Learn the Art of Casting: Affirmations on Steroids

Purusha Radha
11 min readDec 2, 2023


Sweep of the hand

Wave of the thought

I command myself into Isness!

—Cast of an Ascended Master

With the slight wave of the hand, Obi Wan-Kenobi demonstrates the cast when he says:

These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.

Casts can be powerful manifestation tools.

You cast a spell to manifest a desire.

The original meaning of the word cast meant to emit, give out, compute, or form in a mold.

The sixteenth century roots of cast are incantation, charm, and cause of enchantment. Back then the belief you could deliberately manifest anything was now torn to shreds. And if you believed, such things had to be done in secret. By that time, the raider gods’ hold on the planet had near completely obscured what was possible.

The word spell originally meant to speak or to tell. That’s all.

Neither of these words are the woo-woo kind of thing we’ve been steered to think they are.

It always helps to look at the etymology of words. When we do, we see just how much the most empowering words have been used to manipulate us into disempowerment. Ages old words and concepts like these have been hijacked to make you believe they’re dark and wrong.

It’s really time we take back our beliefs and high spiritual tools.

The cast is a deft and beautiful use of language.

It’s a tool you can use to help create the life you want.

When it comes to creating and manifesting, the cast or decree is the final act. You’ve already been feeling emotion around what you desire. That emotion has already begun to summon Divine Substance to coalesce into form.

Your Word is Divine. And with your Divine Word you bring it into being.

The ancient spiritual initiates understood the power of the Word. For them, writing and magic were considered the same thing.

Now, all these centuries, even aeons later, we’ve lost sight of that truth. We’ve lost sight of the divine creative power of the Word.

How else will you become all that you are — indeed, a Master — if you don’t declare it? Part of being a Master is the right and empowering use of the word.

How else will you finally have your desires take form in your life if you don’t declare that they are so?

Casting a spell is alchemy.

Like casting a line in fishing, you take an energy and propel it towards a focal point — your desire.

We construct a system of words in a cast and then send the cast out into the ethers to draw and bring back to us the manifested form.

However we want to see it — a cast, decree, or summons — it’s vibrational frequency that goes out and touches the pool of Divine Substance (liquid light plasma). Ripples generate and energy comes together to become form in your life.

A pool of crystal blue liquid Light plasma

We see the power of a cast or decree in Masaru Emoto’s work with messages in water.

  • Positively polarized words spoken into water create beautifully aligned sacred geometrical forms when viewed with a microscope.
  • Negatively polarized words spoken into water create disorganized ugly forms.

Even just writing words on a container of water creates the same effect.

Since the human body is largely made of water, imagine what the invocations and casts you speak into your water and food will do for your body.

Casting has appeared in pop culture veiled as frivolous entertainment.

If you were living in the 60s, you definitely would’ve watched the hit TV show, “Bewitched!” If you’re younger than that, you probably saw the 2005 movie remake. (You can easily find the original 60s show online and I highly recommend it. Pay attention to the use of casts and superbly written spells.)

Here’s an example of one of Samantha Stevens’ simpler casts:

Pen, pen on yonder table

Fly to me if you are able!

Looking back, the television show was actually very groundbreaking. It was full of incredibly well conceived and magnificently written casts and spells spoken only by witches and warlocks. No ‘mainstream person’ back then ever dared think they had any kind of power like casting a spell.

But they did all along and you do, too.

You have an indigenous practice within you.

Before I share some casts I’ve written, I caution you always to be a sovereign person. By that I mean: Come to your own version of these practices. They’re there within you. You just have to allow them to come forward.

I hope you won’t say, “I tried this in the past and it doesn’t work for me.”

People say this kind of thing all the time. It’s disempowering and a copout. Giving up keeps us from being accountable. It keeps us from fulfilling on our birthright and promise this lifetime.

If you were a child learning to play the piano, would you play a piano concerto perfectly the first day?

Learning to play a musical instrument is a really good metaphor for using language in an alchemical way. We usually don’t have perfect success in the early stages.

It takes practice. Not a flash-in-the-pan kind of practice but a steadfast practice.

When you stay with it, you’ll make incremental improvements day by day. But after awhile, your progress becomes exponential. So after a year, it’s not 365 tiny steps forward. It could be something like thousands of steps.

Nothing great comes to us if we don’t put our energy into it. Having said this, that energy must be joyful. If you’re not feeling it in your heart, don’t do it.

