đź“– talent.io new platform walkthrough

4 min readSep 24, 2019


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Have you checked our new website yet?

We just released our biggest product and branding upgrade EVER!

We know that “new” means confusing, so here’s a handy walkthrough of our brand new platform — we hope you will love it as much as we do!

⚡️A cleaner process for faster hires

Following dozens of processes for different open positions can get really messy, all the more for larger teams. This is why we are introducing a new Job Position category. This will allow you to group candidates by the position you are considering them for. Here is how.

Optimise outreach to candidates with templating

Job positions are essentially templates for your job search. They are designed to save you time by reducing repetitive actions.

Start by defining the scope of your position. Quickly set your needs for experience level, tech stack, and salary.

Create your Job Position

Create a dynamic template for the first message you would typically use when reaching out to candidates for a particular job position.

Template messages to contact candidates

Set and save filters to be quickly accessible for searching candidates that match to a position. We have added booleans to our search fields (positions, technologies, languages), and a neat slider to select the right experience level, supercharging the way you find the right candidates for your needs.

Save your search settings

Create and manage your pipeline for each position

As this was raised a lot in our client feedback, we have started implementing ATS-like features on our platform. Specifically, you can now customise each Job Position by defining the steps in this position’s hiring process.

Define your hiring process

This gives you a high-level view of candidates’ progress through your various Job Positions, where you can see some helpful metrics about your pipelines. These include how many candidates you contacted, how many are in process, and how many are in final stage.

Very soon, we will include a count of matching profiles that you have not seen yet, and that we think may be a good fit for your position.

Check your pipeline for each open position

👋 Reach out to candidates — it’s never been so easy

Thanks to templated messages for Job Positions, it is now super quick and simple to reach out to candidates with a personalised message. It is always possible to update your message and other fields before contacting a candidate.

Save time with templated messages and details (e.g. salary) for each Job Position.

🙌 talent.io is even better when used as a team

When we launched talent.io our core target audience were small start-ups. As we grew and started addressing larger and larger companies, we realised the importance of collaboration tools to larger teams. This is why our new product allows you to:

  • Recommend candidates to your teammates by starring profiles in shortlists for specific Job Positions
Star candidates to shortlist them for a Job Position
  • Designate one owner and multiple followers for any Job Position and candidate process. This makes it easier to view only the hiring processes that are relevant for you
  • Comment on candidate profiles on the Team Notes section. When you mention colleagues by typing @, they get notified in our new Notification Center
Comment profiles and tag your teammates

We hope these new features will greatly improve the way you can share information and take decisions as a team!

âś… Get stuff done with our new notification system

Because having the right information when you need it is key to effective time management, we have added a Notification Center that focusses on two event types:

Get notified when candidates reply or your colleagues mention you
  • When a candidate replies to a message or makes a decision regarding your contact request — either accepting or declining it
  • When one of your colleagues mentions you in a thread using the @ symbol

We also have added an Action Center. Consider it your to-do list to move forward in recruitment processes. When you complete a task, the relevant action card disappears. Cards appear in the Action Center when:

The Action Center is your to-do list
  • A candidate replies to your job offer and is waiting for your answer
  • You hire a candidate and have not yet entered their job start date
  • For freelancers/contractors: your Client Executive sends you a profile to review
  • For freelancers / contractors: a new timesheet has been submitted and is pending your approval

We are really excited about all the new functionality — we hope it has a great impact for your tech hiring! Please share any feedback you may have with your Client Executive, or directly to hello@talent.io.


