Most Men are Invisible to Women

The World's "Happiest" Medium
4 min readAug 21, 2023


Being a man who is interested in women is challenging, to say the least. Women seem to have a neverending list of requirements before they will even consider dating a guy. And once you’re in a long-term relationship, that list just gets longer and longer.

But there’s another part to that situation. The vast majority of men don’t quite measure up to women’s standards. As such, they seem to be borderline invisible to women. That’s an extremely difficult way to live, which leads to some dangerous mental health issues.

Finding a Partner

Regardless of gender or sexual orientation, most people just want to find someone to spend their lives with. Not everyone wants that, of course. Some people are happier alone. It’s also important to realize finding someone to spend your life with doesn’t automatically mean getting married and having kids. That life is not the goal for everyone.

A young couple kiss in front of a merry go round.

Trying to find the right person is challenging, to say the least. People get into relationships but there’s always greener grass nearby. A lot of partners move on quickly and frequently. Finding something even close to monogamous is starting to feel nearly impossible.

Particularly for men seeking women, trying to meet all the requirements out there is nearly impossible. Terrible female “dating counsellors” with their own podcasts and TikToks literally talk about women needing to see a guy’s tax returns before going on a first date.

A person works on their tax returns.

To be clear, there is no chance in hell of that happening. For some reason, it’s always highly unattractive women with too much Botox and gross two-inch fake fingernails saying shit like that from under a clown-like amount of makeup. No man is agreeing to those terms. Period.

Men see a TikTok of a woman saying that a guy ordering his own food gives her the “ick” and are disheartened. Literally. This video exists. What’s the point in going on a date with a woman when ordering your own food is enough to ensure there isn’t a second date?

Becoming Invisible

The problem is there are perfectly reasonable women out there actually listening to this garbage. Most women are good people. There’s no questioning that. But they are as frustrated by men as men are by women. So, they start looking for ways to make dating easier.

A couple have a great first date.

When you’ve had an endless string of bad relationships with shitty men, it’s easy to start thinking that innocuous things like ordering food are red flags. It’s also easy to buy into the idea that you need to see a man’s tax return, pay stub, and proof of address before meeting him for coffee when you’ve lost track of the number of times men have lied to you.

But good men are not going to do that kind of stuff for any woman. When they refuse to jump through whatever hoops get placed in front of them, they suddenly find themselves being invisible to women. Where are all the good men? Take your TikTok advice blinders off and you’ll find them.

A couple have a bad first date.

The invisibility of most men to women has become an epidemic. An elite man has his pick of women. He’s got no need to meet your requirements to get a date. Average good guys aren’t going to do that, either, but they don’t get attention in the first place because they’re not perceived as elite.

Men’s Mental Health

It’s no secret that men’s overall mental health has been in the toilet for years. A combination of being told to get in touch with our emotions along with very few outlets for them is causing a lot of sadness. On top of that, men are straight-up lonely.

A lonely man sits quietly by himself.

This is a result of average good men being invisible to women. We’re sad, we’re tired, and we’re lonely. And we get there are way too many shitty men in the world making this hard for all of us. At the same time, we’re also tired of paying for their mistakes.

It feels more and more rare that the average good men get a shot with a woman. When we do, we’re met with a list of demands that are impossible to meet. So, many of us have given up and settled into a life of quiet solitude. We might be lonely, but at least we have our peace.

A happy man plays with Lego.

Everyone’s gotta have standards. Fair enough. But getting the “ick” from a guy ordering his own food or asking to see his tax returns before a first date is beyond asinine. Anyone telling you these things are good ideas does not have your best interests in mind. They just want your clicks and likes.

