Your Aura. It’s Way More Than You Think It is.

Purusha Radha
9 min readJan 5, 2024


Your aura — better termed auric field — is an electromagnetic field constantly vibrating around your body. Aura is a term people casually toss around to mean ‘glow’ or ‘vibe.’ These definitions are only partly true. They come nowhere near close to the complete and real understanding of aura.

A pastel multicolored aura encompasses a young woman with hands in prayer position and eyes closed.

Your auric field is enormously complex. As one of your garments of Light, it requires you take good care of it.

This electromagnetic vibrating field is balanced with the dual masculine and feminine energies of this universe.

Electro- is the principle of male dynamic energy drawing outward.

Magneto- is the principle of female mysterious energy drawing inward.

Your auric field is very much connected to the brain and spinal chord.

Your brain and the spinal chord attached to it form an electrical charging unit. This charging unit serves as a kind of engine that supplies electricity (outward movement) and magnetism (inward movement) to your auric field.

It does all this in accord with the thoughts you think and emotions you feel. Your thoughts and emotions are lawgivers. And we’ll discuss this lawgiving aspect more a bit later on in this article.

Envision the image of electro- and magneto- energies and you’ll see a very dynamic image of your auric field at work.

The auric field is real and not some dreamed up concept.

Kirlian¹ photography proves the existence of the auric field. It’s a technique that records images of corona² discharges with a camera. Most people can accept that Kirlian photography shows the auras of living creatures, at least in part.

Many cameras show even more than the blue corona² of the human body. You might see all kinds of color or forms and orbs if you photograph your auric field with Kirlian technology.

But even more fundamental than Kirlian technology, we’ve all experienced how we can feel each other’s auric fields. It’s why we recoil from certain people with ‘bad energy.’ And it’s why we love being around others with ‘good energy.’

The way your aura looks and feels matches with your thoughts, emotions, vibration and your presentation of self.

If you’re a genuinely loving magnanimous person your auric field is certain to be beautiful. If you’re nasty, your aura probably looks nasty too.

The Universal Principle of Like Attracts Like is in operation here.

The highest Masters like Yeshua ben-Joseph (Jesus) have had auras extending very many feet outwards.

The greater the level of Mastery, the greater and more beautiful the aura.

Awakened Starseeds have auras extending many feet outwards. But we shouldn’t just bank on that either. There’s always more to create and further to go.

We want to always keep our auras thriving and beautiful for many reasons.

  • We’ll be pleasant to be around. It contributes Light wherever we go.
  • Healthy auric fields support us to stay physically healthy (more on this a bit later also).
  • The cipher of energy exchange between the brain/spinal chord charging unit and the aura will increase us spiritually.

The auric field is beyond science and a textbook approach to understanding it.

Many books have been written on the aura having seven layers. It’s extremely limiting to relegate the aura to layers and then each of a specific color. That’s giving a third dimensional linear mind understanding to something that’s enormously mystical.

This is information and a consciousness that’s stuck in and hanging onto the past. It’s as if we’re wearing blinders that don’t allow us to see what all is truly there.

We’ve evolved way beyond that.

And beware of people who take a picture of your aura and then interpret for you what they see. They may have a lot of experience with aura photography but it doesn’t mean they’re experts at you.

When they refer to glossaries to define the orange orb, for example, that they see in your aura, that too is awfully limiting. Only you and maybe your Lightwork practitioner can interpret what you see and feel.

Interpreting what’s in your aura is not one-size-fits-all.

More than electricity and magnetism, what else is in your auric field?

The auric field isn’t all fluff and froufrou as most people think.

We absorb Light in the form of sacred geometries and information into the auric field. These sacred geometries and mathematical energies thrive in a beautiful aura.

Your thoughts, words, actions, and especially emotions allow in these high sacred geometries… or not.

Mathematics underlies all of life and creation. And that math is ordered and principled and deliberate. We live in a mathematical universe of sacred geometry.

Phythagorus himself observed, “Everything is numbers.” And Kabbalah echoes this statement when it teaches that God the Infinite created the cosmos with words and numbers.

Your own mathematics will either attract or repel frequencies, Light constructs or densities into your auric field.

Care of the aura takes maintenance, mostly of thought.

Our thoughts attract to the aura energies that are like themselves.

Think and feel resentful, angry thoughts and feelings and you’re bound to create and attract densities into your auric field.

Become a joyful happy peaceful person and your aura will become an energetic balanced oasis of serenity and beauty.

Densities in the aura range from tiny not so harmful ‘elementals’ to attached entities to demonic possessions.

Densities can’t thrive in the Light. So if you have densities in your aura and you make a change in behavior, associations, and/or a shift in attitude and thought, they’ll begin leaving of their own accord.

But sometimes attached entities and possessions are so strongly hooked in to the aura, it takes a very adept Lightworker to help you release them. In the case of very dark entities or possessions, having at least five adept Lightworkers is best for the safety of all involved.

How do we attract attached entities into the auric field?

When you do things that dishonor your personal integrity, rips and tears form in the auric field.

An example would be when you let someone talk you into something you know in your heart isn’t good for you. You only do it to please the other person and compromise yourself. This causes tears in your Light energy to occur.

