5 Tips To Improve Your Technical Hiring Pace

4 min readNov 5, 2021


Technical recruitment is a meta business challenge, and the right hiring strategy always gets you the best talent.

Five Technical Recruitment Tips
Five Tips to enhance Tech Hiring

We are currently living in a post-industrial world with daily innovations driven by technology. In such a case, every company is a technology company, and tech knowledge is a must-have for every employee. Hence, Technical Recruitment is an important business aspect.

Besides, if you are a company building tech products or tech services and solutions, you would require the best engineering team for your company to stay afloat. It is a competitive world out there, whether you like to admit it or not.

That is why I refer to technical hiring as a meta-business challenge. It is a necessary hurdle to hop across before you tackle the actual business impediments. The right hiring strategy implemented by an active technical recruiter will surely fetch you the best tech talent. Read more on how to hire the best tech talent.

Technical Hiring Challenges

Moreover, did you know that 65.7% of the companies are building talent pools for the future? — this only shows companies are focusing on equipping themselves for the future, and most organizations are quick to fetch the top talent in the market so, it is a definite competition.

The most common challenges in technical recruitment are:

These are a few issues that may disrupt your hiring process. If you have already figured out a functional strategy, read more regarding how to win technical hiring.

If you are looking to build an effective strategy, here are a few tips for you. Let’s dig out solutions together.

Tips to improve your technical hiring process

Technical hiring is more of a race than a challenge, so you can either hire fast or hire the best.

But, with a winning strategy, you can triumph the game by hiring the best talent fast. So, here’s five tips to improve the technical hiring process that can help you hire top talent.

1. Consult Hiring Manager First

As your first step of the order, it is necessary to know what kind of resources your hiring manager needs. So, talk to the hiring manager, get all the specific information regarding the job.

Find out the technologies, programming languages, tech skills the ideal candidate has to possess. The hiring manager is your best chance at avoiding all kinds of mis-hiring.

So, consult the hiring manager before you do anything else.

2. Have a Precise Job Description

When a candidate applies for a job, the job description is the first thing they go through. So, it is necessary to distinctly mention the kind of role they would be taking up and a precise list of responsibilities, preferred skills, and qualifications.

And this would be possible if you have a careful understanding of the role and skillset, which depends on your discussion with the hiring manager.

It is advisable to have short and accurate descriptions which are to the point. Detailed discussions such as, whether the candidate should wear multiple hats while working or stick to a single duty could be taken over in a call.

3. Have an outreach plan

Your company might have a great opportunity and the best infrastructure to work with but, top talent won’t always flock around your organization for a job. Given that the best developers are already employed elsewhere, it is necessary to reach out to them.

It is possible by having a proactive hiring plan.

You have to scour the market to score the top talent.

You may reach out to potential job seekers on multiple platforms and notify them regarding the opportunities and why they are better for their careers.

Codejudge Developer Campaign, for instance, reaches out to top performers with personalized marketing campaigns and emails and hence propelling the chances of recruiting excellent developers. It is an intelligent solution that can boost hiring.

4. Automate Your Technical Assessments

You may have already heard about this, “Automate your technical assessments to save time and costs!” so let me save your time in this section.

You would automate the assessment cycle to avoid multiple technical rounds and save your precious engineering time. You would still enter the test information, assessment details, and questions. You need to identify the right technical hiring platform to do this.

With Codejudge Assessment Suite, you can customize your assessments with real-world micro-projects in 50+ frameworks and technologies, MCQs, and programming questions in 15+ coding languages.

Moreover, you get a skill-accurate efficiency report of the candidate against 127+ code metrics that will help you in making data-driven hiring decisions.

5. Technical Hiring Platforms

You can take assistance from technical recruiting platforms to speed up and ease your hiring process. With the right tech hiring platform, you may avoid all the hiring challenges mentioned above. Besides, with the right keywords, role details, you can build a skill-accurate talent pipeline.

Similarly, you can use an online coding platform for video interviews to get a clearer picture of the candidate performance dynamics.

For instance, with Codejudge, you can automate your technical assessments, reach out to prospective candidates, conduct online interviews with Judgepad, run hackathons, and more! — ALL IN ONE PLACE!

So in a way, even technical hiring requires successful execution of teamwork with the hiring managers, technical recruiters, HR professionals, and hiring executives all on the same page.

Technical recruitment is a plausible problem, and you can solve it with the right strategy. Also, it will win you the recruitment competition and help you hire the most in-demand talent.

Book a demo with us to discuss and design an effective hiring strategy for your company!

