Nonlinear Business Growth Tips for YouTube Channels with Less than 200 Subscribers

5 min readSep 15, 2022


Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

If you’re looking to grow your YouTube channel for business, dare to post content that’s not related to your channel’s primary focus.

If you’re in business, you would be amazed at how posting videos about your pet, something new and interesting that you learned, a new buy, a recipe or even your hobby addictions will increase your likability for your personal brand.

Today’s consumers have several interests and the more diversity that you can provide on your channel from time to time will yield a wider audience appeal. Different things draw people into your channel and might actually get them interested in your main content even if it’s not their primary focus.

Nonlinear lead-ins grab the attention of viewers from a variety of backgrounds and then invites them to explore other content on your channel that might not have come up for them as a general interest.

Using YouTube shorts for this initiative is what I most recommend. This is an area where I’ve had great success with the growth of my smaller channels. (I have several YouTube channels).

I love hearing from new subscribers/followers how posting content about my little grand dog (my adult son’s puppy) which is a pure breed Shiba Inu got them interested in my other business-related and/or empowering content.

When you can leverage nonlinear content that has a certain common audience appeal it can be the difference between 20 views and several hundred or thousands of views that count towards watch time and retention on your channel. (Most people love pets and especially puppies).

I also occasionally post videos and create playlists of content from my food/cooking blog, and it had massive success towards my channel’s consistent growth led to new subscribers exploring my other content.

Here are a few images below of just basic dishes with simple plating for teaching average cooks how to feel less intimidated about featuring their food online. I do have a culinary background, but I like to feature videos where I’m not doing anything too fancy or over the top so that this can give others something to aspire to do in the kitchen and make their family happy at mealtime.

My DIY Bodywork series for reflexology, acupressure and self-massage videos (I’m certified in all of those areas) increased not only my subscribers and got them to watch my longer videos but also added more students to my courses and publications sales in that area.

My top sellers from this endeavor are both versions of my works I Touch Myself & I Like It: A DIY Reflexology, Acupressure, Self-Massage & Wealth-flex-ology Journal Recorder (Click here to see my version that was co-authored with another colleague contributor).

Again, all of these areas/examples that I’m sharing are not the primary focuses of my channel but have increased both impact and income.

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Keep in mind that your ideal clientele/audiences are…HUMANS-FIRST with several different interests. With so many other brands and businesses on YouTube possibly in your field, your content might not rank at the top in SEO so having other popular nonlinear topics might work well for drawing others in that will have a better chance at learning about your channel and then discovering that you have exactly what they’ve been looking for in your primary area.

Again, using YouTube shorts is best for this type of channel exposure to create massive momentum in the early growth stages towards your YouTube algorithm success.

I strongly recommend that you consider exploring this option when trying to grow your smaller channel(s). It’s great to keep this format as part of a special feature for your channel even if you only leverage it during certain seasons. Keep in mind that this content is FOREVER in your archives and will still have viewers long after you’ve posted it and can potentially continue to grow interest in your channel even if you don’t create more content in that area.

Call to Action…

Be intentional about creating a 30-Day YouTube Nonlinear Accelerated Growth plan. Brainstorm and/or research popular topics that you might actually already be engaged in within your everyday life that might be beneficial for your channel’s diversity.

If you’re interested in learning more about YouTube small channel growth or other impact and income increase for your channel, I invite you to check out a few of my other related articles below.

Enjoy reading and/or listening to…

5 Things You Should Know About Profitable Shifts for YouTube Channels for Business

Faceless Videos Are Becoming a Big Thing on YouTube & This Isn’t New

Create Massive Momentum & Marketing Magic with YouTube Shorts & Other Short-form Videos for Channels with Less than 100 Subscribers

Focus on Figures, Not Just Followers: How to Successfully Set Up Your YouTube Channel for Profits & Not Just Popularity with Under 300 Subscribers

Photo by Eyestetix Studio on Unsplash

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