How to Make a Cancer Man Miss You? 7 Proven Ways

Alice Florence
4 min readJul 9, 2020


how to make a cancer man miss you image

Wondering how to make a cancer man miss you? He is tender, affectionate, and loving. On the other hand, this male often resides in his own world. Emotional and sensitive, he has all the unique thoughts that nobody can’t reach up.

If you wish to open up his shell, it requires a long time to do that.

A cancer man often attends to his loved one with protection and consideration. He’ll assist you with everything, from cooking, driving you to work, or repairing house appliances.

He is also very romantic. Very sensitive by nature, he has the ability to read other’s inner feelings easily. Furthermore, his care can make you feel at ease and warm.

In the beginning, he appears to be someone who is good at flirting. Yet truthfully, he’s extremely faithful in love. Typically, his greatest dream in life is to set up a happy family together with his cherished one.

How to make him feel you’re “The One” for him, the woman of his dreams… not some “booty call.” PLUS: How to make it HIS idea to commit to you and only you…READ MORE

How to Make a Cancer Man Miss You?

1. Begin with friendship

Bit by bit, find out more about your Cancer guy and also give him occasions to understand you better. Slowly, you will get his trust. Do not rush into a relationship.

If you desire him to miss you, you need to embrace him with warmth, consideration, and sweet gestures.

He is quite emotional at times. For that reason, become a reliable friend that he can rely on. Once he knows that you are really trustworthy, his sentiments for you’ll certainly bloom.

2. Give him clear signs

Give him clear signs if you want to approach him. People born under this sign need all things to be clear. You should be obvious and he can see whether you’re worth being in a new relationship with him.

Don’t act unpredictably or send him ambiguous hints. Or else, he’ll do nothing.

3. Be patient

Certain Cancer males are very shy and reserved. Sometimes, he may like you; on the other hand, being a slow-paced individual, he’s desperate for a way to get out of his shell.

Definitely do not force him to accept you! You need to leave him both space and time to deal with his complicated emotions.

4. Never ever play games

Do not think of the play-hard-to-get technique if you want him to miss you. Not like other guys, Cancer doesn’t like it when you disappear out of the blue or try to test his love for you. He will find that his sentiments are crushed if he discovered it.

Instead of playing games with him, get him to feel like being at home whenever you are together with him as Cancer is well known as a family man.

5. Allow him to take care of you

A Cancer man enjoys taking care of people around him, particularly the ones he loves.

If you’d like him to miss you, then offer him an opportunity to pamper, be worried about you, making him feel like you NEED them.

6. Trust

It is not easy to gain fully the trust of a Cancer man. On the other hand, in case you succeed, then things with him will be a lot easier.

7. Reassure him

Cancer is a very sensitive creature. So, say what you think! Do not lead him to fall into the insecure state, feeling that you will no longer like him.

Do not mind comforting your guy sometimes like this. Hug him and tell him softly that all things are still fine. That is all he requires!

How to make him feel you’re “The One” for him, the woman of his dreams… not some “booty call.” PLUS: How to make it HIS idea to commit to you and only you…READ MORE

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How to Make a Cancer Man Miss You? 7 Proven Ways by Alice Florence



Alice Florence

You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.