It’s Time to Show the World Your Multifaceted Empire Expression & Branding Coat of Many Colors

7 min readMay 5, 2023


Coat of Many Colors | Joseph’s coat of many colors. Joseph’s… | Flickr

In a business world that has tried so hard to keep multifaceted leadership and multitalented entrepreneurs from shining by beating a dead horse and outdated framework of focusing on ONE NICHE, the time has come to finally provide a mercy kill to that concept. Even that ONE NICHE concept itself has been tired of being recycled and knows the time has long expired.

I know that most who have taught this concept meant well and yes, focusing on one thing at a time seemed like the right thing to do, but honestly, it never was even though it has worked for several. (Just because it worked doesn’t mean it was right for a win-win in the marketplace). However, it has only worked because it was leveraged as an oppressor and a deflector that was designed to keep multi-creatives and multi-skilled individuals confined to a system that would force them to have to choose ONE career path and eventually add additional streams of incomes in other areas.

Instead of promoting or creating structures that supported the wide range of one’s gifts and skills, the ONE NICHE OPPRESSOR and its minions mission continued to spread the false gospel of why it can’t be done, why it shouldn’t be done and why you need to focus first on one thing. Many people start off focusing on one thing and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.

For those that it does work for, they often get stuck on that success track and they rarely comeback around and leverage their other skills like they intended to. The whole thing of DO the one thing first and then you’ll be able to do other things is part of the oppressive system. You can do it all NOW!

I’m glad that I never bought into that system and have for over a decade been operating a TOTAL ME, MULTI-MISSION, MULTIDIMENTIONAL, MULTIFACETED Brand & Empire Expression. MY LIFE IS MY NICHE and I’m in the BUSINESS of BEING FULLY ME with my WOW! She Does It All & MAJESTY of ALL TRADES branding and empire expressions. I created over 1000 online platforms that serve different niche markets and I’ve published over 300 works on Amazon for several industries. I’m cross-branded and cross-trained in over 200 areas using the totality of my life mastery, personal, professional, educational and spiritual journey as my metaphoric branding coat of many colors like Joseph in the book of Genesis.

In the biblical story of Joseph, his brothers were jealous of him and hated the fact that his father favored him and made him a special coat of many colors. The many colors represented the multi-skilled and multifaceted individual that he would become. We can see even from that story that the jealous brothers who felt that they were only going to be good at one skill and work in that trade for the rest of their lives, tried to make sure that Joseph wouldn’t fulfill his multifaceted purpose, so they sold him into slavery and told a lie to his father about what happened to him. They told the father that he had been killed by a wild animal.

Metaphorically, this has happened over the years with the LIE that has been formulated around the ONE NICHE concept by misquoting the saying… A jack of all trades, a master of none. The actual quote… “A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.” This is a quote by William Shakespeare. Even that quote has evolved.

I love the quotes below…

As you can see, several have been trying to make a case for MASTERING MANY. Even in the Bible in Matthew 25:14–30, we learn that God favored the multiskilled/talented person who maximized their gifts and honored them above the one who just took one talent and played it safe even if it seemed more profitable to do so. Joseph was favored because he was going to demonstrated multifaceted leadership.

The ONE NICHE OPPRESSORS continues to make multi-mastery-first brand and empire expressions the outcasts because they fear having to finally bow down to the very thing they’ve been fighting against. No matter how longstanding that model has been working, like Joseph’s brothers had to finally bow down to him, the ONE NICHE OPPRESSORS will become the outdated model that will bow down to New NOW NOMRAL of multifaceted brands and business models.

I know what it’s like to be oppressed by that model and how hard that energy tried to stop the movement that I was tasked to bring forth. But it did not prevail. I’ve enjoyed teaching others over the years how to be cross-industries entrepreneurs, multiplicity-preneurs, and life-niche-career expression-preneurs.

The time has come for those who are multi-niche content creators, multifaceted leaders and multiskilled entrepreneurs to show the world their branding coats of many colors and demonstrate an empire expression that reflects your multilevel purpose/mission.

