Beginner Yoga — Puppy Pose

Teresa Trimm
2 min readNov 2, 2023

The Puppy Pose is a combination of the Downward Facing Dog and the Childs’ Poses. It’s really helpful after a long day at a desk!!

Why the Puppy Pose

What the Puppy Pose (Sanskrit: UTTANA SHISHOSANA) is meant to do for you.

This pose is a fantastic one for stretching out your spine. It also is great for relieving tension in your shoulders. The more that you can curl your spine, the more your shoulders open up, which can help to improve your posture.

Doing the Puppy Pose

  1. Start with the Child’s Pose or the Table Pose and bring your knees closer together.
  2. Walk your fingertips forward to the end of the mat so that your chest is, as close as you can get it, touching the mat.
  3. Allow your hips to lift high, arch your back, and open up your chest.
  4. Hold for a few breaths before moving into your next pose.
A good example of a Puppy Pose from Wikimedia Commons

I would like to hear from others about what they have done to help recover their physical or mental health.

Disclaimer: I am not a physician or a yogi. I am someone that is starting out at the beginning and I know that there are others who are limited like I am, that might be able to use the help.



Teresa Trimm

I write for those that are struggling with physical and emotional disabilities and getting healthy. #StrongerTogether