How Long Does A Libra Man Stay Mad?

Sophia Rose
9 min readSep 28, 2023


Finding your Libra man upset can be alarming. You may wonder if he’ll stay angry at you forever or if this is just a passing phase. Understanding how long a Libra holds onto anger can help you reconcile with him faster.

Libra is the zodiac sign represented by the scales, so balance and fairness matter a lot to them. Your Libra man strives for harmony in all his relationships. When that equilibrium gets disrupted by anger, he’ll want to restore it quickly.

Here’s an in-depth look at how long a Libra man tends to stay mad and how his anger manifests. Discover tips for dealing with his moodiness and soothing his temper. With some compassion and patience, you can get your easygoing Libra guy back.

Here’s a quick answer: Libra men don’t like holding grudges for long. For minor upsets, give a Libra man 1–3 days to cool off before apologizing. For more serious fights, allow 1–2 weeks before attempting to reconcile. But if you betray his trust deeply, he may cut you off entirely. With empathy, space, and a sincere apology, you can usually get your easygoing Libra guy to forgive you.

How Long Do Libras Hold a Grudge?

Libras are not grudge-holders by nature. They forgive more readily than zodiac signs like Scorpio or Capricorn. However, even the laidback Libra has their limits.

If you’ve deeply hurt or betrayed your Libra man, he may cut you out of his life entirely. Once he hits that breaking point, he likely won’t accept any apology or attempt to reconcile from you.

For lesser offenses though, a Libra man won’t stay angry long. He doesn’t like holding onto negative emotions. Your Libra guy will get over his mad mood after a heartfelt apology and some time to cool down.

Giving him space when he needs it and being patient will help him bounce back faster. Avoid pressuring him to instantly “get over it.” Let your Libra man calm down first, and he’ll be open to smoothing things over.

How Do Libras Act When Mad?

Libras despise confrontation and discord. So when your Libra man gets angry, he probably won’t have an explosive temper tantrum.

Instead, you may notice passive aggressive behavior or him withdrawing from you emotionally. Here are some common ways a Libra man shows he’s upset:

  • Giving you the silent treatment
  • Making snide remarks
  • Acting aloof and indifferent
  • Withholding affection
  • Sarcasm or subtly hurtful comments
  • Sulking

Your Libra guy doesn’t like drama, so he’ll vent his frustrations indirectly. He probably won’t yell or pick fights with you. But he will make it clear he’s angry through small acts of hostility.

This passive aggression may frustrate you, but try not to lash out. That will just escalate tension between you and your Libra man.

Be the calm, compassionate one until he’s ready to discuss what’s bothering him. Then have an open and honest conversation to clear the air.

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Signs a Libra Man is Angry With You

How can you tell if your romantic Libra man is mad at you specifically? Here are some signs he harbors anger toward you:

  • Doesn’t call or text as much
  • Declines your invitations to hang out
  • Seems distracted when you talk
  • Doesn’t ask how you’re doing
  • Avoids eye contact
  • Takes a long time to respond to messages
  • Short, curt responses to your texts/calls

When upset with you, your Libra boyfriend will grow cold and distant. He won’t show his feelings openly through aggression. Instead, he’ll withdraw from you bit by bit.

Don’t get frustrated if he needs time apart to process his anger. Let him come to you when he’s ready to discuss what’s bothering him.

You can gently check in with a text, but avoid bombarding him. Getting demanding or clingy will just drive him farther away. Give your Libra man some breathing room and he’ll eventually open up.

How To Tell if a Libra Man is Mad at You:

  • He doesn’t call or text you for several days
  • Declines invitations to hang out
  • Takes a long time to respond to messages
  • Gives short, impersonal responses
  • Acts distracted when you talk
  • Seems cold, distant, and indifferent

What Makes Libras Angry?

Libras have pretty long fuses, but several things may set off their tempers:

  • Injustice: Libras have a strong moral compass. When someone commits a perceived wrong, especially against the weak/vulnerable, your Libra man will get fired up.
  • Broken promises: Making (and keeping) plans is very important to Libras. They get very irritated if someone breaks a commitment or cancels last minute.
  • Disrespect: Manners matter to a Libra man. Rude, uncouth, or highly inappropriate behavior will provoke his anger.
  • Unfairness: Libras crave equilibrium and justice. Anything they regard as unfair treatment or an imbalance of power will disturb them.
  • Drama: Libras avoid messy, emotionally-charged situations. Maintaining harmony is paramount. Too much volatility strains their nerves.
  • Criticism: Libras have fragile egos. Blunt criticism, especially about their appearance or intelligence, can hurt a Libra man’s pride.

Understanding these common triggers can help you avoid upsetting your Libra love interest. Be conscious of his pet peeves, and handle any issues gently and diplomatically.

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How Long Does a Libra Man Stay Mad at You?

When angry at you specifically, how long might your Libra boyfriend hold onto resentment?

Usually not that long. Libras are forgiving people pleasers at heart. They have trouble staying angry when you make the effort to apologize and understand their feelings.

However, if the issue is very serious — cheating, betrayal, constantly criticizing him — your Libra man may cut you off for good. For lesser mistakes though, he’ll get over it in time.

Here’s a general timeline of how long a Libra man will stay mad at you:

  • Minor annoyance: 1–3 days
  • Small argument: 4–7 days
  • Major fight: 1–2 weeks
  • Deep hurt or loss of trust: Potentially forever

The more deeply you wounded him, the longer your Libra man will nurse that grudge. For small upsets, give him a few days of space before trying to talk it out. Listen with empathy when he shares his feelings.

A sincere, thoughtful apology will go a long way with him. But for more severe transgressions, patience and effort will be required to regain his trust. Assure your Libra boyfriend you’ll right your wrong, then give him time.

