Vision Board Tip #3 — Don’t forget your words…

Suzi Butcher
2 min readJan 22, 2018


(This is the third of a series of five posts on making the most of the vision board experience — follow me to get the others as they are published!)

When you think of a vision board, you probably think of pictures — pictures of a gorgeous woman lying on the beach looking out to the ocean, or of a stunning house on the lake, or a very expensive Manhattan apartment.

But vision boards are more than pictures. For some of us, it is the words and phrases on the board that really make the difference.

The good news is that magazine headlines are generally fabulous for vision boards. ‘Living your best life’, ‘This is the year to get healthy’ — I mean, it could be tailor made!

Here are some of the words I found for my most recent board.

  • Be bold
  • Showtime
  • Focus
  • A world of opportunity
  • Time to deliver
  • And my personal favourite: “I’ll be writing raunchy novels when I’m 95”

Those were phrases designed to get me off my ass to do something; to overcome my hesitation and fear and go out and make a difference. And they work. I probably wouldn’t be writing this post otherwise.

But I also have some words that are there to remind me of the gentler things in life:

  • Small wonders
  • Treasured moments
  • And one that could have absolutely been written exactly for me: “While away a quiet hour or two in the soft, dappled light of an old orchard” — that’s me, right there! I’m seeing it.

Now, whenever I turn on my mobile phone, those words are staring out at me, and slipping deep into my soul. Just imagine if every time I read them I actually take a moment to focus, be bold and treasure the small wonders. What a great year that could be!

To make your own vision board, join me and a group of like-minded souls as we cut and paste our way into 2018. A full-day vision board workshop provides you with the time, tools and mindset you need to design the 2018 you deserve. LONDON | JANUARY 28TH, 2018|10:30–16:30

See also:
Vision Board Tip #1 — Your vision board should not stress you out!
Vision Board Tip #2 — How your vision board can cure your Facebook addiction
Vision Board Tip #4 — Add your Word of the Year for extra impact
Vision Board Tip #5 — Would you prefer a Vision Journal instead?



Suzi Butcher

Helping women who are stagnating at work to step up and play big in the world Life Coaching for people who can't resist a post-it note!