[EN] Where could a bum get cookies from? Crypto routine

The story is based on a true story. This is my life, baby.

Under Coin
5 min readMay 23, 2024

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2022 Dec

I buy 2 anonymous telegram numbers — price 10 Ton — $20. At that moment realised I needed to buy another one, At that moment, I understood that I needed to buy one more, but where could a bum get cookies from?


Almost every day I get offers to buy, but the price is not satisfactory + great chance of scam. ( article about it )
I realise that the price has skyrocketed +- 1000% profit, which is quite a lot, it is necessary to fix the profit. I feel like a genius, how cool, I waited so long, and now I will earn. I will finally buy a new phone, the old one is completely ruined. And of course, part of it will go to investments.

2024 May

I put my room up for auction and wait for a week. Every day I check my room bid and think about what kind of sushi I’m gonna order. I love it.

22 May Wednesday

9:00 — I’m sitting in the office on a call.

9:05 — selling anonymous number in telegram — price 117 Ton — $746 (+1170% ). I’m overjoyed — I’m a GREAT investor. Now I will pay off my debts and get out of the situation in which I fell. Life will get better!

9:08 — I’m getting the NFT. Probably a scam, as it always is. But suddenly a reward for using the platform. That does happen, doesn’t it? ( No )

09:28 I’m going to the website. I imagine myself travelling with my nonexistent girlfriend to Berlin for the weekend. My colleagues are talking about something “important” in my headphones, but I don’t even know what they’re talking about. I’m already far away from it all.

09:29 I connect my wallet and, oh my god, what do I see: I send my honestly earned $600 and receive a gift — $2000, we expand our business right NOW. I confirm the transaction.

09:30 I’m realising I’ve fallen for a scammer’s scam. -$650 a minute. I feel as stupid as possible. I’m thinking: what the fuck, it’s like my first day in crypto. In my haste to make people laugh. There’s a storm of emotion inside. Sushi, debt, a girl, expansion — like naivo 😈
So you have to sit in a chair till 4.30pm. There’s nowhere to vent my rage. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa It was day 14 of giving up nicotine, alcohol and other Illegal drugs, to snap now would be to lose the war.

  • What to do? ( I realise with my head that I can’t get my money back )

This is the scammer’s wallet. At the time of the incident, there was about
35 000$. Sushi, girls, travel, new phone— it’s all in there.

09:35 I’m writing to a closed crypto community, telling about the situation and asking for advice. I need to share it with someone, it’s easier that way. I confirmed the transaction myself and the blame is entirely on me. There’s nothing I can do about it. It didn’t get easier, but I was able to distract myself a bit.

10:18 I get a message from a Дawyer. Naturally sсam, profile without a picture and number. Transfer, he says, 3k rubles, I’ll help you. Under the details of course means Seed phrase. I send to the ban, thinking about the greed of people.

16:30 I’m finishing work and going to the bars. It was planned and especially needed at this moment. Beautiful weather, rain, fresh air, just the way I like it. I do a pull-up and curse at myself, at the scammer, at the world. Why is that? I live honestly and I don’t cheat anyone.

  • Whew, I feel a little better, like ten percent.

17:30 I go to the shop and use the last $20 to buy food. I also pick up the vitamins and lithium (a mood-stabilising drug) I ordered. It’s about time.

18:00 eating cooked pasta and watching YouTube videos. It’s so good! It’s just what I needed after such an emotionally difficult day. I’m glad I didn’t smoke a cigarette. To be honest, I didn’t feel like it.

19:30 an evening jog.

20:00 cleaned the flat, scrubbed the floors ( there was a lot of energy ).

23:00 I’m falling asleep.

23 May Thursday

90% acceptance of the situation.

17:00 17:00 I start to write this article.
CONCLUSIONS I have emphasised for myself:

  1. I need more discipline. If I had been doing one thing instead of sitting at work, this mistake wouldn’t have happened.
  2. The chance of it happening would be smaller.
    there could always be someone smarter than you. Be careful.
  3. The basic rules of internet safety must be observed.
  4. One mistake shouldn’t compromise what you do. Shit happens.

What helped me deal with my emotions?

  • I was prepared for this in the first place.
    This phrase is written down in my crypto notebook and I stick to it:


  • Stoicism

When the balance of mind is disturbed by circumstances, regain your composure as quickly as possible and do not remain in a depressed mood for too long, otherwise you will not be able to help yourself.
Marcus Aurelius, “Alone with Myself. Reflections.”

  • Physical activity on a regular basis

motivating and empowering. Sometimes it helps to vent emotions. It is better to beat a punching bag than to beat another person or to hurt yourself.

Thank you for reading!
Special thanks to Adelaide A. for editing the text.

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