You’ve Got a Magnificent Mighty Mind, But Are You Using It Right?

Purusha Radha
5 min readNov 17, 2023


You’ve got a lot of valuable real estate up there in that brain of yours. We use our brains, in large part, to create what we want in life. So what kind of edifice are you building there?

A woman with long caramel colored hair and wearing blue is in reverie, thinking thoughts with gold shards floating around her head

We know that we all are using only a small portion of our brains. Even so, it still produces magnificent things for us.

It would be great if we’d all use more of our brain’s real estate, but that’s a topic of a whole other article. Before we can ever go there, we need to better use the mere ten percent we’re working with right now.

How can we use the rest of our brains if we can’t even work properly with that ten percent, consciously and with purpose?

The issue is, aside from learning new things with the computer part of our brains, most of us don’t use our brains for good outcomes.

The outcomes we’re wanting are to be healed and be wealthy. But our ongoing active thoughts don’t line up with those desires. Instead, we keep reaffirming we’re sick or having a hard time paying all the bills.

Beyond its computer aspect, we don’t utilize the power the rest of the brain holds very well.

Most people’s self-talk is often focused on all the wrong things.

We all talk to ourselves, whether it’s out loud or inside our heads. And that talk is very revealing.

It lets us know if we’re in the present moment or caught up in the past somewhere.

The only place we can create anything is in the present. The past is old and done.

Memories are not thoughts. They’re just previously experienced recordings.

Stuck on memories, you’re wasting your energy, fizzling it away on something that has no creative power.

When you talk to yourself, you get to hear where you’re focusing in the moment. You get to see where you’re landing your extremely valuable thought energy.

And it’s often on all the wrong things.

You may be uselessly analyzing a person, place, thing or event.

The problem with them is they’re power hungry. They’re self-righteous and think they’ve got a lock on wisdom.

Ruminations like that have no redeeming value for the world and most especially yourself.

You may be in judgment of someone who never even asked you for it. In our arrogance, we judge what we know so little of.

She’s doesn’t care if she holds up the line. She’s selfish.

Usually, you’ll find you had it all wrong (in this case, you find out she’s ill) so why bother judging anyone or anything?

Perhaps you’re dwelling on all that’s going wrong in your life.

I fell in the doctor’s office. I burned my dinner. The pain in my back is terrible. People are downright rude. Prices are high. No one cares about me.

Maybe you’re into complaining because you think you’ve lived life and you know better. And maybe you do know better but the people on the other end usually don’t even care. So why waste your valuable thought energy on complaints?

Before you go looking for new customers, maybe you should take better care of the ones you’ve got. This place is dirty, equipment is broken and no one enforces the rules. I’ve told you all this many times but no one seems to care!

This is a lot of mental exercise and spent energy but what’s the end result?

We get pretty much more of the same because what we focus on expands.

We’re wasting our valuable thought energy on things that don’t contribute one iota to building the life of our dreams.

If you were to take all of those pockets of time when you’re negatively thinking outside yourself…

If you were to make a 180 degree turn, just imagine what you’d create.

When you find yourself lost in thinking anything other than the beauty, vitality and magnificence you desire for your life, STOP.

Stop and shift your thinking to what you desire. Speak it in the present tense.

Get yourself on the road to creating what you want. No one else is going to do it for you.

You have to get a hold of your mind.

It will require diligence. You’ll have to make these mental shifts often before you get in the habit of it.

But if you discover it’s just too difficult, it only means you don’t really want that life of your dreams.

We all have the time and energy for the things we truly want to be, do and have in this life.

So make no excuses.

All those obstacles you put in your own way are there because you’d rather suffer. Some people find a sick comfort in suffering. It’s what they know and what they’re used to.

A young blonde angel of a woman wearing white with etheric wings and golden Light around her, has arms and hands outstretched as she read from a large Book of Life resting in her lap

They’re afraid of venturing out into…

Free Space.

The brain is a complex and magnificent organ.

It’s actively involved in creation. You can work to understand all of the brain’s components and that education will greatly help.

But you don’t have to fully understand the brain’s mechanics in order to use it rightly.

All you really need to do is keep focused on the good, the positive, the beautiful and the true.

When your mind drifts to what really and truly doesn’t uplift or serve you, divert your energy to what does. And keep on doing it. Don’t get all down on yourself when you have a slip-up. Just move on and do it right the next time.

This is how you become Master of your mind and your life.

Give no energy to what ties you down. Don’t let anything get you down. Just brush it off like a piece of lint on your shoulder.

Thoughts of things that tether you to the chaotic, drama-filled, suffering aspects of Earth are signs. They’re telltale signs you’re on the wrong track with your mind.

Get and stay on the track that has you flying in Free Space.

Now you’re utilizing your brain and wondrous mind the way you were intended to use them.

You’ll soon look at the way your life is unfolding and see how wise you were to have made a quantum mental shift.

Purusha Radha
Starseed, time traveler, writer
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