5 Signs a Cancer Man Has Feelings For You

Alice Florence
4 min readJul 4, 2020


signs a cancer man has feelings for you image

Looking for signs a cancer man has feelings for you? The Cancer man has a great fear of getting hurt, therefore, he has a tendency to hide his feelings as a way to protect himself. This man would seem naturally private and can do anything to prevent you from knowing his love for you.

When you get signs implying that he’s in love with you, he might be already fallen for you sometimes. Remember that he is insecure and merely starts to open up after he totally feels safe about something.

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Table of Contents

  • 1: He is jealous
  • 2: He becomes distant
  • 3: He becomes one step closer
  • 4: He looks for your emotional support
  • 5: He wants to make you smile

5 Signs a Cancer Man Has Feelings For You

Reading a Cancer man’s mind is a very hard task, because of his complicated behavior. It can take you quite a while to figure out his feelings towards you.

The good news is, you can know if he likes you or not by observing his attitudes. As soon as he reacts strangely, you’ll be able to tell there is something happening inside him.

1. He becomes jealous

A Cancer man will act jealous as soon as he notices his feelings for you. His vulnerability and insecurity level will rise when he sees you go out with another guy. You can determine his heart by observing his body gestures. If he gets sarcastic, rude, or uncomfortable when other guys approach you, he then is undoubtedly in love with you.

2. He becomes distant

A Cancer man has a tendency to avoid you if he has a crush on you. Feelings of love may overwhelm him, getting him to become a fragile, shy, and emotional guy in front of you. This is due to his extreme sensitivity.

Try to be aware of his emotions and do not force him to admit his love for you. You can display subtle hints to tell him you also have good feelings for him in order for him to be more certain and confident since he won’t take risks if he sees no possibility with you.

3. He becomes one step closer

He’ll open up more and enable you to enter into his inner self when he has a clear perception of mutual feelings between both of you. He’ll confidently stays closer to you when he understands his possibility with you.

A Cancer man will you with his passion and sweetness when being around you. He will only share his private things and personal moments with the person genuinely appreciating his love.

4. He looks for your emotional support

You will have to watch out for his swift changes in moods when you know about the Cancer male. All he requires is your understanding; for that reason, do not condemn his sudden changes, or else you two may get involved with lots of quarrels.

Emotional support is what he appreciates the most from his partner, he expects his loving partner to deal with the situation with grace and sympathy.

5. He wants to make you smile

A Cancer guy will work hard to bring make you smile when he has feelings for you.

He is normally broody and moody in the normal state; on the other hand, when he all of a sudden behaves goofy and tries his best to make you laugh, then he is really falls hard for you. A Cancer guy in love will forever desire to bring joy and happiness to his cherished one, so he will try his best to make you smile.

To conclude…

Even though you now understand signs a Cancer man has feelings for you, remember he’s very reserved personally. In the event you genuinely wish to have a love romance with this man, then you need to take the first move.

By no means ignore his affection, dedication, or compliment, acknowledging his behavior is an excellent approach to supercharge his self-confidence and get rid of his insecurity. Also, don’t show your clingy or needy side because he favors an independent lady.

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5 Signs a Cancer Man Has Feelings For You by Alice Florence



Alice Florence

You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.