What is 5D, or New Earth Consciousness?

the word is good

Reyna Park
4 min readFeb 15, 2023

Ready for the news that will shake your world?

It’s just the way the cookie crumbles.

by Mor Shani at Unsplash

We are in the unfolding of a broadscale spiritual awakening — a shift into the loving awareness of “5D consciousness”.

Different from 3D consciousness that has controlled the Earth, 5D is about love. That’s it. No war. No jealousy. No competition. Just plain and simple respect, admiration and enjoyment.

Some have labeled this new reality the New Earth Consciousness. No matter the name, people across the world are having spiritual awakenings, and the news is exciting.

A spiritual awakening is a period of time where you feel the divine channeling effortlessly through your Earth body. Spiritual awakenings have a tendency to induce “I am” consciousness.

The best part of “I am” consciousness is that you feel no separation at all from what you are looking at. Say you are walking outside on the boardwalk in Venice Beach California. You see booths with art, restaurants selling seafood, and young boys kicking a soccer ball. When you look at these things, you understand that you are these things, and you feel a warm intimacy with them. There is no room for fear, because fear is an illusion of separation. This is what 5D consciousness feels like.

Lightworkers are beginning to wake up and remember who they are.

Lightworkers are souls that vibrate above the third dimension who volunteered to come down here to Earth and raise the collective vibration.

Some will have important roles as spiritual teachers, and some will contribute solely by being alive. They are already helping — their souls vibrate at higher frequencies and lift those around them.

Many, such as myself, are starseeds.

Starseeds are souls that originate from other galaxies or solar systems.

I was guided to another starseed by the Universe. She is my reiki master and mentor. She is the one who told me of starseeds and let me know oh-so-casually that I am one.

Now that I know of my cloth, from which I am cut and sewn, I have been running into other starseeds. I can tell they are starseeds because our auras wrap around each other and dance into each other at a much higher place in the body, above the crown chakra. This is not common with every person I meet.

Why is the 5D Ascension happening?

As we move through space, the frequency of the Earth rises naturally. However, the humans that inhabit the Earth and our ways of life have not evolved at a pace fast enough to keep in stride with this rising vibration. Humanity’s ego-driven predominant consciousness has kept humanity in low vibration, a vibration which is now lower than the vibration of the Earth and incompatible with life. We prioritize profit over harmony with the planet; profit over care for the unhoused; there is serious discord and not just in a metaphysical way.

Life as we know it will change significantly in the next 200 years, and ecological collapse is entirely possible, perhaps inevitable, as the scorched-earth effect must takes place. Land will become inhospitable, and then terraform to recreate sustainable life. This timeline will end soon.

After ecological collapse, the Earth will be re-inhabited by high vibrational beings of the 5th density, including the lightworkers and starseeds who stayed behind to aid this transition.

Spiritually disciplined people living in loving consciousness can elevate into 4D/5D bodies after death. The goal is to avoid transferring to the astral plane after death, as this can be a dark place of 3D consciousness, very similar to the Earth and far from the loving experiences that are available to us.

Ultimately, souls will be relinquished from the low vibrations of this reality and continue towards Source, and this word is good.

What happens when you move from 3D, our current reality, into 5D?

You realize that many of the ways you have been conditioned to live your life are incompatible with love, but that there are boundless ways to live a life of love.

You will become finely tuned to your higher guides and your soul purpose.

This will almost definitely involve a career change, adopting a spiritual practice, and losing some relationships that don’t serve you.

It will also involve unshakable feelings of peace, happiness, grace, and respect and admiration for the Universe!



I am a lightworker — To learn more divine truths, and to manage your own healing, give me a follow on this publication!

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