How To Build A Life Management System To Become The Best Version Of Yourself

100% aligned with your Higher Self’s guidance.

Lilla Wonders
6 min readNov 22, 2023
Photo by Alexander Andrews on Unsplash

This is Part 3 of my preparation for The Birth Of Light series.

If you read my previous articles about the birth of light and how to prepare yourself, and about distractions and how to keep your focus on your inner world journey and personal development (if not, read them first), by now, you feel a lot more focused.

In this article, we take a step further and start building our systems to become the best version of ourselves. My favorite part.

The reason my systems are different from other self-improvement systems is that I build them on the only stable ground where everything originates:

The inner world.

Just think about it. Where do ideas come from? The inner world. Where do dreams, desires, and visions come from? The inner world. Where do doubts, fear, and thoughts come from? The inner world.

The inner world is the source and birthplace for literally everything that ever existed, exists, and will exist in your reality.

The biggest issue is that people don’t understand this hierarchy between the inner and outside world.

  • They focus on outside reality goals, manifesting/creating/going after what their egos want at the moment. While they believe that some mindfulness and meditation, going to therapy, etc. is enough and means that they prioritize their inner world. Sorry, but that’s not how it is. You need to take this a bit more seriously.
  • And there’s a way smaller circle of people who fall into the opposite pattern: they get lost in spirituality and distractive spiritual practices (=spiritual delusions).

So what’s the truth?

There’s a clear connection between the inner world and the outside world and the ego plays a key role in it.

Your Ego = Your Computer → How To Use It Accordingly?

The ego is your bio-psychological processor. It’s the gate between the unseen dimensions and the physical reality.

Your ego is the translator. It translates between the two worlds. Your ego runs translator programs — most of them are unconscious.

To become what you’re meant to be — the best, most powerful version of yourself — you must look at your ego as a computer and keep it clean and fast. You need to identify old programs, delete them, and download better ones.

But it’s not only that. You must help your ego’s translation process. If the translation runs smoothly, you’re always in alignment with your one true path and divine guidance.

It means, you always know where you are, what you’re doing, and where you’re heading.

You can’t get confused by ideologies or experiences that appear in your reality.

And this is where productivity systems come into place.

The main purpose of my system is to help my ego translate (= rationalize) my inner world processes. This is the key every practical life management system should be built around.

Our life management system must help us rationalize what’s otherwise really hard to rationalize.

How To Build Your Life Management System?

I built my entire system on Notion.

Before Notion, I used to have physical notebooks. I wrote down principles, guidelines, and reminders for myself. I also used boards, cards, and bullet journals. You name it, I used them all.

The point is that you write down:

  • What you know about your inner and outside path.
  • The connections you notice.
  • What you’ve been up to recently, where you are, and most importantly, what is actual for you WITHIN.
  • The steps you can take to support this inner change.

For example, I’m currently breaking a program that’s been running in my family for hundreds of years. The program is simple:

You can’t “make it” as an artist and/or writer. You need to give up your inner child, your talent, your calling to serve your community/family/religion, and to make money with a normal job.

There you go. Simple but a very long path led me here where I’m finally ready to break out of this cycle. My system helped me recognize what was going on. It helps me recognize what I’m meant to do NOW and has been supporting my ego to navigate the change.

How am I doing this?

I made changes in my system so the entire thing supports this inner process — the breaking of this program.

What Should Be In It?

What’s inside my system?

The obvious part:

My goals, steps, and obligations in the outside world like writing, content creation, finances, relationships, surroundings, etc. This part is what a “normal” life management or productivity system would be.

The less obvious part = the core of my system: the part that is focused on my inner world:

1. A Higher Self Journal where I write down my dreams, visions, and experiences with my Higher Self. It’s the heart of my entire system. Its main purpose is to help me rationalize his guidance.

  • Pro tip:
    Give a title to every journal entry. Like “Dream About A Snowy Mountain”, or “My Inner Child Loves Winter Walks”. This way, it’s easy to scroll back and remember them without having to read back tons of lines over and over.

2. A Physical/Mental Health page where I can brain dump if I have a weird symptom or get ill. It helps me see how my body reacts to my inner world.

  • Pro tip:
    I have GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) and breaking out of this program has been giving me severe anxiety attacks. It’s not easy. So I set up a Notion page called “Anxiety SOS”. It has reminders and resources ready if I feel overwhelmed with my symptoms. The point is that you can create a personalized support system for your path, whatever you struggle with.

3. A page for my Belief Systems where I listed all the beliefs that oppose the breaking of my old program. I have all my affirmations written down to help me reprogram my mind.

  • Pro tip:
    It’s important to write everything down. If you just keep a mental list, you miss out on all the ideas and epiphanies that come from converting thoughts into written words.

4. Then there’s a page for Self-Reflection. Every Sunday or Monday I recall what’s been happening inside my inner world that week, and write it down briefly in a few bullet points. Again, it’s for my ego processor to rationalize what’s going on and how it is related to my physical reality.

  • Pro tip:
    Make a short weekly reset seance for yourself every single week. To evaluate your week and plan the next one. I always fill out my Self-Reflection section during my weekly reset hour.

5. I have a page for Meditations which I only use occasionally. For example, when I see an upcoming challenge in the Insight Timer app that looks interesting to me, I put it there.

  • Pro tip:
    If meditation is a core method in your self-improvement, you can take this further and make it into a Meditation Journal. To keep track of whatever comes up during your meditation sessions.


So to summarize it, you build a system to capture, document, and analyze your inner world.

Don’t stress yourself with overwhelm or perfectionism. The goal is to help your human self understand what’s truly going on with you, what’s happening on the inside — the source of everything.

Once you’re ready, then comes the fun part.

You delegate it all to the outside world!

But that’s for my next article.



Lilla Wonders

The Higher Self Chronicle. I create illustrations and write about my consciousness journey. ✨ Most important info: