16 / a (deeper) look into the current market

tammy koh
5 min readJun 20, 2022


Before I delve into my product/prototype, I’m going to revisit the current market situation. I’ve also done a market scan previously which revealed Klook and Enact Europa to be the products that also focus on improving one’s traveling experience, though I’ll be focusing more on Klook now since my interviewee & persona use Klook when traveling + the multi-functions Klook offers reflects similarly to my proposed product.

I want to understand despite multiple functions, how do people properly use the app to elevate their trips? And also is the interface actually as confusing as I think it is (since I DID say “multi-functional”)?

For this, I’m going to use a flow chart to explore the app structure of Klook and look for any cracks that can be improved during the user’s journey.

To recap, Klook allows travelers to discover and book attractions, accommodations, and tours, find the best foods and provide unique experiences around the World on its website and award-winning app.

Below shows the general and typical flow chart for viewing and making a purchase for an activity in Klook’s app.

fig 1

To clarify, the home page of Klook’s app has 16 categories (which seems a lot tbh). Within each category, the content/activity is further divided into domestic and international and has a more elaborate interface according to each category’s niche.
The categories are as shown:

I’ll not be going into details for every sitemap detail in all categories, rather I’ll pick the category that I think is of most relevance to my project.

To recap, the product to tackle on my HMW statement mainly dabbles into Artificial Intelligence (AI), Personalisation of Trips and Digital Communities & Media. Ideally, it includes the following features:
Avatar / Social accounts
Real-time map layout of the foreign country
Virtual shopping experience
Personalised itinerary based on data collected from the user

As such, I’ll be focusing on the following categories within the Klook app, based on my persona’s (Gigi Lee) As-Is Journey Map process:

  • Flight
  • Hotels (accommodation)
  • Car Rental (transportation)
  • Fun & Culture + Tours & Must-sees + Food & Dining (itinerary)

[ the following detailed flow chart is split into two because they are longer and more elaborate than I thought..
and Miro’s free trial doesn’t support high quality, so
click on this link to view the high def version! give time for images to load too, thank you:-) ]

Based on the categorial flow chart, each category follows the general flow as shown in figure 1. Here are some things I like and things I don’t like about the interfaces.


1.Buttons are brightly colored and contrasted
Most of the time, it’s clear where to click next.

Buttons are represented by bright and contrasting color from the background.

2. The hierarchy in each category is clear
In each category, it mostly starts from more personalised trips (keying in intended travel location, dates etc.), followed by promotions, then recommendations, and finally terms and conditions.

3. Clear functions as compared to the website
It’s clear that Klook app supports users’ booking, rather than making it too multi-functional, like including blog posts on their website.

4. Good use of symbols
Reading gets tedious, especially in apps. Pictures are the way to go.

Easy recognition of where my favorite activities can be found (wishlist represented by hearts)

5. Everything is in-app
Unlike some other apps (can’t remember names but I’m sure I came across before) which lead to third-party websites, everything is done in-app from Klook, even if they are connected to a third-party server.

Under ‘Hotels’, some promotions are linked to Agoda. Though everything can be booked and viewed through Klook app.

6. A second chance to catch recommendations
With many interfaces, there are times I missed a recommended activity by clicking too fast. But good thing is, there are recommendations on most of the landing pages when making a decision. Though some may find this messy? I guess it’s really dependent..


1.Home page can be considered overwhelming?
Too many buttons to click. But I guess since they have a lot of functions, which then makes it valid? But I just don’t like it–– it’s not clean.

Even without scrolling, there are around 9 options that users can choose from. And the options are pretty all-over-the-place and not linked to one another.

2.Some landing page that requires clicking is not indicated well
I just went on scrolling the page since I thought it was just information and I didn’t know to expand certain details or where to click next. It’s a design thing but I think consistency is important (since they did use bright buttons to guide users to click).

Under ‘Car Rentals’, additional details/interfaces need to be filled up/clicked, but due to the dull color of text, it seems like just additional non-important information.

3. Tons of irrelevant promotions
Though I keyed in the country I’m interested in, there are still tons of promotions for other countries (not relevant to my interest) that are recommended, which kind of throws me off?
[note: use of AI algorithm can solve this I feel..]

4.Inconsistent naming for check-out input
From the flow chart, some categories finish off with “Continue to payment”, while others use “Book now”. Though some use both, which makes no sense?
I mean I’m kind of nitpicking on this I guess but it’s just a thing for me to note when I develop my product.

5. Repeated landing page
Some categories have repeated landing pages. Like, let me book already..

Through the flow chart under ‘Fun & Culture’, there are 2 repeated “Add to Cart” pages (not a lie, it is true)

With the following market flow chart research, the next segment will delve into MY flow chart for my own product!!

