Live Life Grounded in Spirituality. Run Everything You Do, Think and Perceive Through the Filter of Your Great Spirit. Here’s How.

Purusha Radha
6 min readSep 19, 2023


Do you wake up up every day and accept whatever comes your way? Do you let life happen to you? Do you put developing your spiritual life last or close to it? Most people do and then complain about the lives they themselves have created by default.

But when you live your life purposely grounded in spirituality, you’ll live differently. You’ll run everything you do, think and perceive through the filter of your Great Spirit.

Now your thoughts and actions begin to sparkle and they create a spectacular life.

Here’s a master plan for how you might live your days from now on. Pick and choose what speaks to you, of course.

Before you get out of bed in the morning, recall your dreams. (If a dream woke you up in the night, take notes immediately no matter how much you think you’ll remember. Because you probably won’t.) My article here on understanding your dreams should help you.

Still before you even get out of bed, serenely vocalize a list of affirmations to manifest your desires in life. This is another form of creative prayer. I call this list your Sacred Road Map for your life. There really is a way and times of day to do this for the best effect. My article here will give you the road map for your Road Map!

You’re now out of bed.

Be sure you drink two to four cups of pure energized water, preferably slightly warm. You can energize your water with your hands of Light. Or follow the scientific research of Masaru Emoto where he discovered empowering words and statements reformed water crystals into spectacularly beautiful formations. Affix uplifting words and decrees to your decanter of water and drink uplifted water.

Go back to your quiet place now and spend at least 15 minutes meditating. You don’t have to sit in a contorted yoga position. Just be comfortable, breathe and be still. Let the racing thoughts pass through your mind unchallenged. They’ll eventually stop and you’ll be in the clear space to receive divine wisdom.

We identify the Spirit through the breath. Start right from the get-go to become more aware of your breath. Take this awareness into your day. Breathe long and slow and deep even if only at times during the day. Intend it becomes a habit. Aim for six breaths a minute.

Read an inspirational or spiritual text. Maybe even keep a special journal for note keeping. Taking notes reinforces what you’re receiving.

Become more aware of what goes in your mind and redirect.

Our minds are constantly at work dredging up past memories, judging and sometimes even actually thinking pure thought. All that goes on in the mind is a self-talk that either drags us down or lifts us up. Become more aware of what goes in your mind.

In Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations 6.52, he says:

“You always own the option of having no opinion. There is never any need to get worked up or trouble your soul about things you can’t control.

These things are not asking to be judged by you. Leave them alone.”

Consciously intend to always be at ease. You’ve got let the monkey fearful mind know it’s not in charge. Your Great Spirit is. Invite your Spirit to take the helm.

We become what we think about all day long.

So when you see an elderly woman struggling to push her grocery cart, don’t mentally affirm what you see. You’ll create age and weakness for yourself. Instead, redirect your mind to see this woman in her beautiful youth. Use your imagination. What we imagine becomes real.

All day long, keep redirecting your mind to what matters in your life. Does what other people exterior to you truly have anything to do with your life? Only if you allow it.

Imagine just for a second all the wasted energy you’ve been directing to things exterior to you and which have nothing to do with your universe.

Keep redirecting your focus and attention to the Now moment. We can create nothing in the past or in the future. Only the Now moment holds the creative Void and substance we use to manifest all our most passionate desires.

Consciously elevate your thinking beyond third dimensional base thinking. Reach for it. Imagine yourself in the seventh dimension. What’s your thinking like there? Think like it.

Focus on being a conscious serene entity of Light.

Often throughout the day, become aware of your Presence and the Light you shine. Feel the radiance of your heart and consciously send rays of love outward to everyone in your vicinity.

When you come home from your activities of the day, come home to a sanctuary. God knows we all need sanctuary these days. Come home to a place that’s spiritually aligned with who you are. My article here can give you some wonderful ideas.

Do your best to eat meals with good portions of fresh produce that you didn’t terribly overheat. You want to retain as much light and energy the produce absorbed from the sun as possible. You want to eat light to get light.

If you live with other people and there’s drama, you must detach from it. If you dive in with them it will only sap your own Life Force. (If the drama’s a never-ending spiral and you’ve given the relationship your best, you may want to consider getting out for your own sanity and mental, physical and spiritual health.)

Remove other negative influences, too. These include a lot of what’s on television and in the news. It’s terribly low energy.

What goes into the mind comes out in your life. No matter how bad the news is or how much you agree that it’s bad, guess what? If you opt out, the world will still carry on and thrive. Somehow the world has a way of doing that. It’s never really the “end of the world.”

Your evenings can be precious times of sacred solitude.

Take an evening walk in your neighborhood. There surely are enough trees, plants and animals around to uplift you. Trees most especially are generous with their energy. Become aware of the light they offer you and give back your appreciation.

Once you step out into nature, ask your questions and be open to receiving divine answers. For me, this begins to happen almost immediately.

An evening walk is quiet and contemplative. People everywhere are winding down their days and the energy is more still. You won’t often encounter anyone else on your walk so if you’re wanting solitude, you’ll have it.

Look up at the night sky. Forget antiquated airplanes and satellites. Look at the stars and planets where you come from in the future. Appreciate your original home and send it love.

Before bed, create a holy ambience. Play soft music. Light a candle. Create a low-lit environment. Turn off screens.

Send love to all who are suffering in the world. Visualize a massive blanket of healing pink rose petals to gently fall down upon them. Set your Light Body to serve those who need healing and love throughout the night.

And do one last thing before you drift off to sleep. Vocalize your Sacred Road Map. Its decrees will percolate in your subconscious Mind of God all night long. This is the way of all Great Masters who’ve come before us.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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