2nd quarter of 2019, cryptocurrency and the project “Adopt a Family” matures

Venezuelan Cryptofamily
3 min readApr 1, 2019


(Dear reader, this story is linked to the main story, please see HERE)

As time passes by, things are evolving into this project.

At the beginning of 2019 we “kicked off” the new year with some announcements and some goals. (See HERE for article)
Today we want to complete this first milestone of 2019 and with this show some developments and even have a nice announcement.

Even more — we overshoot some points, but see below yourself.

With the beginning of 2019 we started to support two new families within this project with regular payouts of $12.50 USD per week.
The families had the pseudonyms “Fabi” with her family from Caracas and “Carla” with her little family from Guarenas.
(unfortunately the goal to adopt “Yajaira” is at the moment on hold — due to technical problems)

Both families had a good time and a nice breather in this difficult times, knowing for a certain amount of time having enough funds for buying basic food or other basic necessities.
Both families wrote an article, sharing their experiences made as a participating family within this project, with us.
Fabi’s article see HERE
Carla’s article see HERE

Today we say finally goodbye to the both families above. Please keep in mind, the idea of this project is to support families just for a certain amount of time, to strengthen them self, give them education about cryptocurrencies and how they can benefit from it in a financial way. Give them a short breather and time to get things fixed.

Today is finally a great day for the project, with some awesome changes and news!

Today the project welcomes two new families with pseudonym family no. 5 “Lilo” and family no.6 “Sebas”, both from Caracas.
Yeah, you’re right! You already know them, because they are both very helpful and hardworking members of our community in Caracas.
Both of them helped us several times with food distributions in Caracas for free — despite having a bad time living in a hyperinflation as well.
Personally I really like this development, it’s like having some new and busy community members not “just” as receiving family, even as a mayor driver of project’s success as well as a kind of payed job for them both!

This project gives hope, education and even more, spending room for growing and using their potential as a valuable member of our community.

So please give a warm welcome to Lilo and Sebas.
Thank you very much for all your work you’ve done for this project so far.

Sebas left, Lilo right

Some of our busy followers may heard of our striving to do so, building an own homepage for the project.
Today we want officially celebrate with you our new platform for gathering information and goals for this project, as well give a nice overview of all articles and developments so far.


(please not the “.cc” in URL. This will hopefully gain acceptance in crypto-space for more projects.)

Stay tuned, more things are to come, more families to adopt are our goal, and we strife from day to day to further mature this project.

Please as always feel free to write us, follow us, donate us or connect with us to stay tuned.

Let’s start the 2nd quarter of 2019 even more successful!

We, Simón and I (Fabian) feeling very blessed with our community and thank everybody for their help, letting us do this great things ❤

Simón and Fabian



Venezuelan Cryptofamily

A cryptocurrency based aid project for families in Venezuela