Do You Actually Have a Business Brand that Will Work for Podcasting? How to Know When It’s Time to Rebrand & Relaunch Your Business & Podcast

8 min readAug 16, 2023


Photo by Alex Andrews on Unsplash

If you’ve ever started a podcast and didn’t achieve the success that you wanted, I wouldn’t advise you to throw in the towel just yet. Even if you have given pause or quit altogether, continue reading this article because I believe you will come to realize why you didn’t achieve the success that you desired.

Starting a podcast is an awesome thing and most are extremely excited to get started. I have over a decade of experience in the podcasting industry and more than twenty years in radio and television broadcasting, media communications and journalism.

You can learn more about my background in those areas by clicking the titles below…

Why Branding Matters First for Podcasting…

As a leading branding authority, before I focus on the development of any new venture for a client, I look at the branding factor in three phases: the metamorphosis, the evolution and the optimization of the brand and its empire’s expression.

Believe it or not, branding for your business and podcast are two different things, even though they can work together as one cohesive unit. While you might have a brand that works for your business, the podcast branding may not crossover as well or vice versa.

I can’t tell you how many times over the years I’ve seen podcast start-ups and then drop off or people start a podcast for business, but they actually never profit from the experience. So, why is this?

Well, there are several reasons, but I will name a few.

  • Sometimes they don’t have the proper education for podcasting and especially as it relates to business.
  • They didn’t stick with it long enough to create momentum for meaningful results.
  • Didn’t have a profits plan for their podcast outside of their business plan.

But The Big Elephant in the Room is….

Photo by mana5280 on Unsplash

The number one reason is their “BRANDING” didn’t work for podcasting as a business.

Even though they might have educated themselves for having a successful podcast, and honed their craft as a talent; however, they failed to truly understand how branding works when podcasting for business.

See, it’s not enough to just learn about podcasting, you must understand the true nature of your brand’s development and how podcasting can work for business.

In order to know if a brand will work for both a business and a podcast, you have to look at the evolution of the brand. As mentioned previously, I look at the metamorphosis, the evolution and the optimization.

If a brand hasn’t caught up with its evolution, then it won’t be optimized for maximum success.

Photo by Júnior Ferreira on Unsplash

So often, when people get an idea for a business or a podcast, they don’t realize that was just a seed of conception. This is likened to an acorn that has the encoding of an oak tree. What happens with most emerging podcasters or brands is they decide that they want to podcast for business and mistake the acorn for the oak tree and try to brand according to the initial idea.

So, when the business or podcast doesn’t work, they either give up or keep going back to the drawing board to rework the acorn concept in a new way, not understanding that the acorn idea simply will not work for your business or podcast.

If you skip the most important aspect of branding, it doesn’t matter how good the idea is or even if your business has evolved. Without the chief cornerstone branding factor, you simply will not succeed long-term.

This is why brand development is critical even before attempting to podcast for business. Of course, you won’t know until you try right?

The Answer is Yes & No!

There is a way to test out a podcast concept to crack open the acorn or to start the metamorphosis process.

I recommend that people start out doing podcast series and creating podcast style products. You can use YouTube to test this out before setting up an actual podcast platform. However, if you want to set up a podcast platform, I recommend doing it on a platform that has only a limited amount of free time. If you create a series with a few segments, you can use this as evergreen marketing for lead-ins to your products and services.

Learn more about podcast series and podcast product style development products here…

A Basic Introduction to Becoming a Podcast Series Empire Authority Mini Masterclass

A Basic Introduction to Creating Podcast Style Training Courses Micro Training

Why Start with Podcast Series & Podcast Products?

One of the main reasons for doing this is because you will see how your brand and business will evolve and what you were providing isn’t going to be part of the evolution of your next level or at least not in the format that you’ve been leveraging. Also, this gives you an opportunity to test your authority in the eyes of an audience to know if you’ve built up enough momentum in the KNOW, LIKE & TRUST department for others to buy from you with lower hanging fruit and easy yes offers like products and publications. You need to see if you can revenue-tize the acorn concept at some basic level before going all in.

