Will Libra Man Come Back After Ghosting?

Sophia Rose
6 min readSep 28, 2023


Have you been ghosted by a Libra man recently? It can be confusing and frustrating when someone you care about suddenly disappears without explanation. As a Libra, he likely did this to avoid an uncomfortable confrontation or having to make a tough decision. But is there still hope he may come back into your life?

Libra men are known for their charm and romantic nature. But their indecisive streak can cause problems in relationships. When faced with conflict or difficult emotions, Libras often choose to escape the situation entirely instead of dealing with it head-on.

In this article, we’ll explore the Libra man’s tendency to ghost, signs he may return, and how to navigate the situation if he comes back into your life.

Here’s a quick answer: Libra men are known for ghosting romantic partners to avoid confrontation or difficult decisions. However, some signs indicate a Libra man may return after ghosting, like random check-ins, jealousy if you’ve moved on, reminiscing about the past, or trying to meet up platonically. Proceed cautiously if he reappears, have an honest discussion, and don’t ignore red flags or unsatisfying behavior.

Understanding the Libra Man

First, it’s helpful to understand some key traits of the Libra man’s personality:

  • Diplomatic — Libras hate conflict and will go to great lengths to keep the peace. They prefer harmony in all their relationships.
  • Indecisive — As the zodiac’s scales, Libras struggle with making definitive choices. They often waver back and forth when faced with tough decisions.
  • Charming — Libras have a strong need to be liked. They typically have top-notch social skills and can win others over with ease.
  • Avoidant — When problems arise, Libras tendency is to evade rather than confront them directly. Ghosting allows them to sidestep an uncomfortable situation.

Knowing these core characteristics provides insight into why Libra men often disappear without explanation. Confronting you would force them to make a tough call, so they opt to escape instead.

Why Libra Men Won’t Come Back After Ghosting

There are a few key reasons why a Libra man may ghost you and not return:

  • He feels guilty — If he knows he hurt you, a Libra may stay away to avoid facing the damage he caused.
  • Craves independence — Libras highly value their freedom. If he felt suffocated in the relationship, he may not come back.
  • You wronged him — As the zodiac’s scales, Libras have a strong sense of justice. If you did something unfair, he likely won’t return.
  • Commitment phobia — Libras avoid feeling “trapped” in any way. He may have bailed because things were getting too serious.
  • Hates confrontation — For conflict-avoidant Libras, ghosting can feel easier than an emotional breakup talk.

Essentially, if the Libra man believes coming back will force him to confront guilt, limit his independence, or cause arguments, he’s unlikely to return after ghosting you.

Signs Your Libra Man May Come Back

Though the odds may seem stacked against it, there are some signs your Libra guy may reappear even after ghosting:

  • Random check-ins — You may get unexpected texts or calls just to say hello. It’s his way of keeping a foot in the door.
  • Jealousy about you moving on — Libras hate losing people from their lives. If he hears you’re seeing someone new, he may reach out.
  • Trying to meet up as “friends” — Suggesting friendly meetups allows him to test the waters before fully reconnecting.
  • Reminiscing about good times — Bringing up happy memories is a Libra’s way of opening the door to rekindling things.
  • Flirting and charm — He may turn up the charisma when you run into each other to remind you of the spark you shared.

While these signs could indicate he wants to get back together, it’s also possible he just wants the ego boost or is bored and looking for entertainment. Proceed with caution if he comes back around.

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What To Do If Your Libra Ex Returns

If the Libra ghost comes back from the dead, here are some tips for handling it:

1. Get closure if you need it

If his disappearing act left you with unresolved feelings, be honest and let him know you need answers to move forward. Avoid accusatory language and try to have a compassionate discussion.

2. Set boundaries and expectations

Make it clear what you need from him going forward and what behavioral changes are required if you decide to give it another shot. Don’t sweep past hurts under the rug.

3. Take it slow

Rushing back into things will likely overwhelm the Libra man, sending him running again. Rebuild the foundation of trust and communication gradually.

4. Don’t accept unsatisfying answers

Libras are adept at sugar-coating things to avoid hurting feelings. But you deserve direct, honest explanations about where he disappeared to and why.

5. Listen to your gut

If reconnecting doesn’t feel right or you sense he’s still being evasive, trust your instincts. You know the relationship best.

Ultimately, proceeding with eyes wide open and enforcing strong boundaries gives a Libra-ghosting situation the best chance of succeeding long-term.

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How do you know if a Libra man is done with you?

Clear signs a Libra man is done include refusing to communicate, making excuses to avoid seeing you, rarely initiating contact, feeling emotionally distant, and stopping efforts to work on the relationship.

How does a Libra man act when he’s hurt?

When hurt, Libra men tend to withdraw entirely and give the cold shoulder or silent treatment. They may also make subtle passive-aggressive digs to express their hurt feelings.

Do Libras care about exes?

More than most other signs, Libras are likely to stay hung up on exes. They hate totally losing connections and will keep tabs on former partners, sometimes for years after a breakup.

Can a Libra man change his mind?

Known for their indecisiveness, Libra men can change their minds often depending on moods, circumstances, and input from others. It’s possible for a Libra to waver between wanting his ex back and wanting to move on.

Do Libras fall in love quickly?

Libras are romantics who love being in love, so they can fall hard and fast at the start of a new relationship. But Libras also tire and bore easily, so these feelings may not always last long or run deep.

In Conclusion

At the end of the day, whether or not your Libra man comes back after ghosting largely depends on his ability to handle confronting the issues in your past relationship. If he’s willing to put in the work to rebuild trust and intimacy, reconciliation may be possible. But proceeding cautiously and enforcing strong boundaries is crucial.

Despite their tendencies to escape and avoid, Libra men often maintain connections with exes out of sentimentality. So even if you don’t get back together, there’s a good chance you’ll continue hearing from him periodically. The choice of how much contact to allow is up to you.

Know that you deserve clear communication, respect, and consistency from a partner. If your Libra man couldn’t provide that, don’t lose hope. There are people out there capable of the maturity and effort true commitment requires. The scales may tip back in your favor yet.

Visit my blog Wisdom of The Spirit for more articles about spirituality and astrology.

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Sophia Rose

NOLA-born, skeptic-turned-seer. In Bali, sharing spiritual insights on medium. Unraveling soul paths with mystic energy