Tips for Dealing With an Angry Libra Man

Seeing your happy-go-lucky Libra guy upset can be troubling. Here are some tips for coping when your Libra boyfriend is in a mood:

Give him space. Don’t smother your Libra man if he seems to want time alone. Let him come to you when he’s ready.

Listen without judgment. When he opens up, hear him out fully. Don’t interrupt or criticize. Validate his perspective.

Empathize, don’t escalate. Don’t mirror his anger. Respond with compassion so you two can communicate calmly.

Apologize sincerely. Own up to any mistakes you made and tell him earnestly that you’ll improve.

Reassure him. If he’s anxious you’re abandoning him, soothe those worries with verbal affirmation.

Do thoughtful gestures. Cook his favorite meal, give a heartfelt card, or do something sweet to show you care.

Remind him of good times. Help your Libra man recall all the joy, laughter, and connection you share.

With patience and understanding, you can get your Libra guy smiling again. Avoid pressuring him to “get over it” on your timeline. In time, his sunny disposition will return.

Soothing an Upset Libra Man

When your Libra boyfriend is in a bad mood, here are some helpful ways to soothe and calm him down:

Give him affection. Hugs, cuddling, hand-holding, and physical closeness reassure him of your bond.

Suggest a fun outing. Getting his mind off the issue with an amusement park trip or comedy show can lighten his mood.

Cook his favorite meal. Comfort foods and home-cooked dishes appeal to the Libra sensual side.

Give him space. Don’t crowd or pressure him. Let your Libra man approach you when ready.

Help him relax. Offer a massage, draw him a bubble bath, or watch a silly movie together.

Revisit happy memories. Remind him of fun vacations, romantic dates, and meaningful moments in your relationship.

Appeal to his intellect. Have philosophical debates or discuss intellectually stimulating topics to engage his brilliant mind.

When you combine space with caring gestures, you can get your Libra man out of his funk faster. Avoid escalating tensions during this sensitive time.

How To Apologize to a Libra Man

Want to make amends with your angry Libra guy? A sincere, thoughtful apology paves the way for forgiveness. Follow these steps for apologizing to a Libra man:

Give him time to cool off before initiating the conversation. Don’t force it when emotions are running hot.

Speak in person rather than over text to convey genuineness. Set an intimate, quiet mood.

Listen without interrupting as he shares his perspective first. Validate his feelings.

Take accountability for mistakes you made or pain you caused him. Don’t make excuses.

Acknowledge his viewpoint even if you disagree on certain points. Compromise where you can.

Express regret for your actions, how they hurt him, and how you’ll improve. Speak from the heart.

Suggest solutions to resolve the issue and prevent it recurring. Offer compromises.

Ask how you can make amends. Take any constructive feedback to heart. Follow through on promises.

Reaffirm your feelings for each other and your commitment to the relationship. End on a loving note.

With empathy, sincerity, and compromise, you can get back in your Libra man’s good graces and restore harmony after even major fights. Open communication is key.

How Libras Compare to Other Zodiac Signs

Not every zodiac sign handles anger the same way. Here’s how Libras compare to others when it comes to holding grudges:

Libra: Avoids conflict. Needs time to cool off but comes around after an apology.

Virgo: Has rigid standards. Overlooks small issues but may cut you off over broken trust.

Gemini: Quite forgiving. Anger is fleeting. Makes up readily if you stoke their intellect.

Cancer: Sensitive and nostalgic. Long memories of pain but will forgive true remorse.

Aquarius: Cerebral sign. Needs time and space but will make rational amends after cooling down.

Aries: Hot tempers but total forgiveness after blowing off steam. Let them vent, then make up.

Leo: Prideful sign. Apologize genuinely for wounds to their ego. Offer lavish praise when making up.

Scorpio: Passive aggression. Hold deep grudges. Takes major effort to regain their trust once lost.

As you can see, Libras are among the less vindictive signs. Compared to Scorpio or Virgo, they’re usually quicker to let go of anger, especially after an apology.

FAQs about Libra Men and Anger

Still have questions about Libra men and how they handle anger? Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

How long do Libra men stay mad at their partner?

For minor issues, 1–3 days. For major fights, 1–2 weeks. Deep wounds may elicit lifelong grudges.

What makes a Libra man angry with his girlfriend or wife?

Perceived unfairness, disrespect, broken commitments, too much drama, or deep criticism.

How can you tell if a Libra man is angry at you?

Growing cold/distant, giving you the silent treatment, declining invitations, taking long to respond to messages.

What is the best way to apologize to a Libra man?

Hear him out, take accountability for mistakes, acknowledge his perspective, express regret sincerely, suggest solutions, and reaffirm your bond.

Do Libra men forgive cheating?

Rarely. Faithfulness is very important to them. Infidelity often elicits deep, lasting anger and dismissal from Libras.

How do you make up with a Libra man after a fight?

Let him cool off first. Offer a thoughtful, genuine apology. Compromise where possible. Reassure him of your affection.

Will ignoring a Libra man make him miss you?

At first, but not for long. Libras crave communication. Stonewalling him for days will likely just deepen anger, not fondness.

In Summary…

While Libras don’t like holding onto anger, they will speak up if something bothers them deeply. Allow your Libra man space to calm down. When he’s ready, hear him out fully. Empathize with his perspective. Offer a sincere, thorough apology. Reaffirm your bond, then patiently regain his trust. Avoid pressuring him to “get over it” instantly. With understanding and compassion, you’ll soon be able to reconcile.

Visit my blog Wisdom of The Spirit for more articles about spirituality and astrology.

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Sophia Rose

NOLA-born, skeptic-turned-seer. In Bali, sharing spiritual insights on medium. Unraveling soul paths with mystic energy