Why You Don’t Actually Require Subscribers to Monetize Your YouTube Channel; However, It’s Best to Gain Several Followers for a Better Social Media Appeal & Presence

4 min readSep 22, 2022


Photo by Hello I’m Nik on Unsplash

In order to monetize your YouTube channel, you don’t actually have to gain any subscribers or if so, very few of them. I’m sure several of you are probably wondering how is this possible especially with all of the experts out there who are putting a lot of emphasis on gaining more subscribers as a chief focus.

Subscribers are indeed important; however, most who subscribe aren’t always the ones to buy from you (or at least not consistently) even though they are actively visiting your channel to enjoy your content. You’d be surprised how many people who actually just randomly come across your channel or who follow you but not subscribed end up being the one’s that support you with their dollars on a more regular basis. They often do end up becoming subscribers but originally may not be.

One of the ways I’ve monetized my channels when I had little subscribers, is with high-volume publication sales and also video-talks that would lead into my VIP Intensives. Several of these buyers weren’t subscribed, they were interested in the products or services either mentioned in a video or content within the description and just followed through with a purchase instead of subscribing.

Did you know that if you’ve watched a person’s video even without being subscribed to their channel you will still see videos come up from them in your feed of your home page. Often, people think they have subscribed to your channel, or they just prefer visiting your channel when they desire which doesn’t require them to get notifications or have to add you as a subscription. Much like not getting a sales paper from a certain store that you frequent yet you still go there without knowing what’s on sale. When you feel the need to go you will just go and discover what they have on sale or new items when you get there.

While others might receive the sales paper and never go or take advantage of the opportunity. The point is people will prioritize you in their agenda in whatever ways they see fit. Yes, it’s great to encourage/invite them to subscribe and follow your channel through notifications; however, for profitability (at least in the beginning phases of your channel) it’s not required to have any or many subscribers.

Indeed, for presence-sake, it’s best to have the social appeal and presence with having a nice size following. You can have both popularity and profitability; however, as a business owner in the online space, I would focus on, adding tremendous value; however, I would encourage you to go the unpopular route and focus on developing a profits model for consistent high-level and high-end success. After you’ve done that part and anchored your profitability model, it’s time to focus more on your audience growth and impact model that can lead to more profitability.

Photo by Melanie Deziel on Unsplash

If you want to monetize your channel for profits from YouTube without having several subscribers, start thinking of ways that you can create and/or feature products, publications, platforms and/or services leveraging mini-talks, short-form videos that lead-into others exploring the comment section for your pinned post with the featured opportunity or the information within the description.

To level up in this area, I have five articles below that will help you feel confident to move forward with your channel and grow it correctly even if you have zero or less than 10 to 500 subscribers.


Create Massive Momentum & Marketing Magic with YouTube Shorts & Other Short-form Videos for Channels with Less than 100 Subscribers

Nonlinear Business Growth Tips for YouTube Channels with Less than 200 Subscribers

Focus on Figures, Not Just Followers: How to Successfully Set Up Your YouTube Channel for Profits & Not Just Popularity with Under 300 Subscribers

Revenue Recognition Your Way on YouTube: The Art of Creating Monetized Success Customization with Less than 400 Subscribers

YouTube Revenue Your Way: Creating Customized Monetized Success with Less than 500 Subscribers

Photo by Gianandrea Villa on Unsplash

I hope this article was extremely beneficial and the others recommended above to be valuable as well. I would love to hear how this resonated with you. I invite you into other parts of my social media multiverse by joining me on https://linktr.ee/majestyalinicolewow.

If you would like to learn more about upcoming mastermind cohort events, VIP Consulting Intensives, products on this topic or to book me for virtual speaking engagements, email wowshedoesitallmedia@gmail.com




THE MULTIHYPHENATE MAGNATE EMPIRE AUTHORITY, CEO of MAJESTY ALL-MIGHTY WOW! SHE DOES IT ALL, 500+ Digital Products at https://majestyalinicolewow.gumroad.com