Lowering User Experience (UX)Cost

2 min readDec 8, 2019


Inconsistent UX often manifest problems such as inconsistent workflows, mammoth load on development teams, limited scaling & innovation.

We executed our “UNITY” project that day for one reason — user experience. When begin by defining the aspects of our product which interact with users, and identify some basic rules of consistency including components, information, labels and colors.

Our product is available for both iPhone and Android users. It is normal nowadays for user to change devices. By implementing “a standard”, in term of design — our users have no issue when they change their device from Android to iOS, vice versa.

WinApp Cross Network Communication — Android (L) & iOS (R)

Time is precious. Users want to quickly achieve their objective in the timely manner they used to live before.

WinApp Content Monetisation — Android (L) & iOS (R)

Learning curve is expensive. The knowledge that users acquired during their early stage of using any particular products should not be wasted just because changes happened, not related to the product, itself.

WinPay Withdrawal — Android (L) & iOS (R)

Read more about our UI/UX related to this here : high fidelity, rules of thumb, CTA, focal point and seamless.




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