Why I Choose This or Choose That

ToT Challenge to Fiction Writers

Tovah Rainsong
6 min readApr 26, 2023
Photo by Misael Moreno on Unsplash

Once Upon a Time in Another Dimension …

Jacinta Palmer and Brett Jenae Tomlin invited me to participate in their challenge, so here’s my response:


  1. Dystopian or Enchanted. Were I to invent a completely different reality — and I could do that — I would go for enchanted rather than dystopian. I just read Psalm for the Wild Built by Becky Chambers, a wonderful author, who does a superb job of envisioning a positive future. I feel this type of visioning is what we need more of, steering us away from the dreary desolate negative dystopian visions people keep churning out.

2. Vampire or Dragon. I’ve loved dragons ever since I read Anne McCaffery’s novels about the Dragon Riders of Pern as a young person. I also have an extreme dislike for vampire stories, so my choice is easy. I have written a couple of stories about dragons actually: The Making of a Dragon Wizard and Seraphina, the Dragon Who Couldn’t Breathe Fire — drabbles and both very short reads.



Tovah Rainsong

I marvel at life and enjoy communing with all life forms—maybe not snakes and spiders. I read and write on a wide variety of topics—from ants to zany humor.