When doing it in this manner, it saves you from having to rebrand or relaunch your podcast. Which is what I want to share about next.

Knowing When to Rebrand & Relaunch Your Business & Podcast…

So, let’s say that you’ve already been in business and using a podcast for quite some time. You’ve had some success as far as making an impact but little to no income after six months to a year. Instead of trying to continue make that initial concept work, consider looking at your business and podcast as if it’s in a cocoon. The slow progression is giving you clues that not only does a shift need to happen, but a complete metamorphosis.

In my branding and business metamorphosis and evolution work Beyond the Branding Cocoon, I teach the Basics of Becoming a Brand Expression Empire and relaunching as the Second Coming of your brand and entrepreneurship.

This is about shedding away the old caterpillar concept of your brand, business and podcast and coming into a completely different entity of expression. Once you go through this evolutionary process, more than likely your business will be rebranded or repositioned in some way which will reflect in the optimizing qualities that your primary audience is ready to buy into for actual services. This is where your podcast will be a vehicle of business expression that can be highly profitable in a more consistent way.

Click on the titles to learn more about my Second Coming works…


Publications & Programs

Is It Always Necessary to Rebrand Even After Brand Evolution?

When it comes to rebranding, there are different levels to the process. Even after you’ve gone through an evolutionary style metamorphosis, you might not change the brand name of your business or podcast; however, the way in which you facilitate your business and podcast will change significantly.

I’ve taken others through the process where the name didn’t change completely but I recommended that they added a new element to it.


Original Business Name: Making Magical Moments LLC

Rebrand Name: Making Magical Moments Media LLC or Making Magical Moments Empires LLC

Original Podcast Name: Making Magic in the Moment

Rebrand Name: Magical Moments or Make Your Own Magic NOW!

With this simple rebrand, it’s not necessary to go out and by a new domain; however, changing the name on the actual website and podcast platform will be required. Also, you could get a new domain to forward to your current revamped site.

This may sound simple; however, little subtle shifts like these makes a huge difference in podcasting for business. Of course, rebranding is in more than just a name change, it about the evolution of who you have become that will express itself differently than the caterpillar concept of who you were. A butterfly brand and business versus a caterpillar brand and business are two completely different entities.

If you find that things have completely changed for you, then just turn your current business and/or podcast into an independent study style training hub or membership academy with products, publications and your podcast archives. You can relaunch your new rebrand or a completely different business and podcast on a new website and platform.

If you would like to know if your business and/or podcast needs rebranding here’s a simple way to do an audit…

Look at your original concept (the origin of your idea) and ask these three questions from my work New Creation Branding Beyond the Cocoon…

  • What is the metamorphosis of this concept? (Meaning what is the butterfly business expression that’s ready to take flight and soar?)
  • What is the evolution of my brand and business metamorphosis?
  • What is ready to be optimized for podcasting for business?

Once you receive clarity on these three areas, you will know whether or not your business and podcast require rebranding vs repositioning. It’s from this new expanded brand and business awareness that you will assist you in relaunching your podcast for business.

Again, we have to see do you actually have a working brand that will allow podcasting to bring you repeat business.

How I Can Help for Your Next Level…

In my Brand-casting-preneurship work, I focus on production-preneurship and three core areas of podcasting, blog-casting and vlog-casting how it levels up your business for broadcasting your brand.

If you would like to learn more about brand broadcasting and brand-casting for business, I invite you to click on the title to visit this platform to explore resources… New Now High-End Brand-casting Communications.

I hope this article served you well and provided value for your now and next levels with branding in the area of podcasting for business.

If you would like to learn more about upcoming mastermind cohort events, VIP Consulting Intensives, or products on this topic or to book me for virtual speaking engagements, email

I invite you to follow me on Gumroad at MAJESTY AliNICOLE WOW! and also join me on other platforms in my multimedia multiverse at