I had a friend who gave her whole self to a man who was emotionally abusive. She knew all along she was dishonoring herself by allowing it but with low self-esteem, she gave her power to him. Over time she got weaker and weaker—physically, mentally and spiritually.

Somehow she found the strength to leave the man barely making the trek a thousand miles to get herself back home.

When a Master looked at her auric field it was rife with rips and gaping holes. The Master said it was the worst case she’d ever seen and she had witnessed eons of this kind of thing.

My friend’s energy was ‘leaking’ from the rips and tears in her aura. This is why she was so weak.

Tears like that are always potential entry points for densities and darkness. And fortunately for her, she hadn’t yet taken on any very dark attached entities.

Possessions happen when a person is subjected to terrible abuse and treatment. It doesn’t happen to everyone who’s abused but to many.

The enormously dishonoring treatment forced on the pure soul within creates holes in the aura. These are perfect opportunities for the darkest disembodied entities in the astral plane to attach. They’re trying to hitch a ride to a place they ultimately and truly cannot go.

This doesn’t happen to most people so please don’t key in on the concept of possessions. I’m only sharing this aspect to provide a full picture. Just remain aware.

Allowing densities into the aura, if not attended to, ultimately are the origins of disease. Sickness begins in the auric field.

When you think low vibration thoughts you provoke similar low vibration emotions. Low velocity emotions make you more susceptible to inviting densities into your auric field.

The thought doesn’t just hover in your mind when you think it. The thought vibration travels throughout your body and then into your auric field. Thought vibration basically hangs out in your auric field.

If you have persistent negative or destructive thoughts they’ll diminish your aura, even creating openings for densities to enter in.

Over time, if you don’t remove the densities they waft deeper and deeper into the aura towards your physical body. They’ll travel through your blue corona and into the physical to create disease.

What began as a thought allowed densities into the aura and those densities came back again into the body.

Honor yourself and strive to keep your aura clear and beautiful.

Everything has the potential to feed or harm your auric field. This is why you want to live life consciously.

Your auric field can be affected by more than thought and emotion. Music, fragrance, food, EMFs, fans with rotating blades, colors, lifestyle practices and physical contact with other people are some of the other influences.

You want to keep your auric field strong and impervious to all that is not effulgent Love and Light Divine.

You don’t have to be afraid that something will enter your auric field at every turn. Instead, ensure a protected aura by your intention, aura hygiene and by becoming a most sovereign person.

A burning white candle, a white crystal and white sage smudge sticks on a white table

Auric field hygiene is important.

Number one is strive to be as impeccable as you can be with your thoughts. You might not be perfect with this but you’ll get better and better with it every day if this is your intention.

We all can only do our best and our best is perfect in the moment.

If the majority of your thoughts are higher minded, this will be your best defense and offense for remaining protected and clear.

Next, take just one minute a day to cleanse your field. Soon you’ll have it looking like a dusted sparkling rose.

Here are some ways to cleanse the auric field:

  • If you feel like you need help, find a reputable good Lightworker. A good Lightworker can help you handle everything in one session.³
  • Smudge good quality white sage or smoke from Palo santo (Holy Wood) in your auric field. Beware of low quality incense that’s artificial and messes with your olfactory system.
  • Bring a little smoke from a bonfire or small personal sacred fire into your auric field to cleanse it.
  • Drum softly in your aura. Elementals and densities will leave.
  • Sound a gong or ring a bell, either or both of them softly in your field.
  • Wave a naturally fallen bird feather in your aura to gather any small densities. Then take the feather and with force shake it down to the ground to release what it collected. You should hear a whooshing sound when you do so. Shake the feather downwards several times.
  • Let the beautiful natural windy breezes carry densities out of your aura. Call on the wind to assist you.
  • Simply command that densities leave your auric field.

If you intuitively feel you’ve removed a density, immediately fill that space with Light. Use your hands of Light to fill it.

Now that your auric field is clear you’re operating on a clear frequency.

It’s possible you might even remove electrical static that’s been clinging to your energy meridians.⁴ Once this static is removed, it sharpens oxygen uptake to all nerves, especially your optic nerves. This might temporarily make your eyes more sensitive to light, but you also might notice improved vision.

Keeping your auric field clear can help improve not only your five sense perception but your sixth intuitive sense perception as well.

As an important garment of Light, pay attention to your aura just as much as you do your physical body.

It’s like anything in life. Give it Love and it grows and flourishes and is beautiful.

Strive to have an auric field that’s pure, clear, dynamic and resplendent.

Read my other articles about the aura:

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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My Conscious Time Travel Book

¹1970s; from the name of Semyon D. and Valentina K. Kirlian, Russian electricians.

² The blue corona is the part of the auric field closest to the physical body extending from the skin about one quarter inch. When you’re on the spiritual path (777 vibration), your corona is blue. When you move beyond spiritual (seeking, learning, absorbing) into the mystical (888 and 999) and you’ve been in the attitude of mysticism for some time, the blue corona becomes lavender or purple.

³ Some people for some reason say they don’t want the densities or entities they feel in their auras but still hold onto them even in a releasing session. It’s a sort of hypochondria of the spiritual body. Some people seem to love their densities in a sick sort of way. They derive their identity and get attention from this.

⁴ Meridians are sets of pathways in the body along which vital energy flows.

