Rules of Thumb, Literally, in UX.

2 min readDec 19, 2019


Have you ever interacted with a mobile website or app that simply didn’t play nice with your thumbs? Perhaps you’ve had to stretch to get to an important menu, or swiping turned into a battle with multiple swiping elements. Mishaps such as these reveal poor consideration of the thumb zone.

Where do hands and fingers fall on the device?

Hoober’s research on human behaviour

The trick is to design for the flow of the thumb zone. This provides a framework for making better design decisions, creating human-friendly experiences and getting fewer headaches.

Thumb Zone

We’re not hitting perfect score if judging from the thumb zone principles. There’re few elements exist in stretching & hard are — depend on which hands our users use. This is normal for any products that need to deal with multiple elements on the same interface. For that, we need to be wise. So we chose to allocate the preferred action we want our users to frequently use. For example, ❤️ button, comment, share, repost, audio message and the other messaging custom keyboard — we place these elements in the natural zone for both left & right handed users.

WinApp from the rule of thumb zone perspective

Read more about our UI/UX related to this here : high fidelity, design consistency, CTA , focal point and seamless.




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