The last thing you want to do is turn something beautiful into repetition. Repetition is boring, disempowering and certainly not joyful.

Use casting only to create the good, the beautiful and the true… for yourself and only to yourself.

We don’t ever want to use our creative powers to manipulate another person for our own purposes.

You’re not here to create other peoples’ lives. You’re here to create your own.

The universe has a karmic way of balancing out casting to try to manipulate another person. We always must be responsible with the powers we develop.

The Word holds potentially high frequency encodements.

Many words, mantras, prayers and texts hold high frequency codes. The casts you might write will also hold many high frequency codes of Light and creation.

Even though English and most other languages have somewhat degenerated from the ancient ones, there’s still power in them.

You encode your casts with Light frequency through different means:

  • your intention
  • the particular choice of words that come with their own magical power and very mystically
  • assistance from your simultaneous future self.

If you’re a Starseed, your future twelfth dimensional existing self will encode your words for you. And it makes sense that your unlimited future self would certainly be able to multidimensionally encode your words.

Aside from your future self, the way you encode your casts and writings in the here and now is by your intention.

Here are some casting fundamentals.

  • You can create a cast for anything. Just be responsible with it keeping the laws of karma in mind.
  • Casts can be one line or as many as you’d like. I personally most enjoy the rhythm and feel that four-line stanzas create.
  • The lines may rhyme but they don’t have to. You might choose repetition instead. But rhyming is a bit more fun. That said, if your heart is in your word formations, they will work.

Here’s an example of a cast using repetition once declared by Gautama Buddha before a group of rambunctious soldiers:

It is not once that I say, Stop! Not twice that I say Stop! But three times that I say stop!

  • If you want to create a rhyme either at the end of a line or inside the line, pay attention to rhythm. A rhyming cast should have cadence. Cadence helps you speak it with a certain tone and sound of the voice.
  • If you choose to create rhyming casts, make the last word of a line a simple word, one that could very possibly have a rhyme to match. Don’t make things too hard on yourself!
  • You can alternate rhymes as in every other line to rhyme just like in poetry. (See the cast FOR SUPERNATURAL BODILY TRANSPORT as an example below.)
  • There are rhyming dictionaries online that make rhyming a breeze. These sources also provide phrases you may never have thought of. Just make sure the words you choose really fit into your cast and add to the meaning and power of the cast.
  • You can construct grammar differently in a cast than in normal creative writing. For example, you might reverse the typical placement of subject and predicate or use pronouns outside the rules of grammar. In writing casts, there are no rules. Be creative. That’s the whole point.
  • You can abbreviate or use initials where necessary if rhyme and rhythm are what you’re after. Abbreviations and acronyms hold the same vibratory frequency as the entire words themselves.
  • Be liberal with how you structure the language. Shorten words to suit. They still hold their full frequency even when shortened or abbreviated. Make your own contractions and mix words in from other languages.
  • Don’t declare your cast in a loud or angry tone. Instead speak with an even tone because Spirit isn’t emotional. This doesn’t mean you don’t give your casts any verve whatsoever though.
  • When vocalizing your cast use a bit of speed with one line flowing into the next. There is power in the way you incant your cast. For instance, start out slow with your opening salvo and then build up your speed as you go. Think Samantha Stevens. She did it perfectly!
  • To maintain a nice reading/incanting cadence and rhythm you can shorten or contract words as needed (e. g. d’flect = deflect). Mold words to suit your cast. They’ll not lose their vibratory frequency.
  • You might like to light the flame of a nearby candle for its Light energy.
  • Perhaps paste pictures next to certain casts to bring even deeper meaning to the casts you read.
  • To all these you can add hand gestures to create a kinetic energy of Light. I almost always use my hands to push the Light and energy behind my words. These gestures will come naturally to you — a sign you’re reawakening latent DNA memory.

I may make circular motions with my arms. Sometimes I feel to point my thumb, index and third fingers straight upward while the ring and little fingers curl downwards, on one or both hands. It’s happens to be the gesture masterpiece paintings of Jesus show.

Sometimes I bring one hand to my heart while pushing the other hand and arm outward and forward. I push the energy I’m creating into Universal Substance.

