called siddhis in Hinduism).

The more you practice, the more you develop your mind and neural pathways. And that’s when you might begin to alter reality and exercise some of your supra-natural powers. These are powers like invisibility, ambient temperature control, levitation, bilocation, and teleportation.

It takes a sharply focused mind blended with a Christed compassionate heart to uncover these powers. And a robust practice of Stargate travel helps you accomplish that. The day may even come when you’re able to transport yourself anywhere body and soul.

To whatever degree you accomplish Stargate travel, you’ll utterly and magnificently increase, expand and evolve yourself.

This is an advanced spiritual practice as you can tell.

Advanced doesn’t mean it should be a rare thing. Humans tend to believe that great things are reserved only for people greater than they. With that belief, you never get anyplace in life.

I’ve observed a woman on the internet who brings messages through from the future Arcturians. She’s says supra-natural powers aren’t possible for us. And she uses her own example of being unable to transmute her food as a case in point.

She’s told her enormous following that supra-natural powers of the Himalayan Masters³ are an anomaly. The lady tells her audience only an extremely rare few, if anyone, will ever demonstrate these powers. And she’s said you can possibly travel celestial Stargates but not the white one.

Whaaaat? Well, I’ve gone through the white one many times.

I reject the limitation that this beautiful lady and so many others push on people. It just isn’t true.

Don’t let anybody tell you can’t travel Stargates. For that matter, don’t let anybody tell you can’t do any single thing.

No one is greater than any other. Any true and real Master will quickly tell you that.

Traveling Stargates is a high-minded ability but you can become adept at it.

Not only is the tool Stargate your birthright, it’s a precursor to ascension. Some of the mechanics of Stargate travel are similar to how Ascended Masters describe ascension.

You don’t have to be able to project yourself through time and space in order to ascend. But when the Grand Shift and mass ascension occur you’ll have a sense of familiarity with what’s happening.

You can’t take shortcuts if you want to travel through Stargates. It isn’t so much that Stargate travel is difficult as it demands your respect, attention and practice. As the adage goes, if it were easy everyone would be doing it.

It will take some discipline. And I hesitate to use that word because it turns a lot of people off. But there just is no other way to say it.

You want to do it right and build a solid foundation that will sustain your practice.

If you’re up for the rewards and the quickening of your Self, then remember yourself, Starseed, and do it.

Expand your Stargate Knowing!

You can find the methods I use for Stargate travel fully described in my book.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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My Conscious Time Travel Book

¹ ’Mer’ means spinning; ’Ka’ is our spirit essence of Light; ’Bah’ is the soul. Merkabah is the diamond vehicle sacred geometrical transport construct formed by our muliple bodies of consciousness that encompasses our entire being. It remains beautiful and intact as long as we continue to evolve and expand in our spiritual growth and service to others. It not only transports us in our self-projection practice across the planet but through wormholes, warps and other dimensions. By your intention you activate and extend your plasma light Merkabah vehicle — your living organic lightship — and travel within it across time, space and dimension.

² A seal is a spinning vortex of energy which most people call a chakra. A chakra is actually the point where two lines of energy cross each other.

³ Read about the Himalayan Masters in Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, Vol. 1. N.p., DeVorss and Company, 1935.

