Sparkling Aura Hygiene: Why You Want It and How to Do It

Purusha Radha
8 min readMar 4, 2024


Most people rarely even give their aura any thought let alone take care of it. As one of your garments of Light, it’s vital to keep it beautiful, healthy and strong. If you don’t, you’ll suffer repercussions all the way down to your physical body.

Why should you consciously take care of your aura?

There are so many important reasons, the challenge is knowing which one to put first.

Profile of a woman inside her aura of many colored dynamic Lights.
Image generated in Midjourney by the author

It’s the residence for your Merkabah vehicle.

Your aura is vessel to your living organic aeroship of Light — your Merkabah. Your Merkabah vehicle of Light is superimposed onto your auric field.

As your celestial transport and vehicle of ascension, your Merkabah deserves to be, even requires a potent clean aura. Supporting your Merkabah is no small feat.

You’ll have better physical health and possibly prevent diseases from forming.

All disease begins first in the auric field.

In my original article on the aura, I spoke about how low velocity thought and emotions can invite densities into your auric field.

Destructive low frequency thought doesn’t just hover in your mind when you think it. The thought vibration travels throughout your body and then into your auric field. Thought vibration basically hangs out in your auric field.

If you have persistent negative or destructive thoughts they’ll diminish your aura, even creating openings for densities to enter in.

Over time, if you don’t remove the densities they waft deeper and deeper into the aura towards your physical body. They’ll travel through your blue corona¹ and into the physical to create disease.

What began as a thought allowed densities into the aura and those densities came back again into the body.

A beautiful aura means a beautiful you.

So now we know the aura is a reflection of our inner being and prevailing thoughts. And alongside being physically healthier, with a clean and beautiful aura you’ll radiate that ‘je ne sais quoi’ quality that no one can exactly describe. They’ll only know they love to be in your presence.

Your aura precedes you. It’s the first sample people get of you when they come close. We don’t want to offend others with dirty toxic auras.

It’s a matter of respect for others when you can present yourself etherically, aurically, beautifully.

Your aura is a sensing system important to keep clear.

Your auric field’s an extension of your nervous system. If it’s muddied with elementals, densities, or worse, possessions, you can’t sense dangerous energies afoot.

In my article, Your Aura Has A Nervous System Of Its Own, I wrote:

The nervous system of your aura is your Protector. It provides you a first line of defense against dark entities and densities. As Gatekeeper it alerts you when something’s off. If it’s strong and healthy, it can keep them from harming you.

A strong auric field helps keep your energies strong and intact.

Sometimes we compromise our personal integrity when we deal with others. This can create holes, tears and leaks in the aura (I told a story to exemplify this here).

Your vital energy can leak out through these openings. This makes you weaker and weaker not just in an etheric sense, but physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Make sure you always honor yourself and your personal integrity. Listen to your inner voice to keep your auric field intact.

A vibrant clean and clear aura keeps the ‘bugs’ out.

This means you can create an auric field impervious to densities and low frequency energies and influences. You can make it so that they bounce right off your aura.

By living in an intentional bubble or shield of Light, you can perpetually shield yourself from low velocity energies.

But you first have to keep your aura clean and strong with a number of simple actions. Here are a number of ways.

A woman claps her hands into her aura to release low frequency densities and replace them with Light.
Image generated in Midjourney by the author

Keep your spiritual integrity high.

Create for yourself a beautiful spiritual temperature or Tas. When you apply consistent, non-dogmatic, spiritual disciplines in your life, it will reflect out into your auric field and repel what isn’t of the Light.

You’ll be sovereign and strong. Densities and dark entities won’t go near a sovereign entity of Light. They’ll cower in your presence.

Guard your thinking. Elevate it. Be conscious about your thoughts.

Guarding our thoughts is probably the most challenging task we’ll ever have to do.

Don’t work so hard at it you make yourself miserable. Do it gently and don’t give up. When you falter, simply and calmly immediately redirect your thought to what’s positive and uplifting. Give the other debilitating thought no energy. Move on.

This is a battle with your ego to be sure, but know this truth: The one who persists longer wins.

Always keep yourself out of harm’s way.

Stay away from anything that’s the 3D earthly energy of 666. 666 stands for the earthly sphere. It represents low frequency third dimensional lifestyle practices and beliefs on Earth.

Don’t put yourself in places where people with dark energies hang out. Bars would be one good example. Having sex for the sake of sex with a person lacking integrity is another dangerous proposition.

