Why should organizations automate technical assessments? — Here’s Your answer.

3 min readNov 16, 2021


Assessment Automation

Automation is the key to saving precious engineering hours at your organization. Have your engineers focus more on building solutions and less on technical interviews and witness productivity at your company skyrocket!

Technology has made digital existence possible, and engineers have developed intelligent systems that translate the complicated language of 1’s and 0’s into understandable solutions for the humans on this planet. In the past decade, there has been a massive surge in recruiting the best engineers, and every company has understood the importance of having developers with a knowledgeable technical background.

Technical Hiring Challenges

In a situation where everybody is looking to hire the top talent, technical recruitment is a big challenge with the following issues.

Automate hiring and save time

By automating, companies can save a lot of time and effort. This eventually improves the overall productivity of the organization. Automating your tech hiring using innovative platforms and unique tools will speed up the hiring process and enhance recruiting accuracy.

According to a study by RedBranch Media, 80% of the executives believe automation can improve productivity and performance. A few advantages of automating technical assessments are as follows

These are but a few benefits of automating your technical assessments. There are many platforms out there, and Codejudge happens to be the best option given its realistic assessments.

Why Automate with Codejudge Assessment Suite?

Codejudge offers the best-in-class hiring solutions, and the assessment suite comprises real world micro-projects(50+ technologies and frameworks across backend, frontend, mobile apps and DevOps roles) in addition to MCQs and technical quizzes, programming challenges (in 15+ commonly used programming languages). Codejudge speeds up your technical hiring process by 10x and helps companies hire the best tech talent.

The Codejudge assessment suite, with real-world scenario-based micro-projects, is built to create a skill-accurate pipeline of talented developers. Besides boosting your hiring process, with skill efficiency reports against 127+ code metrics, you can assess and hire candidates with sure shot skills. Read more on how to achieve the best results with Codejudge.

Perfect Automation by Codejudge
A Refined Tech Hiring Process

A few reasons to partner with Codejudge to automate your technical assessments are:

  • Freedom to custom build assessments.
  • Freedom to set custom performance metrics and difficulty levels.
  • Skill efficiency reports for making data-driven hiring decisions
  • Customize assessment invites: applicable for time date and email body.
  • Instantly upload your entire candidate list at once
  • Codejudge Proctoring — With anti-cheating measures in place such as image proctoring, plagiarism detection and toggle options for tab switching, full screen mode, a fair evaluation of candidates is ensured.

With Codejudge, the list of recruiter-friendly features never stops because the team at Codejudge is constantly working to build effective recruiting solutions.

Consult Codejudge for 10x recruiting and 10x developer talent!

