I Will Find You In…


“ To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.”

— Fragments from Auguires of Innocence, William Blake

Firmly in year two of widowhood and having just passed what would have been our seventh wedding anniversary, I remain on a quest to draw wisdom from the loss of my young wife.

During unexpected moments; some delicate and quiet while others burst with energy, I re-discover the essence of our loving partnership. Not every observation below seems congruous to the life of a widow(er); all of them hold the majesty of life’s journey if we stay awake & aware. The highest honor we can bestow on the memory of those who have died is to live passionately. Far better to do it before the lessons of unimaginable loss strike.

I will find you in…

…trees blazing with fireflies

…the first sweet bite of an over-sized gourmet ice cream cone or better yet, make it grilled corn on the cob then ice cream

…waking to a grey, misty morning which conjures up thoughts of laying in bed all day legs entwined with someone special

…the breathless cresting and acceleration downwards of a roller coaster

…the melange of colors in a summer sunset while an almost imperceptible breeze carries the heat away

…the perfect drop on a mindblowing dubstep song

…a baby’s pure, boisterous laugh which is just about the best sound ever

…an eager welcoming of a new lover’s arms

…giving happiness without strings or interpretation; having it received wholeheartedly in the same manner

…a passing young lady’s smile pregnant with many possibilities

…the discovery that even though so much has been lost, there is so much to be gained still

…the slow rhythm of rain gently falling outside a cafe while inside I devour a great book

…the ongoing practice that there are no rules but to be good to myself and to those around me…Be gentle and kind to everyone

...the sacred grounds of a Buddhist temple — whether sitting in a lush grove of bamboo, contemplating the meaning of it all in an austere rock garden or walking thru a wave of incense covering the body like a veil of prayers

…a local farmers’ market taking in the colorful produce so lovingly nurtured

…embracing a dear friend with the sense that neither of us should let go

…all of life’s struggles since I have been witness to the greatest courage under fire

…every breath as a miracle that should not be squandered

…the moments of triumph when we break free from all that has held us back

So long as I stay supremely receptive to love, joy, beauty, imperfection, universal suffering, and bravery, I will find you everywhere in the world.

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Image by Dhoomakethu


