Vision Board Tip #5 — Try a vision journal instead

Suzi Butcher
3 min readJan 24, 2018


(This is the final of a series of five posts on making the most of the vision board experience — links to the other posts below)

Have you always resisted doing a vision board because, well, you just don’t like the idea of having it up there where everyone can see it? Or even if you put it up on the wall, you find you stop noticing it after a week or so?

You might find you prefer a Vision Journal instead.

Grab yourself a spiral bound notebook (art supply shops have great ones, or try ‘Tiger’) and start pasting your images in there. You might have different themes on different pages. i.e. a health page, a relationships page or a career page. You might want to have images on one side of the page and write more about it on the other. If you have a page that no longer serves its purpose, you can just tear it out. You can add to it whenever you see something else that resonates. They are easy to keep if you’d like a record of how your intentions change over the years.

Keep your vision journal with your usual journal and just leaf through it every morning, allowing your intentions to seep into your soul.

Or maybe you are an index card kind of person. One of my favourite coaches online, Christine Kane, used to make Vision Index Cards. On one side she’d have some pictures, on the other she would have affirmations related to that intention. These are particularly handy because you can carry one or two around with you each day. Christine recommends you get them laminated for extra durability.

Over the last five days I have given you lots of ideas to make the most of the vision board process — see the links below if you haven’t yet had a chance. You can gather lots of magazines and do it on your own, or you can get together with a group of people and share the process. It can be hugely powerful to work alongside others as they clarify their own dreams and visions, inspiring and encouraging you to find your own. To spend a full day working on intentions and visioning, and come out with your own board at the end (all the materials supplied!) join me in London on Sunday January 28, 2018. You can read about the details here.

Here are the tips you might have missed out on!
Vision Board Tip #1 — Your vision board should not stress you out!
Vision Board Tip #2 — How your vision board can cure your Facebook addiction
Vision Board Tip #3 — It’s about the words, not just the pictures
Vision Board Tip #4 — Add your Word of the Year for extra impact

I’ve enjoyed sharing these vision board tips with you — and really hope you try making a board yourself. If you have enjoyed the series, I’d love you to click on the ‘clapping hands’ you can find on each of these posts. They help spread the word so it is easier for others to find.




Suzi Butcher

Helping women who are stagnating at work to step up and play big in the world Life Coaching for people who can't resist a post-it note!