  • Perhaps snap your fingers at the end of a cast. Or make a sound like whoosh, hah!, shu, or ho! These sounds too help push the energy into Universal Substance.
  • Emotional state is fundamental to your casting. Your words may say one thing but how you truly feel, sometimes on levels you’re not even aware of, can override the intention of your cast. You’ve got to feel what you’re decreeing.

Create through your word the condition that is rightfully yours and you are the master over all conditions.

— Baird T. Spalding¹

A young dark haired woman holds a Book of Casts in her hands; the book cover is embellished with a sacred geometry symbol; swirls of rainbow colored light are in the background

Here are some examples of casts I’ve written and invoked.

By all means, use these casts. At the same time, know that writing your own casts of spiritual manifesting poetry will bear your own DNA keycodes. And that’s got to be incredibly powerful for you.

You might notice certain common denominators among all of them that you’ll be able to use in your own cast writing.

Special notes:

  • Words you want to accent when reciting aloud are in bold. This accenting of a word lends a perfect cadence to the line.
  • Words or letters in italics are not to be spoken. They’re simply there as explanations.

I am totally aware

That every moment I create

Therefore my focus clair

Is powerful and great

Sharp as a razor blade

Always to the Light I’m swayed

Stalwart in the God I AM

Starseed (SS) be my monogram!

Embodiment I am of Love

Giving selflessly I am thereof

Always thoughts are first for others

Knowing they are all my brothers

Happiness, joy and perfect peace

The ramblings of the mind to cease

Sea of equanimity ‘je suis’ <<<< (French for I am and pronounced: Jzhuh swee)

From every speck of guilt I’m free.

Restful sweet and slumbrous sleep

Throughout the night when dark is deep

Lucid dreams when sleep is light

Signs and portents! Lend me sight!

Loving relationships fill my life

Real, authentic, warm — here now rife!

Joy in expansion, more people to love

Fullness of pairings like hand in the glove!

Ever so brilliant, Garment of Light

Increasingly luminous, take me to the height

From within to without my bodies aglow

Sharing this grace, comme mon être est beau! (<<< French for “how beautiful is my being!” Pronounced “come mone ettra ay bow)

Saffron, transport me!

Be my magic carpet ride!

Whisk me in your construct key

And elevate my earthly stride!

In the cosmos Sisterhood (<<< or “Brotherhood”)

On Earth I claim my place

In consciousness now understood

Pure clarity my grace

Hearing and communing

Receiving wisdom for the Path

To my ancestors attuning

Highest vibratory math!

New and easy avenues of abundant income

Form exciting stargates to thrive from

It’s happening now.

It’s natural. It’s ‘tao.’ (“Tao” is pronounced “dow.”)

Radiant heart with joy replete

Veinous pathways clear from head to feet

Pumping my blood to a perfect beat

Vitality heart. Longevity sweet.

From head to toe my bones are strong

Vigorous, unwavering, sturdy lifelong

Great skeletal myself supporting

Complete mobility myself affording

Feel my gratitude for your strength

Nourished well my body’s length

Density borne of nutrients bright

Fill my skeletal with cells of Light!

Where I live in Florida, we really need this cast in the Summer when hurricanes come!

I love you rain, but be I dry now

Impermeable canopy, dike and dam

Keep waters at bay to but allow

Protection from flooding wherever I am.

Power within me, I summon right now!

Come to the fore. Protect by my vow.

Impervious force field d’flect physical harm

Radiant envelope sustain me par ce charme. (<<< French for “by this charm” and pronounced “par suh sharm”)

Have fun with your casting of spells.

Casts are like affirmations on steroids.

And they aren’t meant to be repeated over and over and over again. So don’t turn the practice into a repetitive dogma.

Do keep a special book for all your casts. My book of casts is very very special to me. It’s a notebook I purchased at a metaphysical shop with a unique sacred geometry cover.

Speak your casts once or every once in a while. Spirit will guide you when and how often to cast. It will guide you when to even open your book of casts.

Casting, like life, is all about ebb and flow. Some casts will become really important to you while others don’t speak to you any longer.

Sometimes you’ll use the book quite a lot. Then you might put it away for awhile. But then one day, something magical happens. You crack open the book pleased to find that many of your casts have come true.

This book will be your holy book and a book of record.

Virtually everything you’ll write in your book of casts will come to pass as long as they’re what you truly desire.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at the email address below.

¹ Spalding, Baird T. Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, Vol 1. United States, DeVorss Publications, 1964.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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