ONE NICHE focused models will always have a place to some extent; however, it will no longer be the norm for an entrepreneur. Both models can co-exist without the oppression of one. Again, just because it has worked for several doesn’t mean it was a system set up for the win-win of all. Keep in mind that the student loan system was set in place, and it worked for several to pay them off; however, it doesn’t mean that system was a good system as a whole. Some will read this article and be triggered, instead of looking at the facts.

Again, it’s time for multifaceted brands and empires to pave the way for a new era and new business norm. FREEDOM-preneurship is HERE!

If you would like to learn more about my work and background in this area, enjoy these three short podcast features…

Listen to…

Multi-Mission Mantles: Discover Your ALL-THENTIC Branding Coat of Many Colors to Become All Things to All

Listen to…

Niche Down? You May Want to Reconsider

AliNICOLE WOW! She Does It All: The Ultimate Industry Disruptor

Here are a few of my platforms where I serve multiple niche focuses…

(Best viewed in Desktop format)

Immersion Into True Self-Success Institute for Leaders

The Ultimate Digital Business Enhancer Institute

Freebies Into Fortunes & More

The Lucrative Low-Ticket Level-Up

YouTube Revenue Your Way: Customized Your Success

Sip, Read, Write, Repeat

Sip, Read, Evolve Institute

Fresh Brewed with the Father

I Am the Journalist of My Life

Coffee Conversations Coaching & More

Courses, Coffee, Coaching Institute

New Colors New Dimensions Chakra Care

The Spiritual Cornerstone Self-Coaching Institute

If you would like to see several of my courses and publications for different niche markets, check out my examples on Gumroad and my Amazon author’s page.


Example of a One-Stop-Shop platform that provides life’s essentials and more… New Skills Level Up Playlists Palisades & More

Related Product…

Becoming a Joseph Exalted Ruler Coaching-preneur Seminar

Here are articles I’ve written on this platform to empower and encourage you on your journey.


Multi-Mission Mantels: Discover Your ALL-THENTIC Branding Coat of Many Colors to Become All Things to All

Launch Your Multifaceted Leader-preneurial Empire the “Write” Way as a Multi-Niche Content Creator Using Medium

Nail Your Position, Not Your Niche on Medium the “Write” Way as a Multiplicity-preneurial Brand: How to Use the Chicken Soup for the Soul Concept to Add Value to Several Niches for Impact & Income

Branding the “Write” Way on Medium as a Multifaceted Leader-preneur &/Or Multi-Niche Content Creative-preneur: Quotes, Articles & More to Inspire Your Multi-Purpose-preneurship Agenda

YouTube, Medium & Gumroad Are the New Holy Trinity of Impact & Income Success for Multi-Niche-Content-Creators & Multifaceted Leader-preneurs

Creating Courses & More on Gumroad Allows Multi Niche-preneurial Focused Content Creators to Achieve Their Impact & Income Goals with Ease, Support & Success

Here a few of my training platforms for different levels…

Multi-Niche Entrepreneurship…

The Multiplicity-preneur WOW! Factor: The Multiplicity-preneur WOW! Factor

Multifaceted Dream Quest Coaching-preneurial Brand-casting Institute for New NOW High-End Success


Multi-Niche Coaching Made Easy

Multi-Profits YouTube Marketplace Development Institute

Industry Crossover Entrepreneurship…

Cross Industries Entrepreneurial Crossover Career Development Center

BEE-COMING a New High-End Industry Authority Institute

Cross-Niche Coaching Made Easy

Lifestyle Niche Career Entrepreneurship…

Lucrative Life Niche Career Expression

Your Point of No Return Lifestyle Entrepreneurial Development Institute

The Ultimate Unconventional Life Niche Career Development Training Hub

I hope this article has been valuable to you and provided a demonstration for what’s possible as a multifaceted brand and empire expression.

If you would like to learn more about upcoming mastermind cohort events, VIP Consulting Intensives, or products on this topic or to book me for virtual speaking engagements, email

I invite you to follow me on Gumroad at MAJESTY AliNICOLE WOW! and also join me on other platforms in my multimedia multiverse at

