Going Home, Day VI

Thoughts on healing

Normal Earthling
3 min readFeb 23, 2021

(Catch up with parts five, four, three, two, and the first one here)

Bubba with Normal Earthling, or N.E., or Shannon, or whatever ya all wanna call me.

Spent a lot of today shopping. I hate shopping. Let’s just say Amazon Prime and I are besties. If I never had to set foot in a store, I’d be down with that. But we needed a washed and dryer. Like yesterday. Along with a million other little items for this formerly neglected home. Light bulbs. Wall patch supplies. New outlets. New toilet seats and shower curtains. Etc, etc…

Ugh. So while I’m off to town our sweet old man, Bubba, arrives home. He’s a true member of our family. We’ve lost many pets over the last five years, so it’s really cool to have him back with us again.

I am very relieved and happy, yet seeing his decline is a bit upsetting. He’s really deaf now. I mean, I knew his hearing was declining, but he’s totally deaf now. It’s different calling him and he just continues laying there, oblivious. His arthritis makes him walk a bit stiffly at times as well.

Meeko and Figaro? The cats don’t care a fig about him, and he knows enough to leave them alone. So no drama there.

The girls chillin’ and playing video games with Figaro and Bubba. Yeah, we have a couch on our to-get list…

Ok, so I’ll go down a rabbit hole for a minute… as some of you may have gathered, I may not be totally normal or a earthli…

*clears throat*

So, I’ve been to the Mayo a couple times (2003 and 2018)… After weeks of probing, scanning, blood draws, and testing they’ve decided I have… something. The Neurology Department Head excitedly told me it’s probably one of those really rare neurological diseases that only like 100 people have so they don’t know enough about it to tell me anything. Except it might get worse. Or not.

Then he smiles and asks if I want to be studied.

Um…. no, thanks. I’m good.

Do I have a point here? Yeah, ok. So about a month ago cat-loving Nora found me in the hallway of the apartment building we were staying at. She really kinda freaked out. Thought I was dead.

Na, I was just passed out surrounded by the grocery bags I had been carrying. Kinda annoyed I pissed myself in my nice winter coat, though. Luckily there was nothing but floor to hit my head on. I was lying flat on my back, so nothing really was too roughed up. But it really traumatized her.

What kind of loser mom am I? She’d recently suffered through the loss of her beloved cats, Luigi and Cookie, both from old age. So I did what any (in)sane mom would do, I promised her a cat or two as soon as we got our own place.

Seeing your mom dead (but not really) gets you a cat or two. Fair trade?

Sigh…. I try.

Bubba understands. He doesn’t mind when I accidentally trip over his food bowl for the hundredth time. Or wipe my silent tears on his fur after a tough shift at work. I hope he can hang out with me for a while longer before his old age becomes too much.

This doggo was made for lovin’

The washer and dryer get delivered tomorrow. Then we plan on doing some serious cleaning.

Well, I better go let the boy out one more time before calling it a day…


