The Good Robots

saeeda bukhari
5 min readMar 13, 2016


i love robots ☮~ Retro ROBOT ❤ Vintage illustration, design and poster art.

Has anybody heard of the good robot, the one that everybody loves. it’s not going to take over the world, and it is doing those jobs that we are not very good at, or wouldn’t want to do anyway.

Here are two, The first was commissioned by one of the largest arms manufacturers for the people of Laos, who have a mammoth task before them.

“Laos has the unenviable title of being the most bombed country in the world per capita, with an estimated 80 million cluster munitions and items of UXO remaining live in the ground at the end of the conflict” — MAG

The odd duck shaped robot, is a cross between an advanced metal detector, a quad-copter/duck and a paint spray gun. It hovers and scans from a few inches above the ground, and sprays fluorescent paint, where it detects a likely hunk of metal. This allows everybody to clearly see where the munitions are located. It is currently on hold, waiting for the

completion of another robot, which will be able to identify a person via facial recognition software, and explode them.

The second robot, was designed as a children’s toy, however since the children seemed to be working, sifting through large mounds of rubbish, the designer decided to think out of the box, and came-up with a personal spider robot, that does the sifting for them. It currently separates metals, plastics, paper, and card, which the children can

then bag up and sell. A first draft of the design has been drawn. This one is waiting on the completion of an advanced robotic, life like pony.

You’ve guessed it, the good robots are imaginary, but it would be nice, if it were true.



  • I love robots ☮~ Retro ROBOT ❤ Vintage illustration, design and poster art.
  • Graphical review of ‘duck automaton project’ , original artwork of Jacques Vaucanson, 1738)
  • Agave Dreams, 2015 Painted and polished stainless steel 10' x 12' x 6' (3.00 x 3.70 x 1.60 m. Location: Texas Tech University (Lubbock, Texas)
  • An artist impression of a hexapod robot made by KVDP around 2005. The robot was intended to move using 2 movable joints on the legs; 1 being placed at at the “knee” of the leg (marked by 1), another at the underside.
  • Pegasus, Anatomical Art, Unknown Artist

Further Reading

2016 —, Experts on killer robots at Davos by Campaign to Stop Killer Robots

2016, Human Rights Watch, Killer Robots campaign for pre-emptive laws to enforce accountability on the use of autonomous weapons

2016, April, 08th, Linkedin Pulse, “Could we avoid psychopath and sociopath robots?” by Francisco Maroto

2016, April, 02, The Irish Independent Online, “Man builds life like robot to fulfil his childhood dream” — Video by ITN Lydia Batham. Accessed 2016, April, 02nd

2016, The About complex machine learning and the inevitability to bypass human knowledge and understanding — Accessed 2016, April, 04 12:36

2016, 13th March — Website Accessed — “The world’s first airborne Mexican food delivery system” [About Drone Delivery of Food for homeless people in Mexico]

2016, 24th Feb, BBC online, Remarkable Boston Dynamics robot puts up with bullying, by Dave Lee

2016, 22nd Feb, Rise of the machines: A future the public sector can’t ignore — See more at: by Adam Armer Accessed 08th-April-2016 at 13:20

2016, 13th Feb, The Telegraph, Robots will take over most jobs within 30 years, experts warn by Sarah Knapton, Science Editor in Washington

2016, 12th Feb,, How to prepare IT workers for the impact of automation, by Stephanie Overby

2016, Jan, Link for “Where MAG works/Laos” Accessed Jan, 2016

2015, 12th Dec, The Independent, How fearful should we be about the rise of the robots?, by Jamie Nimmo

2015, 22nd Oct, “In Syria, Drones with a New Mission” , by Colin Landforce

2015, Sep, 13th, The Telegraph: Taranis stealth drone may see final test flights by Ben Farmer

2015, Jul, 28, Autonomous Weapons: an Open Letter from AI & Robotics Researchers

2015, 28th July, , Autonomous Weapons: an Open Letter from AI & Robotics Researchers with list of signatories, The Future of Life Institute

2015, 27th, May Bostinno I, Marketer: How Machine Learning Robots Will Replace Human Marketers by Kyle S Gibson

2015, 5th Jan The Women Clearing Loas of unexploded bombs, Financial Times, Apr 5, 2015

2014, Oct, 24th Washington Post, by Matt McFarland, Elon Musk: With Artificial Intelligence we are summoning the demon, Hour long conversation with Elon Musk

2014, Oct, 22nd to 24th Centennial Symposium, Aero Astro Centennial Symposium, Hour long interview with Elon Musk Accessed 08th April 2016.

2014, 15th July, The Telegraph, Disaster drones: are they the future of humanitarian aid? by Erica Elkershi

2014, Big Data-Driven Marketing: How machine learning outperforms marketers’ gut -feeling, Journal, Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling & Prediction Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8393, 2014, pp 367–374 by Johannes Bjelland, Asif M Iqbal, Alex Sandy Pentland, Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye, Pål Sundsøy.

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