I point out these two as specific examples for a reason. They’re situations where it can be easier for low frequency energies to enter into your auric field.

Remember that the energies many other people carry in their auras can potentially jump into and take new residence in your aura. So you want to always be very discerning about where you go and who you engage with.

You have to be a really strong and sovereign person to participate in low velocity activities and still repel entities. But if you can do that, you most probably wouldn’t even get involved in these activities in the first place.

If you feel uncomfortable in any place with any person or group of people, get out.

(I’ve written an entire article on the 3D Earth energy as well as the higher 777, 888, 999 and beyond orders of life here.)

Command a beautiful clear aura.

Simply command that densities leave your auric field.

By my command all negative, destructive thoughtforms bounce off my shield of Light.

Your word and your commands can be potent if you’ll embrace their power for good. Place yourself in the presence of any Master of the Higher realms and ask how to achieve anything. The Master will always answer you with a simple response: Command it.

Eventually and with practice, your commands will be pregnant with knowing. And soon after you’ll simply know your aura is clear and it is so. No command will even be necessary.

Smudge good quality white sage, incense or smoke from Palo santo (Holy Wood) in your auric field.

Waft the delicate smoke throughout your auric field. Be sure you smudge the soles of your feet. Smudge every room in your home, too, while you’re at it.

Beware of low integrity artificial incense. It plays games with your olfactory system. If it can do that to your olfactory it’s got no integrity and won’t do any good for your aura either.

Train your nose to know what’s pure and what’s synthetic. Most incenses out there are pure junk. If you opt to use incense, use the kind made in India.

In a similar way, you can waft a little smoke from a bonfire or small sacred fire into your auric field to cleanse it too.

Bang a drum, chime or clap very softly in your auric field.

Elementals especially (lesser low frequency dense critters), will fly off of you when drumbeats vibrate in your aura. The drumbeats will also help dislodge denser energies. Then you can finish removing those densities with your hands of Light. Just reach in and pull them out. Tune in to your intuitive self to know where they are.

The same holds true for chimes or metallic sounds.

You can sound a gong or ring a bell. Strike either or both of them softly in your auric field.

Clap your hands or snap your fingers in your aura.

As for gongs and chimes, clapping doesn’t have to make a fierce sound. Blend your intention for a clear aura with your hands clapping inside and all around it. It will help clear your auric field while sparking Light into it.

Wave a naturally fallen bird feather in your aura to gather up small densities.

After you’ve collected densities in the feather and with downward motion, shake it to the ground to release what it collected. You should hear a whooshing sound when you do so. Shake the feather downwards several times. Do this several times, if necessary.

Move live flowers around and through your aura.

Whoosh the flower through your aura. You can lightly strike your body with the flowers to energize, uplift and heal. One of the best flowers to use for this purpose is the gladiola.

Dance and use your hands and arms to sweep away debris.

Move your arms and hands in a horizontal figure eight of Light all through your auric field. Intend that your hands sweep away what isn’t Light.

Tone into your auric field.

With your own voice, sound the tones that intuitively come to you. Intend them to clear your auric field.

Call on the wind to clear your aura.

Hundreds of years ago, the term aura itself meant breeze, wind or upper air. Never miss a chance when you’re outside and the breeze is blowing, to call on the wind to assist you. Let the beautiful natural windy breezes carry densities out of their twin sister, your aura.

Similar to the wind, you can call on water prana to clear your energies. Call the water prana forth while you’re in the shower. Command it to cleanse your aura as the water cleanses your skin.

Finally, fill any spaces created by removing densities in your aura with Light.

If you intuitively feel you’ve removed a density, immediately fill that space with Light. Place your hands of Light on the area for a short while knowing Light is filling it.

Or inside your auric field, vigorously rub your straightened hands — palms against each other — to create Light. That Light you stir up will fly off your hands and go in to feed and repair your aura.

If you feel like you still need help, find a reputable good Lightworker.

A good Lightworker can help you handle everything in one session. But don’t rely on this all the time. You must learn to rely on yourself.

Be a spiritual adult who’s adept at taking care of your own energetic bodies. They belong to you after all.

Your aura is a most high Divine gift. It has the potential to raise you spiritually higher and uplift you. But you must nurture it. You must lovingly offer it hygienic practices just as you do your physical body.

Several minutes every day tending to your aura is all it takes, rather like brushing your teeth.

Make your auric field of Light lovely, radiant and full of integrity. Your physical and emotional bodies along with your Merkabah depend on it.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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